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Everything posted by connda

  1. Lazada Wallet - reality check. Can foreigners use it? I thought I read somewhere that Lazada Wallet didn't work for foreigners who applied.
  2. Given that a significant portion of Thailand is under drought conditions, and at least here in Northeastern Lamphun I venture that less than 60% of the fields are producing rice this year while the rest lay fallow. We ain't go no extra water. So what this may mean is that rice commodities middle men are getting filthy rich as Thailand back-fills rice export due to India's rice export ban - but - Thailand does so by screwing over their domestic supply and duly rogering the Thai public next year, as I fully expect domestic rice price to "surge" next year and by multiples of 12%.
  3. Try the Chromium browser. I've found that Lazada product pages aren't loading in Firefox (which I've found to be an all too common problem with FF over the last couple of years). Anyway, Chromium is open source (not Google) and works very well. In fact, Chrome is open-source Chromium that Google has d**ked with. I'd rather have less 'features" and a more stable platform. I'm starting to use Chromium as my "go to" browser now as FF pukes on more and more sites that I often use. And I have had no problems with Lazada logons using Chromium. Info here: https://www.chromium.org
  4. Justice whispers: Thaksin’s sentence may shrink yet. Every Thai and Expat in Thailand knows exactly what is about to transpire for Thaksin.
  5. Are people better now or back in the 1980s? 1980s
  6. Why not just come out and say, "Your taxi driver may rape you if you let your guard down?" Welcome to the Land of Smiles.
  7. The Weather Underground is usually pretty accurate, except this year when the forcast 75% chance of rain, we end up with fluffy clouds and sun. Ditto about the Nun's nasty.
  8. Not so much here in Northeastern Lamphun province. The catch basins for farming are still about 50% below normal and a whole lot of rice field are laying fallow this year. The local river is but a trickle. It's gonna have to do some serious raining in the next two months to catch up to normal, then expect higher rice prices next year as there will be shortages unless the Thai government limits exports. It bodes not well.
  9. Rimping in CM for Sweet Mango Chutney. I've got some in the frig.
  10. We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teachers, leave those kids alone. Hey, Teacher, leave those kids alone! All in all you're just another brick in the wall. All in all you're just another brick in the wall. "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!" I spent the first three years of education in the 1950s in a private British school. The quote above regarding 'eating your meat.' That's true. They'd serve up this horrid meat with blood vessel sticking out of it. And you'd be forced to eat it. "Aggghhhh." A throw-back to WWII scarcity. On the flip side - at that time British education was wayyyyyy ahead of schools in the US in STEM and general liberal arts. It was a excellent education. Now? The product of that US system comes to Thailand, bonks a 16 year old and probably will do time. None too smart methinks.
  11. Moron. So many babes and dude's gotta go for one who is under-aged. I've no sympathy. That's just stupid. Do stupid things, get stupid rewards - like prison.
  12. Pass legislation to allow same-sex couple to marry. That will bring them. The daughter of good friends of mine has been living with her girl-friend for over a decade. I'm sure they would come here if they could get a legal marriage.
  13. I buckle my seatbelt as soon as I sit in the car - Automatic. I put a helmet on before getting on my motorcycle just to drive to the local mom and pops. Automatic. Is that silly? In the time I've lived in the village, at least three people I know got killed on motorcycles. All of them from skull fractures among other injuries. Do I think it should be The Law that everyone wear seatbelts and helmets? Nope. But I also think that a Darwin Award awaits many of them who may have lived out normal lifespans had they done so.
  14. I'd rather sail the world while working on a container ship. Ex-navy. I really enjoy being out at sea for extended periods of time. If I had this life to do over again, I would have entered a maritime academy with the end goal of captaining a commercial ship. Not a cruise liner.
  15. The Red Bull heir is young and will simply wait out the statutes of limitation and walk back into Thailand a free man - and laughing and laughing and laughing at how he beat the system without seeing a day in the general prison population - just like Tony will be laughing and laughing and laughing at how he beat the system without seeing a day in the general prison population by playing the elderly, frail, Thai who is on death's doorstep and just wants to breath Thai air once more. ???? <wipes away crocodile tears> It will play out like a Lakhon soap opera. One system for the commoners; another for the connected wealthy and rich.
