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  1. Payon Clinic - right outside Thapae Gate - Been going to Dr Jay for near 20 years now. Small independent clinic and I bet they will do their best to fit you in.... Very clean and nice people there. Good luck.
  2. I could care less about who is vaxxed - not my business... I just don't like old people who spit when they talk...
  3. I too subscribe but then content providers embed their own advertisements...
  4. vexed or not ok - spit shields a requirement
  5. it might be ok if you don't sit directly opposite in case the person sneezes or spits his food when he laughs...
  6. You are badly missing the point - it is not that people don't agree that there is wasted money - - but who they put in charge of doing the job...
  7. where do we go for the fresh air and spring water?
  8. So, you don't like it when people take shots at your homeland, but don't mind crapping on others...?
  9. Jim Tripper - Not sure how much is left but with all that travel and doing this and that - it doesn't sound like the road to financial independence... How much are all those lattes? Worked in a casino and cannot know that it is a 100% road to losses? How can it end for such an unaware person? And why does he think he is still young? Is it the same guy in the other YouTube videos? I feel sorry for him but it seems between construction and casino work, he had plenty of opportunities. What words could help him?

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