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Everything posted by connda

  1. Really. It went down in price by 32K since I got mine 5 years ago.
  2. It's in-between the young lady's breasts.
  3. Probably the Sukuzi Celerio. ฿360,000 THB in the showroom as of last week when I was having my 110,000 km maintenance done. Which is what I paid for mine 5 years ago, but this model had more bells and whistles then mind. And 21.8km/liter gas mileage. But it needs new spark plugs (the dealership didn't have spark plugs in stock so I have to go back after they order them - go figure). I'm happy with mine.
  4. The guy should be the poster-child for Ivermectin, but seeing that it's pretty much been pulled off the market now. ???? I can't even get it for my dogs as it works for both worms and other parasites like ticks. But - bye bye. The only thing available now is expensive medicine.
  5. I check my ManMan keyboard and no such option exists. I really should. The phone I'm buying now is a Samsung but it will be interesting to see how it's configured out of the box. Considering it from a Thai electronic and appliance shop, my guess it will be pre-configured with ManMan keyboard as it seems to be the keyboard a lot of Thais use. It looks like Microsoft Swiftkey has that down-arrow button. I'm looking at reviews and screen shot of other keyboards but that down-arrow to close the keyboard seems unique to Swiftkey. I'll have to give it a try.
  6. I'm currently using the ManMan application for a virtual keyboard in Android. One of the downsides of ManMan is that once it comes up, it is difficult to get it to close. Which imho is aproblem as it takes up about half the screen and then I can't see the application I'm trying to type into. From what I read, on a standard Android keyboard, the keyboard can be closed with either a downward swipe motion from the top of the keyboard to the bottom - which doesn't close the ManMan keyboard - or to press the Menu Button on the phone - which in my case closes the keyboard but opens the Google interface, which I personally despise. So I'm looking for a Thai-English Android keyboard that is a little more UI friendly and that can easily be closed so I can see the entire screen when not typing. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.siamdev.nattster.manman
  7. Finally settled on a Samsung Galaxy A34 5G. I got a family discount as my son works in the electronics business. Normally around ฿11,999 and I picked it up for ฿8300 and change. I kept pushing my son for the A23 and he kept pushing back in Thai. "No you don't want that one, you want this one!" I'm a little dense until I got the price comparison. Then I was like - "Yeah, I'm sending money to you, like now." Good phone at a Cheap Charlie price. I got lucky. That doesn't happen all the time.
  8. All the boomer dinosaurs need to retire and hand the reins of power to the next generations of kids. Gen X and Millennials need to be handed the reins. Speaking as a "boomer."
  9. Yeah, I agree. I was in Big C after Songkran and I'd say it was about 50-50 masks/no-masks. Just a couple of weeks before it was still 90% masks and maybe 10% without. A big change in a hurry. The government through the MSM are stoking up the fear to regain masking compliance imho. However, do look at pictures in Asian countries where elites and leaders are maskless and the 'little people' and hoi-polloi all around them in their service are masked to the servant. Masks are a sign of compliance. And also fear. My own wife won't go into public without one and b****es at me constantly about wearing one. Plus 100% for the effectiveness of MSM messaging. I refuse. Neither of us has had Covid. Better than average immune systems I guess as neither of us have taken the shots. If we get it, we'll deal with it just like any other upper respiratory viral infection. My guess is that we both have a certain amount of natural immunity, like previous exposure to a SARS-based cold or influenza in the past, although I haven't had the flu in close to 20 years either. And we have been exposed to Covid infected people in our own family numerous times. C'est la vie. But yeah - masks are coming off in the general Thai public. So I expect amplified fear-mongering to come.
  10. I wonder how many people died on the Thai road over any given five day period. It doesn't even have to be a holiday. Just any consecutive five days year after year after year....... So compare that to Covid stats. Yep - Thai roads still scare the living hell out of me. Covid? Nope.
  11. Ever consider why Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and Dawn of the Dead, and every Zombie movie that ever has been made are such a successful genre? The average person simple loves to be frightened. Hence the resurgence of "killer pathogen" and end-of-the-world movies and TV shows. People just can't enough of the fear. Heck, in those cases they pay to be frightened. "But you could die of Covid." You can die falling down in the shower or tripping over your shoelace. Trust me. The Thai roads scare me more than Covid has or ever will. I understand where and how I'm more likely to have "my ticket punched" here in Thailand. And yet......... "Covid is gonna get you for sure buddy! Then you'll be sorry." Ok. I understand. I'm not displaying the accepted level of Fear Of Covid. It's Thai roads that do it for me.
  12. I'm planning my project garden and need to get some seedlings started. I don't want to bother with the boutique 'feminized' seed shipped from overseas. I just want to purchase seeds locally that are adapted to the climate in Thailand. This is all outdoor growing. I get what I get as far as male/female. I seldom smoke it anyway, so this really is pretty much a garden project. I do use the leaves as tea before bed sometime. Overall, I just like the way cannabis looks as a plant as I enjoy the looks of many other plants I grow in my garden. Anyway - I'm looking for a source for local seed that will actually germinate.
  13. I bet I could get into the world records as the ugliest elderly man in a speedo to finish the race!
  14. It so easy to find the people who have never tried it and know nothing about its effects.
  15. Perhaps. Or maybe the party that comes to power declares cannabis to be illegal and starts rounding up purveyors and users en-mass and packs the prisons to bursting, while also rounding up political enemies and doing the same. But like you said - my guess is too much money is now involved to rein it back in. We'll know after the next election where it seems all parties are wooing voters by promising to give them thousands of Thai Baht out of the government's treasury. Where are they going to get that money from? And the ultimate cost will be run-away economic inflation which will wreak the economy for most low-paid Thais. As my grand-dad and others his age use to say, "There ain't no such thing as a free-lunch," a saying with its roots in the Great Depression. After hyper-inflation sets in, those wanting to make cannabis illegal will have second-thoughts as pot keeps the natives pacified, counter to the narrative they promote of cannabis-crazed killers roaming the streets and preying on the unwary - something more liable to occur with those who consume alcohol and ya-ba.
  16. When I hear the word "expert" all that my mind conjurers is the images of people with alternative financial and political interests elsewhere. If a media agrees to support only one side of an argument or narrative, suddenly they promote 'experts' to defend their own positions. Everyone else becomes an agent of misinformation. Matt Taibbi and Lee Fang pretty much nailed this as the "Sovietization" of media. Not born during Soviet times? Read a history book and look up the role of the Soviet state's Pravda newspaper. Yeah, history may not repeat itself, but it is beginning to rhyme - uncomfortably.
  17. I saw this on my wife's TV while walking by. The old lady didn't bother to look and unfortunately may get awarded today's Thai Darwin Award. Crosswalks mean nothing here at all. And simple self-preservation implies who will win a contest between a 40kg old woman meeting a 15,000kg bus. Simple self-preservation would caution one to do what Westerners were taught in Kindergarten: "Look Left, Look Right, Look again then cross - cautiously." They obviously don't have that lesson in Thai Kindergarten. Here? It's "head down, walk without looking, and hold on to your Buddha amulets." Didn't work this time - Best wishes for recovery.
  18. The Tudon Forest monks are a rare breed. I've seen these guys walking bare feet down the highway shoulder in the middle of the afternoon. They gotta have feet like leather. Ouch.
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