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Everything posted by connda

  1. If you have checked the rest of the West, especially US/Canada, the climate crazies are lighting off arson fires throughout the pristine forests then screaming, "Climate Change is gonna get you - see - Fires!" Aqi across many places in Canada and the US is just as bad as Chiang Mai during the 'burn season.' Here in Northern Thailand I understand the insanity of the annual burns, it's a pretty new event in the West. Which for me? One more reason not to return.
  2. Ditto. I reflect on the financial, societal, criminal, and political changes that have occurred in the US since I left. Then I look around at the slice of paradise where I live where there are no government bureaucrats attempting to regulate our lives (try modifying your property in the US without submitting a wad of paperwork, easements, legal papers, and regulatory applications - Gawd) - and yeah - I appreciate it. Although immigration can be a PITB, it's not a showstopper, and I pray it stays that way.
  3. I've got a cheap Suzuki Celerio and I've never experience that problem. Not "ventilated" as far as I know. Up until two minutes ago, I'd never heard of "ventilated seats."
  4. A few people here may agree with you, but from my experience the majority of members here don't want to debate global totalitarianism, and they would rather kick back, relax, and enjoy their lives here in the LOS. You're most likely to simply be mocked. Just saying...
  5. "Thai authorities have called on Thai drivers to pay their traffic fine tickets by April 1st. Those who remain overdue on their payments for 30 days will be fined 2,000 baht and have their driving scores cut." 2000 THB fine. <laughs> Whoo Hoo. That will scare them, 'eh? And they'll add - <gasp> - Driving Points!!! I think Thailand traffic ticket system is like Drew Carey's Whose Line Is It Anyway. "It's the game where everything's made up and the points don't matter." Exactly!
  6. Ditto. Dental implants are invasive. They require an extraction, then a "bone-graft" or a procedure to inject a bone-like substance in the hole to provide an anchor for the implant. Then you need to heal which takes 2 to 3 months or more. Then! The dentist will screw in the implant rod (again - traumatizing the jaw bone) and your back to healing again. First line approach is to get a root-canal and crown. As you age you make end up losing teeth - it's just the way it goes. If you lose a molar in the long run, then you may want to consider an implant. It it's you back molars, you can live without them. If it's the second back molars then you may want to consider an implant if you lose them and it leave a significant hole in your biting surface. So - root canal first.
  7. Back to "China Bashing" again I see. ????
  8. Any bets that it will be "house-arrest" within 6 months, and a pardon within two years? ????
  9. He's doing the "Biden Lahaina Nod." It's a common occurrence for geriatric politicians who don't know when to retire and allow the next generations to take the reins of power. Well, at least Prawit has the common sense to finally head out to pasture (or be put out to pasture more likely as these elderly power junkies never seem to want to voluntarily quit). Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzz ???? "You're ageist!!!" Not at all. As a guy in my 70s I can reflect back on the fact that society urges seniors to retire around 65 (Thailand pretty much forced retirement for all Thais at 60). Why should politicians world-wide, and especially in Thailand, be any different? I personally believe that society is enhanced by the new values and ideas of Gen-Xer and Millennials - it a breath of fresh air in a stale room - like opening the windows at a nursing home to air out that smell of age. "See! You're ageist!!!" Nope - if you can't stay awake in meetings, you shouldn't be in power. Never once in my life did I ever "nod off" in any meeting, or at any time during my working life - ever. It's a sign that your productive days are water under the bridge - and it shows disrespect and contempt for the office you hold as well as the people you serve. Grab a Margarita, head to the beach with the kids and grand-kids, and enjoy what's left of life instead. ????????️
  10. Prawit! Don't forget all of your dead friend's watches when you check out, 'eh?
  11. Justice Ministry Accused Of Granting Undue Privileges To Thaksin More accurately: Justice Ministry Accused Of Granting Undue Privileges To The Wealthy In Thailand's Two-Tiered "Justice" System. It's not just Thaksin.
  12. Bingo! I was using the wrong search term, "notebook" vs "binder." @HappyExpat57Thanks much!
  13. You didn't bother to look at the results.
  14. If you spend a couple of thousand baht for a flight, I'd suggest Maharaj teaching hospital in Chiang Mai. Had it done in 2011 for 18K THB. Mesh surgery, private room. Top notch.
  15. I'm looking for a run-of-the-mill 3-ring notebook like the type most of us old codgers used when we were in school or university. I looked on Lazada and Shopee and..........zip, zero, nada. Has anyone seen 3-ring notebooks for sale anywhere in Chiang Mai and vicinity.
  16. Wife and I signed up a couple of years ago. Easy breezy.
  17. I'm assuming the prescription for his ills are a pardon or the withdrawal of all charges. He'd be fit as a fiddle within a day or two.
  18. Typical Thai Immigration: Different offices, different rules. US passports are no-glasses. However, I'm blind as a bat. I've always used 4x6 pictures while wearing glasses for my TM-7 submissions. Never had a problem in Chiang Mai or Korat districts. But with Thai Immigration? Nothing surprises me anymore.
  19. Translated: Align with China and we'll sanction you into oblivion.
  20. I've had village acquaintances show up at my house drunk. I drink on occasion but it's been a loooong time since I've gotten drunk. However, Thai guys don't seem to know when to stop. Then the inhibition go down and they show up on your door-step smelling like a distillery. I did it the Thai way - indirectly. I let my wife know to tell villagers that I don't want drunks showing up at the house. Sober? Happy to talk - but? Sober guys don't show up. I haven't had that problem for a few years now. Plus our pack of nine dogs tend to dissuade casual visitors. We added to the pack after it become known that my wife worked with police to get the local monk busted on yaba charges. Opss!
  21. Utter bunk imho. He's playing the "frail, elderly senior" card. Considering he's my age? I find it despicable. As a billionaire he has access to the best food, the best trainers, and the best doctors. "Frail." Only when you're attempting to weasel out of a prison sentence. ????
  22. My guess? The world will go back into Covid Lockdown Mode by October and tourism as well as "non-essential" mom & pop and small business will be decimated by this time next year. Tourism will be back in the trash-bin once more. Those who wish to rule the world know how to make the common-folk dance to their tune.
  23. Breakfast? A couple of cups of coffee. Usually don't eat until late afternoon. Never been much for breakfast even as a kid. However back in the day when I lived in Ocean Beach, CA I'd occasionally indulge in a Mexican breakfast and a couple of Dos XX brews on the weekends before heading out to surf.
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