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Everything posted by connda

  1. Every year! During the Hot/Burn season the PM 2.5 AQI goes through the roof and we hear empty platitudes and hot-air about solving the problem - then the Rains come and those words are memory holed. During the Rainy Season/Flooding when Thailand floods, we hear empty platitudes (about water management) and hot-air about solving the problem - then the High Season comes and the rain stops, and those words are memory holed. Then during the High Season, an inversion layer sets over Bangkok and the PM 2.5 AQI goes through the roof, and we hear empty platitudes and hot-air about solving the problem - then the Rains come months later and those words are memory holed. Wash, rinse, repeat ad-infinitum - but do nothing but spew hot-air year after year after year.
  2. A couple of months ago I encounter and car on Highway 11 driving down the wrong way in the left lane (passing lane) driving against traffic. I've have sent the cops my dashcam video but they'd do nothing. Government apathy in enforcement is a prime reason for all these idiotic drivers who should not be driving at all. For doing what that driver did, they should forfeit that vehicles and their licenses, put on probation and thrown into jail if caught driving again. Instead? Nothing. The state pays lip service but could really give a ****.
  3. Serves her right. I hope the victim (the truck who hit she) sues her. Thailand needs cops in patrol cars and teeth in their laws. They have neither.
  4. My (former) Thai vet killed one of my pups who had nausea four days ago by administering a strong injectable that sent my dog into Grand Mal seizures and killed her 5 hours later after I went through a horror trying to comfort her as she suffered a non-stop seizure. I gave her the prescribed shot myself, and I'm dealing with immense guilt, anger, and regret that I haven't experienced for a long time. My pup was a beautiful animal and only 2 years old. I spent 4 hours comforting my dogs, and she died unfortunately when I left to take a break and shower the blood and saliva off of me and take an hour break. It was an absolute horror. All I wanted from the vet was a anti-nausea liquid for her to ingest. My trust of vets is pretty damn low now because this wasn't a single instance of the vet doing rather questionable things which I believe was to squeeze additional money out of me. Liquid anti-nausea meds are cheap; the shot was not. I researched the injectable medication the vet prescribed, and discovered that it has a black-box "seizure warning." Like I said - I'll never go back to the vet again. I have a lot of animals and I've been a regular customers for over 12 years. Set Laew. I'm done with that vet. Do you own homework and research and question your vets assumptions and recommendation. If they don't feel right, research online and/or get a second opinion.
  5. Contact a dairy cow farmer and buy raw milk from them. The calf needs actual milk not fake substitution and there are plenty of dairy farmers in Thailand. As a last resort, buy commercial milk from a store like Chok Chai and add whipping cream to it. Check on the internet regarding the optimal proportions of milk to cream.
  6. Medical marijuana and melatonin works for me too although I only use the ganja occasionally. Sometime I'll use Atarax as well. Another thing I do is to listen to Talk Radio at a low volume. I've noticed by concentrating on the talk show my mind doesn't think and it's the thinking that keeps me awake. The Talk Radio then becomes a drone in the background and I fall asleep. On a normal night I'll use melatonin and Talk Radio. If I wake up, I focus on listening, the the drone of the talk eventually puts me back to sleep.
  7. Thanks. I may need elective surgery in the future. I had a hernia operation at Maharaj in Chiang Mai. Very happy with the hospital and prices at the time. Only cost 18K THB back in 2010. I guess I'll just have to ask the hospital when needed.
  8. Has anyone seen Zevia Mixers here in Thailand. Sweet but sugar-free with no calories, artificial sweeteners and preservatives. If you have come across it, what store is selling it? Thanks!
  9. That's a really good point. Take your attention off the road in front of you for two seconds and..............
  10. I guy in our village who had a side-cart hit a mile marker about a month ago. No helmet. They brought him by the house three days later to burn him. Nobody (but me and a handful of commuters heading for Lamphun) wear helmets in the village.
  11. My guess is that most foreigners who come here and rent motorcycles have never taken a motorcycle training course, don't have a motorcycle enforcement in their home countries, and have little to no experience driving a motorcycle. Then they come here and drive without a helmet (<---- that's a supposition based on 'head injuries) and based on the time of night, possibly under the influence? I had a m/c endorsement in the US plus experience on two different motorcycles in the 400cc to 750cc range. I always wore a helmet (not because of any laws). Yet when I got here. I got nailed by a car running a light, I dropped once out of stupidity, and I hit the back of a truck when all the traffic in front of me locked up their brakes and almost got hit by the car behind me (I jumped off the bike and let it drop). But no injuries other than scrapes (somebody is looking out for me above). That was in my first year of driving here. 14 year later I've never had another incident - defensive driving in the max. Driving here IS NOT like driving in the US. It is magnitudes more dangerous. Yet farang and other foreigners come here and just hop on a motorcycle like it's a glorified bicycle. And if they drove a motorcycle the way that they drive a bicycle in the West? ???? Actions have consequences. RIP ???? for another unnecessary foreign m/c death.
  12. I though there was a three-tier pricing schedule for foreigners in government hospitals that was implemented a few years back. I remember as we guys married to Thais seemed to be at the top of the tier. Do you have any links to those price schedules? Or is my memory just playing tricks on me.
  13. It could be 145/85 one day and 110/75 the next. I don't worry about it.
  14. Third world "buying elections" and the Thai justice system doesn't blink an eye?
  15. The kid in me that use to build and launch model rocket simply loves this. ❤️
  16. Stop going to Phuket and warn your foreign friends if they plan to vacation here.
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