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Everything posted by connda

  1. My guess is that "Tony" has no plans to spend time in a Thai prison.
  2. Nope. It is what it is, speaking as a 70+ year old and watching the inevitable ravages of time. What I don't get are those who hold on as tightly as possible to a body in decay, like it's some kind of trophy, as well as their wealth: "He with the most toys at death wins." Actually not. He with the most toys at death probably will suffer immensely as they can't take all of that "stuff" with them. So - yeah. People our age should dwell on the eventually of death, kindle acceptance, and enjoy the moments we have left whether you believe there in Heaven/Hell, rebirth, or annihilation. It matters not in the here and now - Live for the moment.
  3. I just walked by my wife's TV set and noticed that "Tony" has brought a Red Revolution with him it seems. So much for long-run political stability in the LOS (Land of <colored> Shirts). But perhaps that is the point all along. Back to pre-2014 it seems.
  4. Here that sound? <flush.............> That's the sound of endemic corruption flushing the Dharma down the loo. Outside of the few forest monasteries still active in Thailand, the Dharma is disappearing and being replaced by ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ baht worship. Speaking as a ex-monk.
  5. AfD are far-right extremists - like Nazis AfD are far-right extremists - like Nazis, AfD are far-right extremists - like Nazis...... But If that doesn't work in creating enough fear and loathing, then go for The Big Lie, and have your friends in Big Tech, and Main-Stream Mass-Media repeat the following over and over and over. The dangerous far-right, neo-Nazi AfD are conspiring to overthrow the government... The dangerous far-right, neo-Nazi AfD are conspiring to overthrow the government... The dangerous far-right, neo-Nazi AfD are conspiring to overthrow the government... Repeat The Big Lie over and over and over again. Then declare the AfD as a terrorist organization and start arresting all citizens who hold traditional, conservative values. Watch for it, it's coming.
  6. "Far-right" is a pejorative term used to disparage large groups of citizens who refuse to cower to "Far-left" totalitarians who increasingly wield power via their 'public-private partnership' with Big Tech and Mass-Media. You control the ungovernable by marginalizing them. You marginalize them by repeating the pejorative over and over and over again and creating an environment of fear in the minds of those incapable of critical thought.
  7. There are places in Nepal and India I'd like to go to as well as Southern France and Southern Italy. Thailand? I've seen a lot of it and can pretty much figure out what to expect from the rest of it.
  8. Here's my thought. If I'm diagnosed with a fatal diseases with a life expectancy in the 12 to 18 month range, I flip a coin and hope I can get into the zone where I can apply for Part B and Part D to cover hospice care which is mostly covered by Part A. There is always option B: Become a member of the Pattaya Sky-Diver Club. I'm not looking for Medicaid to for anything but end-of-life care. Of course, that assumes I can still get on a plane. Unlike most people here, I just want to address the pain (palliative care) which Thailand sucks at, and call it a life. Most people I know want to live no matter what and being "survivors" and live into their 90s. I don't. The problem with the US is health care costs are "stupid expensive." Example: My wife just got Covid. A Molnupiravir prescription is free (well 30 THB). I haven't priced it here in Thailand for me from a government hospital, but I'd expect a generic course of treatment to cost maybe 500 THB. (I'll have to check). Not that I'd want it. In the US $850 USD $$$CHA-CHING$$$. That's amoral imho, yet pharmaceuticals gouge US citizens to the max - especially Medicare patients. And the US government allows them to do it. That's corruption in my opinion. But - If I'm dying but have time to make arrangements? OK. I'll purchase Medicare, move back to the US and croak. If I can't? Rope, high buildings, and other methods of "Palliative Care" are available when the Thai Health Networks refuse to provide actual "Palliative and Hospice Care." God - I hope it doesn't come down to that, but I'm mentally prepared if it does.
  9. I stopped trying to run credit reports as the companies (Experian et.al) ask obscure question about loan amounts and title companies and places I lived from freaking 20 to 40+ years ago. I've none of those records anymore.
  10. I log on to Skype every day simply to "mow the lawn," which is essentially blocking unwanted chat and telephone calls, reporting them as Spam or Fraud, and blocking them. How do these fools get my Skype number in the first place?
  11. And therein lies the rub as Shakespeare may say. It doesn't "download an app" but simply provides a custom web portal. It's still "web-based."
  12. Auto Debits have been available for a long while - and it will be a cold day in Hell the day I chose to allow a corporate entity to debit my bank account. Like - Never.
  13. Don't think Bangkok Bank isn't going to ditch the Bualuang web app soon. My guess is they probably will as the writing is on the wall.
  14. The concept of attaching my Samsung to a keyboard and monitor seems more hassle than I'm willing to expend. Imho, it only works if you're monitor is then connected to your phone in a way that you can use a finger to navigate. Personally I just detest the technology. And it is not physical disability friendly by any means.
  15. Sorta tough to do when your bank no longer has a web app to log in to. ???? If I'm missing something, let me know. I'm not being facetious. I'm actually interested. Also - Windows 10? Windows 11?
  16. I thinks he's writing this because Siam Commercial Bank (SCB Easy) just trashed their computer-based application which now only available via mobile phones. Like this guy, I prefer using a computer based application as my ageing fingers simple don't do mobile application keyboards and my eyes don't do the little screens. I just topped up my Bangkok Bank debit card account with some THB in order to use the Bualuang web-based application for transfers to individuals and retailers. (I knew I needed to keep that account around for a reason). These banks don't take in account elderly individuals with dexterity problems. But then again? Thailand doesn't seem to care much for disability inflicted persons in general. Do they? My computer screen? Large - to accommodate my failing vision. My computer keyboard? A device I can still use with trembling fingers unlike those da*m smart-phone suckola keyboards. I can still type at 40 words per minute. I'm lucky if its 10 words a minute on a smart-phone. Plus, cut/copy-and-paste is a hassle with shaking fingers. My mouse? A device to place a cursor where my shaking hand simply can't perform. Smartphones are a young pup's world. I don't want anything to do with them personally.
  17. Then his partner will slowly die.....
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