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Everything posted by connda

  1. Agreed. I can't reach a couple of sites in the US that I use for music practice.
  2. Try it now. Everything just went live again.
  3. Same here. Kudos for 3BB system administrators. <cheers>
  4. Whoo Hoo. I can reach https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login so it seems some servers within Thailand are accessible. Servers outside of Thailand? No joy. Interesting.
  5. I can ping www.aseannow.com and get returns, although sometimes there is a delay. However, I can't ping outside of Thailand, like Google's DNS server ping So it looks like the primary problem is talking with the rest of the world. Maybe the government has turned on the Great Thai Firewall? Anyway, it seems 3BB routing is f***ed to the outside world.
  6. Off and on in Lamphun even though the router is showing "Internet."
  7. Nothing like a topic on normal, run-of-the-mill diplomatic meetings between the new leader of Thailand and the leader of China to bring out the "Expats Who Abhor All Things China Committee" to throw copious amounts of shade at both Srettha and Xi. Like it or not, BRI and the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area agreements foster bilateral economic cooperation between neighboring countries in Asia, for the benefit of all countries involved.
  8. Red Bull boy is young enough that he will wait out the statutes of limitations and reenter Thailand a completely free man (while thumbing his nose at the family of the police officer he killed and Thai 'commoners' in general). "We submitted a Interpol Red Notice." Bunk. Interpol Red Notices are searchable and the last time I checked he name wasn't on the list. And why not? He's a billionaires heir. Untouchable. Kon Peeset. A special person, sorta like Tony.
  9. Thaksin arrives in Thailand August 22nd to serve 8 years in jail. A week later that 8 year sentence is 1 year. My guess is that he'll be under house arrest for "health reasons" and "humanitarian considerations" before the end of the month. "Ordinary prisoner?" Oh, Please, don't make me (and 70 million Thais) laugh.
  10. I think most Thai students, especially those given high grades based on participation vs merit, and rote learning vs analysis - will be in for a shock once they enter the Korean school system. However, if they can manage passing the Level 2 in the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK), they may be light-years ahead of their Thai peers. By the way - importing Thai students isn't going to do diddly-squat for the Korea population. Westernized ASEAN kids aren't reproducing either. So Thailand may be sending their 'best and brightest' away to the detriment of Thai society as a whole. But in the meanwhile, migrant labor from Myanmar are landing in Thailand to do, "the jobs Thais refuse to do (supposedly)" and unlike Thai kids, these younger folk from Myanmar reproduce and find it advantageous to do so in Thailand as a Myanmar child born in Thailand is very much an "anchor baby." That doesn't work for farang, but cheap labor from other less developed ASEAN nations are a different story. Speaking from discussions about Myanmar migrants that my wife initiates with me. How ironic, that after hundreds of years of attempting to conquer Thailand, Myanmar finally succeeds as Burmese migrants become a larger and larger subset of the Thai population.
  11. That is a routine. Very simple, but a routine none the less.
  12. Don't forget to take all of your dead friend's watches with you. ????
  13. I wonder how many days the average 1 day trip from BKK to CM will take once over 50% of the cars are EV? ????
  14. Then people should mind there own business. Too many busy-bodies in this world imho.
  15. The exact same people fearfully quoting Covid death statistics as though SARS-Cov-2 is a new form of The Black Plague never seem to go back to Pre-2020 and look at the epidemiological death stats for the annual flu and pneumonia stats. Yep, those annual Influenza death stats pre-2020 look amazingly like <drum roll> post-2020 Covid death statistics - and at the same time, influenza cases and death completely disappear. By the way, prior to 2020 the mass media and government agencies never kept a rolling death count over multiple years for any form of influenza, dengue, rabies, viral pneumonia, or any other viral pathogen. Yet they do exactly that for Covid. And they constantly quote it. Why? It produces maximum fear among the plebs, which seems to be the point. It's a form of agitation-propaganda that is a product of very sick minds.
  16. I agree with Sheryl. When I come across pills I can't identify, they get flush down the loo.
  17. Covid cured influenza. Didn't you know? Probably pneumonia too.
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