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Everything posted by connda

  1. Simply? It's not the actual temperature but it's what you subjectively feel like the temperature is. Which is relative. Someone getting off the plane in Chiang Mai is going to feel like its a HELL of a lot hotter than those of us who are acclimatized. On the positive note, were starting to pop some local thunderheads in Northern Thailand. Rain would be good to clear this God-awful PM2.5 air pollution out.
  2. Why. If you need that? Goes back and have your coronary system check out. If you can't get a woody you've got deeper problems that a flaccid friend.
  3. Gawd, that's the last thing I need. I'm glad to have that particular monkey off of my back.
  4. You don't understand - It is Over-The-Counter (OTC) here in Thailand and legal. What you need is a endocrinologist who can make recommendations. The testosterone at the pharmacies is going to be significantly cheaper than the identical drug issued by the hospital's pharmacy. Unless you enjoy paying extra money when it's not necessary.
  5. I don't understand why power-junkies need to remain in the spotlight for their entire life. I mean really. He's worth a s***-ton of money. Most are. Lordy, take a permanent break, retire, travel, check off your bucket-list, and enjoy what's left of your life. An elderly, over-weight curmudgeon like Prawit for example is likely to keel over face-first into his dead-friend's Lap Muu from the constant stress of being in the public's eye and having to constantly prop up whatever reputation he imagines he has. All the elderly politicians world-wide ???? For Pete sake boys and girls - STOP! Now go enjoy life. Let younger men and women take the reins of power.
  6. So how is this progressing. Is the OP's I/O going to allow the passport transfer without a letter from the embassy?
  7. But its coming by Buddha. Pot smokers in the gutter with crumbs on their faces!!! Stoners wandering aimlessly through 7-11 and drooling!!! Society will end! It's coming!!! By the way, while your waiting, can I interest you with this Thai hottie for a 90 minute shower massage? Usually 3000 THB for farangs but today you can have her for ฿1999 and we"ll even thrown in a condom for free! You know, a condom to keep your hair from getting wet while you shower <wink wink> But beware of the evil Weed!!! ????
  8. What we find with these type of comments is simply who is vehemently anti-cannabis. I saw the same thing in the 60s and 70s. The Frank Zappa "Brown Shoe" and "Reefer Madness" sorts of people. "That horrible stoner Frank Zappa was a stain on humanity who was so stoned he couldn't walk onto the stage." grrrrr <pours a shot of whiskey and chases it with a beer> Unlike Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong, Frank Zappa didn't do any drugs at all. Musical genius though! 200% Plus!!!
  9. I think it's just jealousy. Anutin was able to position himself to push through legalization from which he personally benefits as well as stakeholders associated with him. And I don't criticizes him for that - good business strategy. Now I've read here on AN that there was legislation being proposed to make prostitution legal. Well, given Chawit's previous (current?) businesses, I'd think that that would be good for his businesses. So now Chawit wants to destroy the cannabis industry which has now budded in Thailand (pun intended). So if prostitution is legalized, will Anutin go after legal prostitution claiming this, that, and another? There's a laundry list of reasons why to make cannabis illegal that rivals the laundry list of reasons why to keep prostitution illegal. Me personally? They should both be legal. Well, if I had a vote? Anutin For PM. I think the cannabis industry is a good thing and hopefully they can grow the budding industry into exportation of cannabis, hemp, and other produces - and "Happiness To The People!" "You must be one of those long-haired hippy pot smoker." grrrrrr Yeah - back in the day 60s and 70s. And I have some bud in the cupboard but honestly, it's a rare day when I actually smoke. Given the weather and the current PM2.5 in Northern Thailand, I don't feel much like inhaling smoke. All I need to do is step outside and I get plenty of smoke that comes with a rather unpleasant buzz if you stay outside long enough. <laughs>
  10. And how about Willie Nelson. He still seems to remember his songs. And it looks like pot is good for longevity. <laughs>
  11. You obviously don't smoke nor have you been around the culture. It doesn't take a scientific study, most of us know and accept the down-side of habitual use. Which is why I only use it on occasion. You should get together with Chawit - ya'll make a good pair!
  12. Something to remember after you clean your apartment and leave it like new - and your landlord still takes your deposit? ????
  13. What they didn't list is "when available" except that the IO won't transfer your stamps over without one. TIT. That's how it works in some Immigration Offices.
