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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. yes, of course there are - - don't be a wise ass - it is a question of usage... you dismiss/debate your cultural inefficiencies quite easily - no wonder you had issues here...
  2. unless there is some reason that they felt they deserved it and you had shorted them... [which they would not say verbally] I have seen many many times where farang have made or implied promises of money and things and never intended or had the means to deliver... sometimes it is done unintentionally by the farang as well... expensive vacations and restaurants that are part of a Western courtship tradition but here, might represent creating a false impression that the poor Thai guy from the village cannot employ..
  3. even if a farang husband is present?
  4. when I was first here in 1974 - whenever you met any farang in the street, you both stopped - to say hello and to exchange information... there weren't many of us... there also wasn't "on line" knowledge... I miss those days - and will sometimes engage a conversation w/a farang stranger - often w/a Thai stranger too... I can't imagine a stranger asking for a loan??? it's enough of a problem w/friends. Though sad to say, mostly, the farang here are rather boring... and as i get older and less willing to talk about the events of the day, maybe I am boring for them too...
  5. some people have minds that live in high rent districts... op - I think there is no question that there is a difference in how much 50k baht will buy now as opposed to 20 years ago... I used to fill to overflowing a cart of groceries and such at Big C for 1000 baht ++ but now, not even close. Pattaya - and what is has to offer, well, I would think 50K a month is not going to go to far... though maybe the question is better looked at in terms of - - as compared to what? what kind of lifestyle will it buy at home in OZ?
  6. With the recent news of farang pricing in hospitals... how does this effect the Thai wife of a farang? Would she receive farang pricing if accompanied by a farang husband who was paying the bills? Or is it better for the farang to remain in the background?
  7. It might have served you well to have learned something more of the culture... If I remember correctly, in one post you complained of doing work for your in-laws and being deeply insulted by not even getting a thank you... It is just that it is not part of their customs to verbalize this. I remember many decades ago, buying a [cheap used] car for one of my artist suppliers and feeling hurt that he never said thank you. You can't blame him for not knowing that is our custom. Fortunately I was aware of many of the cultural difference before moving to the village and learned to keep my eyes open and learn both language and customs and not assume anything. I have done a lot for my wife's family, my family, because I could and though I don't think I was ever 'thanked' in a Western way [ how could they know such things?] I see it in their actions, trust and so many many many ways... It also dates back to the early 1800s when the first Chinese traders arrived that it was advantageous for a lovely young Thai lady to marry well [financially] I think there was a time here when people thought all farang were rich and that may have left some ladies quite disappointed in their choices. Marriage is rarely the type of partnership that it is for 20 year olds in the Western World... especially when there are age and educational and societal class differences... and this goes for me too. I am sure my wife had more than just romance in mind when she married me - she was hoping for a better life [financially] So, disappointment and mis-understandings can be present on both sides. I would love to hear your wife's version of what went wrong in your marriage...
  8. First part is correct, there should be a reasonable surcharge for needing extra attention... and translation... The idea that nobody would complain?? People on this forum talk about throwing a hissy over 20 baht dual pricing at a National Park... [In USA there is plenty of dual pricing that goes on, even w/residents of different states or counties having to pay more for everything from golf to education]
  9. I am looking for a new car.. 1 to 2 million baht. I looked at a crv 10 years ago and liked that it was suv height but you did not have to climb into it. Any new specs in the last 10 yrs? Any suggestions welcome as i have no particular requirements..
  10. Orchard is nice and was quiet. If you have limitatiins I would not trust a trainer. Just take it very very slow. A trainer will think it is their job to push you and over 70 i get a strain very easily.. go very slowly and you likely will still hurt yourself a little.. don t push it
  11. sorry. i did not read all the posts but you might be missing this... Thailand locked down early and had about a year of nearly no covid while you guys were dropping like flies..
  12. I have been cooking so much the last few months that I am looking forward to going to a kitchenware store.. I saw a commercial from usa for a teflon style orange frying pan that doesnt chip or scratch and I got excited.. what is an air fryer? I am frenzied at the thought!!
  13. it is a side effect of the pfizer jab.. supermarkets look big and exciting.
  14. or maybe she is sad because he did buy her some bitcoin at 50k
  15. i think the biggest thing for me would be the free download to my itunes if that is easily done??
  16. I would say there are better things to do with a Thai woman... just my opinion.
  17. The OP - Sometimes people who attempt sarcasm don't do it in a recognizable manner...
  18. rule of thumb is pretty simple - if it is legal ok - if you are skirting a law, not ok...
  19. Containment - if you have one area that is infected you try not to mix that w/another area that is not... same like food. You would not put rotten food in the same container w/fresh food.
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