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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. some of us are actually here because we like/want to be here and this is our first choice of a place to live.
  2. from the temple down to the 7/11? I have a GF like that --
  3. yea, read it again - it was a joke - see the laugh emoji I got?
  4. yes, give them a call - their service is terrific...
  5. That makes sense.. any company writing first class insurance on motorcycles here is probably out of business long ago...
  6. just make sure you have first class insurance - - then no worries...
  7. Some achieve celibacy - others have celibacy thrust upon them
  8. And how does this reconcile w/your other post about your loins? And lusting after someone else's wife? Though the saddest part is getting Pete Seeger stuck in your head..
  9. So, you are saying she has no interest in anything about you... Again, the allure of something you can't have... when you can make a list of her faults, and then have no problem accepting them, then you will have real love.
  10. Not just Thai - in the Western world, for TV anyway, there are laugh tracks that let us know when it is funny. Laughter is contagious. [cue a cymbal here]
  11. That is a contradiction.. happiness comes to each of us differently as we each define it differently,,, if it only comes due to hard work, which is not true, then pursuing it
  12. Not just Thailand - anywhere... FORGET IT!!! Most likely, you only love her so much [and no other] because you can't have her... forbidden fruit and all that. She will always look perfect at a distance. The reality of your love cannot be tested until she cuts some really awful farts under the sheets at night and you have to go sleep on the couch, then tells you her farts don't smell as bad as yours do... You don't seem to mention or care about her marital situation.
  13. chocolate will keep you in a good mood.. Phuket was ok in the early 80s but even then not great... there are much better beaches elsewhere.
  14. Afraid you might gain 1/2 a kilo? that could effect your IQ ps - Crazy is a type of fun and daring..
  15. The words Phuket and favorite don't go together for me... That said, many years ago [maybe 12+] I had a nice vacation at the Marriot Resort on the northern tip of the island and that was quite nice... I imagine that it is much more developed by now..
  16. Did you wash it down w/some clorox bleach? glad you got better - that's 1 point for our species..
  17. I make food for my niece who is home from school, then I nap... then I watch movies, and nap, swim a little and nap... and if I am not too tired from all the naps, I clean the dishes as my niece forgets to do them..
  18. Simon, a Brit name? Would you say it is ok to trash your own country and these days many of us do, but bad form to trash another persons country?
  19. maybe a walk once in a while might be nice? I am getting lazier too... seems a nap is just more convenient that a walk...
  20. Any carbonated beverages going down? Or something that might prompt gas? I can't see dragging anyone to a car physically - if she is that against it... if anyone tried to do that to me, it would surely be the last time they see me. what you might do is some research on your own, as this posting is [try google also] and maybe even go talk to a doctor yourself and get advice... not sure where you are but many doctors have their own clinics usually in the evening, smaller and less intimidating.. best of luck to your wife...
  21. Had Pfizer #2 yesterday... zero effects after first jab... my arm is a bit sore after 2nd but today, no fever, and my arm is ok... and even after the first, my dystopian mood turned more positive.. maybe these days of covid will pass - or ease up. We did lose a family member to covid in Bkk...
  22. Like Herman? I'm the eigth old man named 'enerry - 'ennerry the eigth I am..
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