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Everything posted by connda

  1. What the hell is wrong with these Russians? I don't know Bob. Do you dislike just these Russians, or all Russians? Personally when I see farang doing stupid things, I'd generically comments on "these stupid farangs." I don't personally go after the ethnicity of the idiots. Russian? Germans? Chinese? Japanese? Nigerians? African-Americans. Honestly - what does their ethnicity have to do with them doing stupid stuff? Just saying.... It doesn't take much of a leap to end up spewing dislike for specific ethnicities - which ain't cool. ????
  2. I doubt it. Right now the surrounding countries are burning the stubble from the crops that Big Ag provides for farmers. They'd be burning the corn stubble off the mountains in Mae Hong Son if there wasn't a burn ban. We've seen this before as Big Ag privatizes the profits and socializes the pollution and the CO2.
  3. Then when she gets home and the EU media gets a hold of the story it goes viral globally.
  4. Saturday Night Live's 'Ernestine the telephone operator' (Lilly Tomlin) - "We're the phone company, we don't care, we don't have to." <snicker snicker snicker> That pretty much sum it up here, 'eh? Same, same, but not different.
  5. Find the address for the corporate offices of the <insert Japanese carmaker>. Look up the top executives in the company CEO, Customer Relations, etc. Write Letters to the top executives outlining your complaint. They will more than likely refer it to the Thai corporate offices, but keep the address of the executive who responds to you in Japan as you should be able to follow-up with that individual if you don't get results in Thailand. I've done this before with a different product and got results.
  6. It was going to be a limited stay on a world-wide, post-early-retirement vacation, but my Thai wife made a cast, I bit, she set the hook, and tighten the star-drag - and here I am having just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. That wasn't my initial plan.
  7. Translated: "If I can get 'my people' into office then I can come back to Thailand as they will strike down the criminal indictments."
  8. Let me make it really simple for you. Buy a new computer. Problem solved.
  9. Fighting used to be a 500 THB fine. So, is this inflation or dual-pricing? ????
  10. I've been to jail often, well, unless I have a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.
  11. Personally? I'd like to see an EMP driven though the heart of AI. I can't see ChatGPT taking over for UbonJoe or Sheryl or other mods who have provided members of this forum community with excellent advise and assistance. And if AI is the answer for this forum, I can see it now. A self-licking Ice Cream Cone. AI OPs and AI Mods. ???? As we can now all see - SkyNet will eventually take your jobs. And then what? Poverty and lack of purpose. Man is born to creatively work, to be productive, and to find meaning in life through their creativity. What's AI going to do? It's going to drive a stake though the heart of humanity. In the meanwhile, thank God it's April 1st.
  12. Do you know what is better than finasteride for hair loss? Acceptance! And a razor.
  13. What an utter crock of tosh. "Experts?" They can go dunk their heads.
  14. A helmet would have solved most of his major, life-threatening issues. Actions have consequences. And I hate to say it, but most foreign tourist who jump on motorcycles have no experience riding in their own country no less on "The Most Dangerous Roads In The World" here in Thailand. This is a dangerous place to ride/drive and statistically 80% of the fatalities on the road are - motorcycles. The young man should have had a helmet on. Now - consequences.
  15. connda


    Nope. Last order arrived in a few days.
  16. Don't co-sign loans for anyone who isn't immediate family. Co-signing for a 'friend?' The is the quintessential definition of 'stupid.' Why? The OP is living out the reason why.
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