  16. Like other convicts, further clemency for Thaksin possible on important occasions Wake up. Any one with a functioning brain can see exactly where this is heading as the public is being primed for Thaksin's early release. You're average 'other convicts' will be rotting in jail long after Thaksin is a free man. Average commoners don't get clemency. Rich, connected, sick, ohhhh so sick and frail somebodies get clemency. Tony ain't seeing much more time under arrest in a hospital, no less seeing the inside of a prison cell.
  17. 71. I personally don't worry about it as long as I'm in reasonably good health. From the epidemiological data I've read, the people who have the worse time are those who are 75 and older, not in good health, and who have health issues such as diabetes, coronary problems, immune issues, and obesity. So in the meanwhile, exercise and eat right. After 75? Something will eventually kill you. That's just the way of it. If you get Sars-Cov-2 while battling some other disease, well, that may usher your passage off this moral world. Until then? As long as I have a healthy immune system, I'm personally not worried. Especially after contracting Covid as now I have Sars-Cov-2 antibodies and B and T cells immunological memory. If my immune system encounters a form of Sars-Cov-2 again, even a mutate form, it's primed to go into action. Honestly, that's the purpose of getting vaccinations. Then Virology 101: as the viruses mutate (and they all mutate) they become more infectious but less virulent, in other words you're more likely to catch it, but also your immune system is more likely to beat it down just like most healthy people will beat influenza. But? You gotta do whatever you feel makes you safe.
  18. Yep - had Covid (according to an rapid antigen test) at the beginning of last month. Two and a half days with a manageable fever. Splitting headache for the first 12 hours. Body aches with the fever for the next two days. After the fever broke, I felt "off" for another couple of days. And that was it. I stayed at home. It was never bad enough to consider seeing a doctor. Connda's Covid Adventure. Essentially it was 4 days with flu symptoms. I've had worse cases of influenza in the past. Rapid antigen test was back to normal on day 15. My immune system will take care of any future brushes with Sars-Cov-2 seeing that I've got antibodies. Once the antibodies decrease, then immunological memory will take care of any other SARS-based infections. (Immunological memory refers to the ability of B and T cells to produce long-lived memory cells that defend against pathogens1) I'm no more worried about future Covid than I am future influenza (which I haven't had for a couple of decades). And I don't take shots other than Rabies shots, but that's a different story. But! I highly recommend you get the Covid boosters if it makes you feel safer. Try private hospitals as they have a profit motive to keep mRNA Covid vaccines in stock as opposed to public hospitals. Source: Immunological memory 1. https://med.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Anatomy_and_Physiology/Anatomy_and_Physiology_(Boundless)/20%3A_Immune_System/20.6%3A_Humoral_Immune_Response/20.6D%3A_Immunological_Memory
  19. Check your blood pressure. Low BP can cause dizziness.
  20. I doubt I'll be growing opium poppies any time soon. Well, unless Anutin makes it a "cash crop."
  21. Nativity tends to be the bastion of Western expats who strap the anchor of their government's own pro-colonialist propaganda around their waists, and then fail to take off the rose-tinted glasses to see the realities around them when they leave their own borders and reside elsewhere in the world. China does not have 800 military bases world-wide in order to enforce Power Projection at the end of a gun for the enrichment of US-backed corporate and "stakeholder" interests. The United States (and it's allies) on the contrary - Do. ???? Take the time to read books by Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski or at least read policy papers from the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) (their magazine, Foreign Affairs, is less than $40/year) as US and Western foreign policy objectives are spelled out quite clearly for those who can read at a high school level. But most expats I know get their Geo-political viewpoints from 2 minute sound-bites on CNN or MSNBC or other MSM outlets, or short MSM filtered sound-bites from White House and State Department "Pressers", or from completely unbiased digital tomes like <laughs> Wikipedia. Filter a CFR policy paper through CNN, it gets edited to a few sound bites as the average MSM-consumer has the attention-span of a gnat, and what you get is quite simple: "China Bad; US Good" - if anyone says different? They are a <add pejorative here>, e.g., 'a propagandist.'
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