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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. yeah, 2x a day works too...
  2. You got a bus to catch?
  3. Well, doe snot kissing does not sound attractive... ah - ok - a typo... some do, some don't.... covid season and all, maybe more don't lately..
  4. personally, I don't like any commutes. When I had stores in NYC, I lived in back of the store... 5 hours a day is a big chunk of your life to be sitting in exhausted filled traffic..
  5. that would be very noisy at every red light... good try that wouldn't work..
  6. my condolences to Joseph S. may your wife rest in peace...
  7. when I was in my 20s, a friend and I used to wonder about purpose of life - - her friend told her that she used to do the same until she had a kid... then she stopped wondering about purpose. Boredom can be a sign of intelligence... you need to find a new focus... And ignore some of the posters here who portray themselves as having a perfect life - - even at an older age... their reality is not as beautiful as their posts... but delusion can be a good way to go... The simple truth is that you can choose your own road and your attitude towards it... and it is simply more pleasant to choose an easier road than to beat yourself up over past diversion and mistakes... even the head braggart on this forum made mistakes too
  8. so sad.. my niece is 17 next week - I am sorry for your loss and pain and sadness...
  9. Thankfully, I did that 20 years ago - so, if the philosophy holds, you are on the right track... I hear some analysts say, these are different times - - and at my age [110] you adjust your philosophies anyway because spending the money at 130, well, there is just less fun to be had... and losing some in the short term, well that is losing some in what might be the only term... so, I have become more cautious... used to be 80% invested and now I am 10-15% invested... just wait until you are 100 years old, you will understand.
  10. If you find one who can still talk with you, that is..
  11. I checked with a bank here and they would not open a foreign investing account for a minor - I think the age they told me was 20 or 21... My father had me reading the Wall street Journal when I was 8 yrs old and had me investing my allowance..
  12. yeah? So how is your mining company doing lately? They give you 5% interest and goes down 20% for the year?? [not sure of the numbers for your particual favorite but pretty sure of the direction... ]
  13. you don't need the 200 more to qualify... the 200 is on top of medicare and social security and all the spending programs... people live a long time now and the lifetime benefits are enormous... add in military pensions and disability... you may not think it is being rich, but ask a coal miner or steel worker who retired 200 years ago...
  14. A Scottish economist a couple of hundred years ago said that democracies ultimately fail because eventually the people vote themselves rich... of course in USA they seem to be finding plenty of reasons for the democracy to fail lately... I think there is something in the air or water...
  15. your blood pressure being a little high can be just from the anxiety of seeing a doctor. I think one of the people I trust most for medial issues is my pharmacist. She is terrific and even knows all the doctors in CM... I have known her a long time is she is frank with me and will also tell me if she doesn't know. In addition, I do know some people who seem to be knowledgable abt medical issues from their personal experience. Ultimately, you are in charge of sorting it out yourself. Anything that is covid related, I am not sure how much experience anyone has on this... Best of luck sorting it out.
  16. I like the freshness of the a/c but after a while it can get cold and I often shut it down... i like to think that the person who sleeps with me is also a fan...
  17. was this just - hey, free advice while I am here... or were you paying for a second consultation? This too can make a difference - did you pay separately for your time?
  18. Many of the doctors who work in the hospitals also run clinics.. some are better than others but you need to find out their specialties. And even then, they are people and have good and bad days...
  19. They are buying "hope" And hope is a good thing.
  20. so, an apparent injury is not an injury to a parent...
  21. enlighten me - I havejust started buying frozen blueberries and eat them frozen... like candy... what am I eating - and should I care?
  22. Is there one airline that is better or has a biz class seat? And for how much? And for a two or few week trip is it practical to leave my car in the parking lot? And how much per day?
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