  14. But but but - "It could Kill you!!!" <cue sound of movie audience gasping in horror> Although under the right circumstances and in the right populations (esp. the very elderly and immune compromised or already very ill) even the annual "flu" or even the common cold can develop into pneumonia and kill you. Heck, under those same circumstances, even aspirating a glass of water by it "going down the wrong hole" <cue wracking cough spasms> can lead to bacterial pneumonia, in the populations noted above, and lead to death. But why not discuss those cases as comparison??? Why? They don't fit the commonly accepted narrative that a new (although not new now) viral infection (labelled as Extremely Deadly by the WHO/CDC/MSM/NGO/and other stakeholders,et.al.) that can manifest with mild flu-like/cold-like symptoms which 99.+% of the normal healthy population will get over in short enough order, is gonna kill you or put you in the hospital for sure! It's framed to sound like most people who contract covid will end up in the hospital if not fully 'vaccinated' contrary to the reality that has dawned over the last 3+ years to the contrary. Nope - after 3+ years of this constant fear-generating messaging from our "experts" that Covid is still "Freddy" in "Nightmare On SARS-Cov-2 Street" where our sneaky mutating villain is just waiting for the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated to slip up and not get their um-teenth boosters (soon to be $130+ in the US and beyond) even though these are self-admittedly non-sterilizing vaccines but marketed as "will keep you from dying" from a viral infection that most people's immune systems will handle just like they handle the normal cold and flu that go around annually. That fact that most of us during our life-times have contracted a SARS viral cold or flu infection that imparts some immunity to covid is glossed over completely. No - "This is different!", they say although the symptoms and end results for most will be the same as contracting the flu - which by the way can kill you too.....under the right conditions. You must have all the shots $Cha-Ching$ or you will die for sure! Personally - I'm really tired of this constant fear-mongering. It's a viral infection that will kill a small percentage of the population just like other respiratory viruses can do. It's time to ditch the fear-mongering, accept the new virus on the block, and move on. If you want shots? Get the shots if they make you feel safer. But let's collectively get over this insanity of posting every covid mutation in real-time and then hyping into a crescendo of fear and wailing. <cue maniacal laughter in the background> Cold and flu viruses mutate all the time too. It's the nature of viral evolution. Why not list them as well? Because they haven't been framed as the virus equivalent of Freddy Kruger.
  15. Like I noted before, they are definitely popular phones as they tend to be "out of stock." Obviously a lot of people like them here in Thailand. I'm assuming it has good quality and a price point that most working Thais can afford.
  16. Excellent point. Like any car. I made an exception for my first car in Thailand. I bought it from a mechanic who had an identical Toyota. He did all the work on my car. You can't do that in the West like in the US. When I left in 2007 the cost of labor was around $125/hr. I can only imagine what vehicle service rates would cost now. My mechanic was charging me about ฿250/hr. Dirt cheap which is why you can afford to go second-hand here with regular cars with you've got a good mechanic. I used the car for driving around locally in Chiang Mai and Lamphun. Never took it much further than 100km for the mechanic for all the obvious reasons. Now electric cars? (or computers or phones or TVs) Not good items for second-hand imho. But you may get away with it for the same reason - there are independent repair shops that can keep the systems running for cheap. Anyway - I digress.
  17. I did later on in the thread, i.e., "less than ฿10,000 THB. Fyi - I'm slightly dyslectic and have had problems proofing my own writing for most of my adult life. I can not proof my own writing. I miss obvious grammar and spelling errors. Mai bpen rai. <shrug> Thanks for the recommendation and you are correct. I'm leery of buying online but I do just online results as comparison points.
  18. Oppo's downside it that it's a ***** to root as its got proprietary ColorOS over an Android base. Huawei is running in parallel with Google as Google has made its products Huawei unfriendly - so it doesn't offer some of the applications that I run on Android. But with over half the world's population in Eurasia and the Global South gravitating toward Chinese commerce? That part of society may just ditch Google and Android all together and the application selection may be just fine if not better suited for developing and third-world countries. In the meanwhile, I don't want to run into the problem I currently have with an Oppo A37f model. I haven't found a way to root it in order to upgrade to a version that will support a number of application that I currently can't run.
  19. I'll have to look into that. Google translate has a camera translation feature that is so-so. I typically use a pretty good text scraper program for Android that I bought for peanuts. I use that and then feed the results back into a translation program. But I will check that out.
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