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  1. Wow - thank you so much.... my ex wife had a very sweet cockateel and he was very smart but also a pain in the butt...
  2. what are they?
  3. Beyond the usual cats and dogs - what are your favorite animals to keep? We have dogs and Tilapia - what are the pros and cons of other of your favorite animals? Goats? Pigs? Rabbits? Birds? I would like a parrot but I think they get too attached to their owners/partners and would be too stressful to keep..
  4. That violates my definition of easy.
  5. no - outgoing only.
  6. I call infrequently... and sometimes not for months...
  7. I would give the hundred to both of them... I think 20 baht doesn't rent you the spoon for a bowl of soup anymore... I guess 50 baht is ok - - but, really not that much.
  8. I have been buying CATphonenet cards from NT Is there a better way? I am not asking about making free calls on Line etc... these are usually one time calls to businesses.... Thanks.
  9. Orangutans are skeptical Of changes in their cages And the zookeeper is very fond of rum Zebras are reactionaries Antelopes are missionaries Pigeons plot in secrecy And hamsters turn on frequently
  10. like Billy Pilgrim? He came unstuck.
  11. Huh? When I mentioned savings I was implying that it was savings from prior years. Not yesterdays paycheck. My savings goes back decades and I am assuming from what I have read, that would not be taxable even if brought into the country. If you know differently, please let me know.
  12. I thought the tax was on profits from the current year. This cannot be calculated during the current year. The money that I have brought over is long time savings that was earned many years ago and as I understand it, is not subject to tax.
  13. Well, good luck with it - I wish you the best - I would be a customer for something like that too... maybe you could start a trend for a younger generation of Thai people.
  14. Thai peoplle are not really into 2nd hand - you won't even see yard sales and such - usually if an item has any value, it is scooped up by a family member.

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