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Everything posted by connda

  1. The same a Anutin saying, "Ai farang," when tourists wouldn't take his masks three years back. The expletive, "ai" is the problem.
  2. You mean this? "In the English language, the word negro is a term historically used to denote persons considered to be of Black African heritage. The word negro means the color black in both Spanish and in Portuguese , where English took it from. The term can be construed as offensive, inoffensive, or completely neutral, largely depending on the region or country where it is used, as well as the context in which it is applied." Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negro
  3. And the Thai word for the N-word is what? I don't buy this as the N-word is a foreign word to Thais. If they are going to use it, it would sound like the N-word. It's like the ref calling me farang and then me complaining, "I can understand Thai. He scolded me so clearly: Whitey! Like the word farang which is used for light skinned people of EU origin, the terms kon dam and kon kerk are in the Thai lexicon to label dark skinned people of African and equatorial regions and Central Asians and Middle Easterners. Is that racist? That's been debated to death on this forum. Did the ref say "Ni**ga" in Thai? I highly doubt it. And if he said kon dam or kon kerk, is it anymore racist that kon farang?
  4. It's about time. I'm not pro-methamphetamine. I've known tweekers in my life-time and meth is bad, bad news. But throwing users into jail accomplishes nothing good. Users need medical interventions, not prison.
  5. So what? Myanmar folks will keep popping the young'uns out and in 60 years this will be ThaiMar. Most people now reading this will be long dead. For that matter, given the way things are going? The only surface dwellers will be the Eloi.
  6. Remember the Kuwaiti babies being thrown out of incubators by Iraqi soldiers. Same, same.
  7. So we can scratch off "newbee2022" from the "Empathic" list.
  8. Empathy is the precursor to compassion and forgiveness. In most cases I'm pretty empathic. However, 26 years after my daughters death, I'm still having issues feeling empathy for the guy who killed her. It's a work-in-progress.
  9. Thanks! Pure satire. I'm way past the rant stage. Been there, done that.
  10. Older A/C in apartments aren't as efficient as inverters and an old, unserviced A/C can suck a ton of electricity while delivering very little cool air. Plus your landlord will scrape cream off of the top of the electric bill as well.
  11. You're getting ripped off. Find the source. Find your meter and take pictures monthly and compare to your bill.
  12. Thailand objects to displaying of graphic images from Hamas attack on Israel I'm assuming that graphic images of Israel's attack on Gaza are acceptable then? I'm mean, it's just "self-defense."
  13. Sidewalks in Thailand: Make "sidewalks." Plant trees saplings that will become large trees in the middle, add street signs and utility boxes, erect signage for private business that span the entire width of the sidewalk, place pots and planters, construct a cement wall extending to the street in front of your business, place cones out into the street and rope from the wall to the cones, hang signs across sidewalk at eye level, thank the city for creating "off-street parking" in front of your business where you can park multiple vehicles including cars, trucks, and motorcycles, alternate roadway for motorcycles and cars. Streets in Thailand: A place where vehicles drive and pedestrians walk.
  14. Compared to iHerb, Lazada is wayyyyyyyy over-priced as well. I use them in a pinch, like when iHerb is out of stock.
  15. iHerb. Currently shipping for free if your order is $40 or over. Supplements are wayyyyy overpriced here.
  16. The uptake of the "free" boosters in the US has been abysmal. Once people have to shell out $120 bucks for a booster - well - suddenly most of the population will become "vaccine hesitate" at least according to the Main-Stream-News who will of course blame "anti-vaxxer" propaganda. The fact that the shots fail of stop those who receive it from contracting the disease, and people like myself who never took the shots in the first place only came down with mild flu-like symptoms that were a nuisance for a few days - well - that will be ignored. It's gonna be a hard sell. Wise individual investors would have shorted Pfizer stock months back when the writing was on the wall. Wait for the WHO to declare another pandemic and then BTFD. 🐻
  17. I hate the words "sustainable" and "unsustainable" as they are buzz words with at best vague definitions. If Khun Pisit means that it will hammer the Thai treasury, burden the tax payers, and over-heat the economy leading to high rates of inflation that will eat multiples of the government's "gift1" to the people and ultimately leave the population poorer and more indebted then before the scheme, then I agree that it is "unsustainable." 1 Gift - A campaign promise to give away public funds to voters in return for their votes. Legalized vote buying.
