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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. Can't say I read all of this, but I didn't really come up with a question either... Everyone has a past, many Thai people don't want to share their entire past - - so, you are left w/what you see is what you get... it's really up to you. Right? ps - You don't seem to show any particular affection for her...
  2. Not Hmong - there was a store on Loi Kroh that had a couple of these - bought mine private... the back side is even cooler, has warriors and such...
  3. This is not a shirt, it is a robe and the fabric is undeniably old - - maybe I should get a photo for you...
  4. My first biz was as an antique dealer long ago... had shops in West Village NY... I didd try exporting some of the Thai woodwork crafts but US customs chainsawed 40% of my first shipment... My wife prefers modern. I did get a great buy on a 100 year old Chinese shaman robe that is gorgeous and hangs in our home... Even my wife respects the age and condition.. I have never heard of a Thai flea market if you are talking about garage sale type items... most anything of value is passed along to family members. I have been to villages that sell craft type items but they are a bit touristy.. I have also been in hilltribe villages that are just villages, not in touristy areas...
  5. would my average age and my median ago be the same? I am going to say just a tad above 35...
  6. I never wash my hands at a public rest room... I always assume my thing is much cleaner than the faucet.. at least I know where it has been and who might have touched it, as opposed to a public faucet..
  7. oh no no no no!! And shaking a sweaty hand, cold, wet, fishy... is also really disgusting...
  8. I used to have a backpack - now I have a closet.
  9. nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded... Yogi Berra...
  10. Thai say.. poor people play lottery Rich peoole play stock market
  11. After rolling stone magazine moved to nyc i would go to central park once a week to play softball on their team. I was a ringer center fielder. That was abt it for going past 14th street.
  12. It was just a romantic night trip.. out on the water and cheap too. I think i only did it a couple of times. Rarely left the west village
  13. My dates go back to the 1970s and I really don't remember much... I don't own a suit of any kind - - so, I will stay here
  14. but this forum works as a substitute?
  15. We used the ferry as a romantic date... from Greenwich Village... [west] Sure, we went RT and never got off...
  16. I was from Philly for 4 years of University... Delancey Street, Bookbinders, Cheesesteaks, Ronnies, Drink a highball at nightfall, Hy Lit... what more would you need to know...
  17. no. I think all you have to do is say "Archie Bunker" and that takes it all in..
  18. oh geez, now we need a new set of bathrooms.. I just identify as an Asian Lesbian... so, I ain't squatting where you do...
  19. Most of what you want is easily done by yourself.. I really don't think you need a buddy to sit w/you... and I am someone who loves using an agent to fill out my visa forms... ps - Summer is March and April which is hot season and when school kids have their summer vacations...
  20. He doesn't sound very angry... Are you sure he is white?
  21. Thanks Mods - you can close now...
  22. Per month? No idea Most every day that I go into town... local errands, usually not.
  23. oh geez, I went to a prep school and came out of it never wanting to wear a jacket and tie again... have not owned one of either in many years...
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