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Everything posted by connda

  1. Have them put that in writing and forward it on to Big Joke who seems to be the Serpico of the Thai police. It's both illegal and amoral.
  2. Silymarin does help the liver. There have been medical studies that affirms that it does work. Available on Lazada although cheaper to buy on iHerb.com. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/silymarin-milk-thistle-extract-300-mg-50-100-200-capsules-by-now-foods-i4178323471-s16429400480.html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21466434/
  3. Look into the Fast Mimicking Diet. Here in Thailand you'll have to go DIY. Fasting is good for you. I do 3 to 5 day water fasts three times a year. However the Fast Mimicking Diet works too. Example below. https://creativeinmykitchen.com/five-day-fast-mimicking-vegan-and-lectin-light-cleanse/
  4. You put up the funds for the house? If you did without a floor plan? Well - don't complain. My bank account is in my name only. There's a lesson to be learned there methinks.
  5. I posted a picture once of a tour bus in Chiang Mai headed for Chiang Rai that was stopped at a stoplight - same, same - the tires were "Slicks." Then it's a constant wonder why these behemoth double-deckers end up in a mountain-side ditch with dead and injured strew all over the place wayyyyy too often. Now, if there was just a regulatory agency in Thailand that inspects public transportation annually for obvious safety issues - hummmm ???? I've been on buses where the cops would stop buses as they exited the station and have the drivers blow into a breathalizer. Boy-howdy, the instills confidence, don't it?
  6. They should just rename it "Thrill Hill" and charge foreigners 50 THB apiece for the Theme Park ride (500 THB apiece to experience a "Thrill Hill" crash).
  7. Want to solve political instability. Just have the leaders of all the opposition parties thrown in jail and - Voila! Stability. It's a tried and trued third-world solution that works like a charm - even in first world countries in today's day and age. Thai youth threatening your power and status? Surely they have done something illegal! Turn the checkers board over and the game is yours! If I could vote? (Gun-Cha) Anutin For PM! ???? <parody off>
  8. Take pictures of your photo page, your visa stamp, and your TM30 (I'm assuming you carry a phone). Leave your passport in a safe place (at home) unless you specifically need it (banking, immigration, etc). I will take it with me if traveling outside of about 100 km radius from home and plan to be away for more than a day. Other than that? It stays in a drawer in my bedroom.
  9. This is what Connda (me) wrote: "Will you support laws and regulations that will limit your personal movement to no more than a 15 minute drive from your place of residence in order to save the planet from man-made global warming?"
  10. Excellent point given the current inflationary spike in energy prices that looks as though it will decimate "pubs, restaurants and cafes as well as the other remaining businesses." What happens when government edict causes the collapse of the businesses within you 15 minute zone, as well as the supply-chains that were supposed to keep you high-and-dry living in a green utopia? Then you can't find enough food, there is no places to socialize, you can't afford to stay warm in the winter or cool in the summer, and you can't leave. Then what? Are the architects of 15 minutes cities taking this into account? Do they care? Yeah - good observation!
  11. Let's come back to the statement in 2030 (if we are all still here that is).
  12. Unless you are part of "The big club and you ain't in it" as George Carlin so aptly pointed out. The Jet-Set crowd will still jet-set, there will still be Formula One races, and polo with big, methane farting horses, they'll still be Kobe Beef for the Ubermenchen. The newly "wilded" forests will be the private Sherlock Forest and hunting reserves for these special-people - Gulfstream Aerospace will still be making money hand-over-fist producing private jets, luxury cars will still abound. For the billionaire class and their political friends, the world will be their personal oyster. You and I and 7.8 billion others will simply not be part of that "Freedom Club." That's the price for saving our planet - right? ????
  13. Sorta off topic, but what the hey? It's my Op. Love the "Signature!" ???? Good stuff from Ben. I bet those guys, like Mr Franklin, in the late 1770s couldn't ever have envisioned "15 minute cities" by government edict. <----- bringing it back on-topic <laughs>
  14. Pound the one-eyed trouser-trout. By the way. A more apt question would be, "Did you stop masturbating after you came to Thailand?" Even the homeliest Incel can get laid here. Then to the OP. You do understand that women go through menopause in their late 40 and through their 50s, and at the end of that joyless experience, many women's sex drive drops to about zero. As they say, it takes two to tango. If you have a post-menopausal Ice-Queen for a wife, another good question would be - "Have you ever purchased consensual sex with a willing sex worker in Thailand?"
  15. A joke I learn in my youth. There are two types of men. Those who masturbate and those who lie about it. However - it's not a joke, is it? Men are wired to be promiscuous and to spread their seed. Natural hormonal urgency an our sex drive is a yoke we deal with from our pubescent youth. Probably the kindest act from that bi$ch, Mother Nature, is that the male sex drive wanes as you reach your elderly years and gives you a bit of reprise. Did I "choke the chicken?" Yeah, who didn't? Oh? The "liars" didn't. This is a quote by Robert Heinlein that has stayed with me most of my life: Masturbation is cheap, clean, convenient, and free of any possibility of wrongdoing —and you don't have to go home in the cold. But it's lonely! Source: Time Enough for Love (1973)
  16. You can buy Tramadol OTC here. Most pharmacies will carry Tramadol And Acetaminophen (Ultraset) 37.5mg/325mg. Some (few) will carry Tramadol 50mg caps. It's not really an opioid and it really doesn't kill pain. It alters how you perceive pain. Good for short term use and even then you'll probably go through minor withdrawal depending on dosage. Tintcure of opium (Laudanum). Best of luck finding that. Take a vacation in Myanmar while you recover. Easier to find there would be my guess. Ever go through opioid withdrawal before? Best of luck.
  17. Constipation which is common for opioids and opioid-like drugs. Not a good idea to clog up the works if the OP has had surgery.
  18. And pay a fine for your Thai landlord as immigration will never go after a Thai landlord - just you farang.
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