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Everything posted by connda

  1. I agree with that. I added an SSD to a slug-slow laptop and it made a world of difference. And as Crossy inferred, it depends what software you plan to run on it. If its a gaming system? You are wayyyyyy under-powered. If for doing homework. It will be just fine.
  2. It sucks to live in an American inner-city, specially in a Blue State. Yeah, they are war zones. And Soros funded liberal prosecutors keep it that way - Chaos.
  3. You, like most of the anti-firearm brigade, have never registered a legal hand-gun in Thailand. It is a long, cumbersome, exercise in bureaucratic paper-shuffling. As well, hand-guns cost 5 times what they cost in the US. The average Thai doesn't have an extra 90K to 120K of disposable income to buy a legally purchased firearm. Thailand's gun laws are strict, and if you get caught with an unregistered firearm it's hefty fines and possible prison time. Now - the availability of black market firearms? That's a different animal as I'm well aware that they are available and affordable. But saying the gun laws are pathetic. You have no idea what you're talking about. Get caught with a black market firearm and you are in a world of hurt. Get caught wielding your registered firearm in public and you are in a world of hurt.
  4. Expat AN members who believe their own 💩 smells like 🌹, and then everyone but their own nationality are 🐃 💩. This is an exercise in ethnocentrism and borderline ethnic hatred. Tread carefully.
  5. For your kid? That's fine. I'd suggest wiping the hard-drive and reinstalling WIndows. It's probably not a licensed copy anyway. You never know what comes with a pre-installed version, especially here in Thailand.
  6. There is an incorrect assumption that rice farmers burn their fields. Here in my corner of Northern Thailand, nobody burns their fields. Ox gaze the fields and corn and rice stubble is cut and sold. Everything else is plowed under come Rainy Season. However, sugar cane is a different story. So is the Big Ag supported corn growers who plant the denuded mountains in Mae Hong Song. They do burn and it's freaking terrible as far as AQI.
  7. As we have found out since 2020, conspiracy theory leads conspiracy fact by a few months to a few years. The term "conspiracy theory" is a pejorative aimed to shut-down any discussion regarding a subject except for the Authoritarian so-called authoritative narrative.
  8. You gotta arrest and prosecute the arsonists, which are generally villagers who set fires to clear the undergrowth so they can collect mushrooms. It's like Thai "Omertà." Everyone knows who is setting the fires but clam up because they benefit in the Rainy Season when the mushrooms grow. Mushroom collection is big business in rural Northern Thailand. The reality is that they don't have enough low-paid forest service employees to stop the arson, and those same people are part of the villages themselves. There would be massive social push-back on villagers working in the forest service who are doing their jobs attempting to stop the arson.
  9. And they have a path to Thai Citizenship which a foreign man married to a Thai woman will never have. I read years back that the rationale for that is that foreign men married to Thai women are a national security risk. Go figure.
  10. What yearly home visits? You obviously haven't had marriage extensions spanning a decade. I have. One home visit the first year. One visit after the Erawan Bombing as the Thai government went nuts and thought that all foreigners are terrorist. In the 15 years I've lived here that's the total number of times I've seen the immigration police in my neighborhood. Get your facts straight.
  11. Well in that case he's 60 year old an in his entire adult life he's yet to figure out how to manage money. This isn't the place to live if he's living paycheck to paycheck. And if he's living paycheck to paycheck, how long has he been overstaying?
  12. A plane ticket back to his home country, or to a country where he can legally work. This ain't one of them.
  13. Yeah, the brand I use now is a faction of the price and a fraction of the accuracy I do believe. Affordable but accurate is what I'm looking for, so anything in the 1000 to 1200 THB range I consider affordable.. We don't need something in the two to three times the price range if a more affordable meter will do the same job accuracy-wise. Thanks.
  14. Which model? I see Accu-chek "Active," "Instant," and "Performa." Interestingly enough, if you go to Accu-Chek's website, none of the meters on Lazada are listed on their website.
  15. And therein lies the issue with purchasing them online. I get the feeling that buying from a pharmacy would be a better idea.
  16. No, I'm not. My brain was obviously not engaged. I meant "Fasting" as in FBS.
  17. Mods. Can you change the title to "Recommendation for Fasting Blood Sugar testing meter." I did not mean "free" I meant "fasting."
  18. Here's reality. How many times have your heard of a farang (or Thai) being arrested for possession of a BB gun? Personally I haven't. A real hand-gun? Plenty. The hand gun arrests generally happen when someone is carrying in public or actually uses it to shoot someone but doesn't have a government permit to own it. So go with the flow. if you have a freaking BB gun? Stop fretting about it and enjoy your target practice. And don't shoot anybody.
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