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Everything posted by connda

  1. I'm from that era. At that time Canada wasn't sending draft dodgers back to the US and you could apply for political asylum. Trust me. Thailand isn't going to extend political asylum to any foreigners.
  2. If you bailed to avoid conscription, I wouldn't worry until you read in international news that Russia is demanding the extradition of draft dodgers. Based on blurbs from Dmitry Peskov and Maria Zakharova over the last year it seems the Kremlin's attitude on the matter was "good riddance." If you are a Russian felon? Well, different story. And it depends on what you did to whom. Cross the wrong people and you could find yourself extradited to the US, UK, or EU no less Russia.
  3. I haven't worn a mask since this started in 2020 with the exception of the first two years where you literally couldn't get through the door in places like Big C or Makro or Global (mask, alcohol jel, temperature check monitored by store staff). Once they stop staffing the doors my mask came off. No mask (unless forced), no shots, no Covid, no flu, one minor cold back in July 2020 and Bob's Your Uncle. Just speaking for myself - well, my wife too. Wife masks pretty much anytime the majority of the public are masked, but no shots, no Covid, no flu, not even a cold since before 2020.
  4. Because certain business still require you to wear one too. Which I do, until I get through the door. Imho, most Thais wear masks due to strong social conformity. My own wife is a perfect example. Her mask goes on if a majority of people are wearing a mask. She won't put one on if the majority (such as in our village) are not wearing a mask. That's totally about social conformity.
  5. This is the second time I've read this topic. Chinese people freaking out due to online rumors that Thailand isn't safe. Oh well. I sort of like it for the three years where the tourist disappeared. Chiang Mai was nice a quiet. Ok - stay home. Heck, it's safer here than back in many of the cities in the US.
  6. Quite a few Christians and non-Muslims in both of those countries.
  7. If your dogs are well cared for, I'd expect the same life-span as in the US. Mix breed Thai dogs are pretty resilient. Feral dogs and dogs without owners. A whole lot less.
  8. Ahhh. I understand. And your frustration. Got it.
  9. I'm pretty sure he means first time passport application that are applied for in the United States. Expats overseas are under a completely unique set of circumstances as foreign countries rather frown on foreigner not having a physical passport available to show Immigration. But best to keep scans and printed copies of your passport before mailing for renewal as well as copies of the passport renewal forms and mailing receipts.
  10. I believe Pib was being rhetorical as opposed to directing that comment 'at' you. And he's correct.
  11. Huh? I've live here 15 years and other than the Christian missionaries who pretty much proselytizer to the Hill Tribes, I haven't seen what you're complaining about. Most people I know who live here long term are quite accepting of the gay and trans culture in Thailand as are a majority of Thais I know. Why? Because unlike the US it isn't radicalized. Both sides generally accept the other. The problems begin where either side start throwing hatred and intolerance at the other side. I've seen it in the US. Both sides can get really ugly. Overall, I don't see much intolerance for either side here. Everybody pretty much gets along - as it should be.
  12. The world should smarten up and stop voting dinosaurs in to leadership positions and let the next generation take the reins of power. This from a Boomer. It's time for geriatric cases to retire - honestly. And here in Thailand. They force retirement for everyone else at 60. It should apply to politicians as well.
  13. Translated: "Vote for me and I can guarantee that there will be no coup while I'm in office. Vote for any of the others and I can't vouch for such guarantees - therefore - vote for me!"
  14. Personally? I'd find a different place to live. I've lived in Chiang Mai and there is a huge selection of apartments for rent. Now that you know the scam, don't fall for the over-priced electric the next time around. FYI - when I lived there we only used fans. We lived in a 4th floor apartment with great air circulation. You acclimatize. Want cooler air. There are DIY tutorials on how to make an air cooler using a fan, ice chest, and a block of ice. We also used swamp coolers which worked well this time of year - not so good during the humidity of the rainy season. Best of luck.
  15. There's probably Nigerian con-artists and romance scammers behind some of those posts.
  16. Prostitutes and the act of prostitution are morally relative terms. I've met many women over the last 50+ years who would negotiate sexuality and sexual receptivity in order to gain financial favors, security, bling, and 'presents'. What's the difference other than calling the women who do that in Thailand "prostitutes" while claiming Western women engaged in similar behavior are somehow saints. Sure they are.
  17. Same, same. Refer to BritManToo's post.
  18. Whatever you're paying, it's peanuts compared to the US. Last year it was some ridiculously small amount. I'm not complaining.
  19. Yeah, I was looking on Lazada and was those. They run in the 5K to 6K THB range. Thanks for the info. Any recommendations on recipes?
  20. Government hospital - or - use this time to start accepting his mortality. Get his affairs in order, draw up a Will and Living Will, seek quality of life over extension of life, meditate, get his spiritual house in order and develop acceptance and self-compassion.
  21. What is a "Sideline Girl"? The hotties behind the glass in the fishbowls that do the deed part-time and generally charge more. Often college students and the like.
  22. Fake sugar still spikes your insulin production, so probably 'yes' it will.
  23. Intermittant fasting is a good way to go.
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