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Everything posted by connda

  1. I've visited a couple of times and it's a nice place. If I wasn't anchored in Lamphun province, I definitely consider Udon. Another under-rated place in Nan. Both are beautiful areas. But Udon is much more NES farang friendly.
  2. The USB-C to 3.5mm Audio is a good idea and I'll buy one of those for sure, but the drawback is that if your battery is low and you need to charge? Well you can't listen via headphones and charge at the same time. Can you make any recommendations on a brand/model of USB-C to 3.5mm audio dongles and a supplier (Lazada etc.) I've read a couple of articles like this one which analyzes Bluetooth audio. (Mods if for some reason this link isn't allowed please just edit it out...thx). https://www.lifewire.com/what-to-know-about-bluetooth-3134591 The fact is I don't listen to too much music and the head phones are primarily used to listen to audio books, so top-end audio quality isn't my end-goal. So with that said, I'm still planning on purchasing a Bluetooth receiver - so I'm still looking for recommendations from anyone who has experience with these gadgets (I don't). The other thing that Bluetooth may be useful for is playing my guitar. I usually don't connect to my amp as I hate the cords stretching across the room. But using a transceiver at the amp (Fender Mustang LT25) to use with my headphones via a dongle would be cool. It would also be cool to connect my guitar to my amp wirelessly. I've never really looked in to wireless audio before, but it seems to have its purposes and advantages even at the expense of a little loss in quality. I really do dislike all of the cords laying all over the room.
  3. It seems my new Samsung doesn't has a 3.5 mm audio output jack which from what I'm reading is becoming rather standard. Now you either buy a set of headphones that connect via a USB-C connector, or go Bluetooth with either BT earbuds or a BT receiver with a 3.5mm audio jack. My own choice would be a Bluetooth receiver that I can plug my standard audio headphones into, or connect to my external speakers which are not Bluetooth. Any recommendations on a decent quality Bluetooth audio receiver?
  4. It's a system that is founded on 'teaching' unquestioned compliance to authority and nationalism. What any educational system needs to be founded on are the three R's: Reading writing and arithmetic followed by STEM - Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. Those subjects require analytical skillsets that can't be learned via rote repetition with an emphasis on 'respect for your betters.' Yet, that's pretty much what Thailand has.
  5. In our neck of the woods they normally don't start planting until June. Maybe later this year as it doesn't look like the monsoons are going to start until June this year. However the sources I read say that the monsoon should bring at least 96% of "normal" rainfall this year. I hope so. All of our local catch basins are as dry as I've seen them. This super dry, hot air is evaporating a lot of water out of these mini-reservoirs.
  6. People want to dump the dinosaurs and bring in a new generation of change.
  7. What Mister Free Market is telling all of the growers is that the now abundant ganja is over-priced.
  8. Interesting. I just got released and is being processed though Laski. I just have never seen that message before about being "held." The messages are usually just a note about being processed though customs. Thanks. Mods you can close this.
  9. What's this mean: Your item is being held in Customs at 4:45 am on May 8, 2023 in LAKSI MAIL CENTRE, THAILAND. This is a credit card sent to me by my bank in the US. If this is being "held" how do I get it released?
  10. When I used to live in Chiang Mai I lived in a Thai only apartment. It wasn't discriminatory, it was just in the years my wife and I lived there I never saw any long-stay farang in the building, just short timers (OhOHOH <screams as someone gets religion>!!!) But with that said, ganja smoke was not an unfamiliar smell in the complex wafting up from the outdoor courtyard. It wasn't farangs smoking unless they were sharing it with Thai residents. And this back when it was "illegal." Most of the residents worked over on Loi Kroh.
  11. Why worry about free? An experience professional is worth the money without the headache of attachment.
  12. We have electronic gadgets as well as 6 dogs. The dogs are worth their weight in dog food. Early warning, deterrence, teeth...... Much scarier than barbed wire, lights, and cameras, although we have those too.
  13. Perhaps he has a valid excuse. He didn't flee so I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.
  14. Actually, this would be a good use for an AI interface. Let the AI use all of UbonJoe's replies as the basis for queries, and name it Chat_UJ. ???? Now there's a tribute to the man!
  15. AseanNow should archive all of his posts into one Immigration Questions And Answers by UbonJoe and index it for easy searching. Filling his shoes is gonna be tough, so just let his past Immigration posts talk for him from beyond. I can't think of a more fitting tribute to him.
  16. I'm sure he could help us all get our visas to heaven now. ???? <fond smile>
  17. RIP UbonJoe. Now I understand why we haven't heard much from him as of late. He was just an incredibly selfless, helpful moderator. He'll be missed by most of us. Prayers for him and his family. ????
  18. Come to Thailand where 80% of the road fatalities are motorcycles, rent a motorcycle as at 25 years old you're sure you'll live forever and Death is at least 60 years away, get in an accident because every instant of your ride time needs to be devoted to defensive driving, and literally the second you take your eye off the road or get distracted? "Horror Crash." My recommendation to virtually everyone who comes to Thailand on vacation? Don't rent a M/C unless you have a significant amount of experience, and then.....still don't rent a M/C. If you do, make sure your insurance is going to cover you when you go down. Death would be doing the kid a favor although dying at 25 really sucks. Best of luck kid. Very sad.
  19. It just kills you then - "no sweat."
  20. And they want to keep it that way - with 99% of the revenue going to the 99% owning the monopolies. Monopolies detest competition and free-markets no matter how small.
  21. I've seen plenty of guys hanging the junk over the side of the road and relieving themselves. Nothing new under the sun her other than her friends posing it on social media.
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