  18. Imagine you are a powerful person. Then one day some idiot decides to break and entr your home and ends up killing and injuring some people. As a powerful person you can bring the entire weight of the state down on the perpetrator of the crime. So you order your agencies to find and kill the criminal. In their zeal those tasked with finding and exterminating the perpetrator in extrajudicial style claim it's "a war on terror" and act accordingly by killing the perpetrator's immediate family, extended family, friends and acquaintances, business partners, as well as leveling the perpetrator's house and the rest of the neighborhoods surrounding the targeted home. Then they target anyone who is the same ethnicity and religion as the perpetrator (as they are all suspected "terrorists" now) and begin to target them as well, as their ethnicity and religion must defacto associate them with the 'terrorist act' of the perpetrator. In fact, to send a message you continue the slaughter as the "terrorists" must pay the price of 10, 20, 50, 100 eyes for an eye; 10, 20, 50, 100 teeth for a tooth. In fact, you now claim you can end "terror" by eliminating everyone except for your own family and friends in the region. This of course is called "an act of self-defense."
  19. Nope. 30 day "under consideration" is every time. It's a rather Byzantine system of bureaucracy that extols the value of multiple copies of the exact same paperwork, year after year after year after year after year after year........ You'd think that in order to spare their own system the excesses of bureaucratic overkill that after, say, 10 years of marriage they'd streamline the process. Nope. Duplicate copies of the same freaking paperwork over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over..... Regarding the "under consideration" though. That's just the amount of time they give themselves to have the duplicate paperwork shoveled into the gaping maw of the central immigration office so they can compare it to the last 15 copies they have on file. It's just part of the Dance Of The Immigration Bureaucrats. I'll be married 16 years this year. Haven't left Thailand in 14 years. But? Next extension it's the same paperwork, in duplicate, which will be scoured with the same bureaucratic diligence to make sure that my wife and I are "really married" and not "gaming the system." Maybe at my 20th extension after 20 years of marriage they'll send an Immigration crew out to make sure the neighbors can verify that we are still living together and a married couple. But like you (and everyone else doing this annual dance with immigration?) It will end with a 30 days "under consideration" followed by a trip to immigration to have your passport stamped. Look up "Einstein's definition of insanity" on Google Search.
  20. I had Covid. It was a mild flu-like illness. I never took a Covid shot. I'm in my 70s. Shouldn't I be dead? Shouldn't I have 'long covid?' This is common knowledge... I should be dead or have long covid because I'm an 'anti-vaxxer.' Right? Yet.
  21. Go to a government hospital. If you just need a clinic, go to an Amphur level government hospital. The cost is fair. Ask BritManToo who just got run-down by a car while on a motorcycle. The trade-off on pricing is the wait. And you will wait. Even with that said, to be honest, for consultations? I'd still go to a private hospital as consultations are generally cheap.
  22. Interestingly enough, those reputation points use to show up about your post count on any post you made. Now since the 'upgrade?' Hai bpai. Gone! I liked to see those posted front and center in members post avatars as it gave me a feel for the community's relationship to the member. I wish they would put it back personally.
  23. Or here. I'm not sure why you say you're getting an "endless loop." These are static web pages with nothing but information on how to fill out and submit a DS-82 passport renewal here in Thailand. Best of luck. https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/passports/instructions-for-ds-82-processing-by-mail-and-online-fee-payment-for-u-s-citizens-residing-in-thailand/
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