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Everything posted by connda

  1. You'll eventually be scraped off of the road. Just a matter of time.
  2. Of course you don't drive on the shoulder all the time. At times you have to move out to the middle lanes. However, when I do it, I look in the mirror, throw a glace over my right shoulder and safely merge. Most Thais? They don't look. They'll just pull right out in front of a car going 20, 30, 40 kph faster than them. It's suicidal, just like pulling out from a side road onto the main road without looking - which I'd say 80+% of Thai M/C do. It no wonder 80% of the fatalities are M/C. When I had a "Big Bike" I drove like I did in the US except I never found it fun driving here at all as you can never let down your guard for a second and just enjoy the ride. Driving here is like driving in an Arcade Game.
  3. U-Turns of Death. M/C that drive up on the right side of your car, and then cut in front of you to the shoulder as your attempting to make a right into the left lane. They need to be on the left side - morons.
  4. When I lived in Bangkok the cops would disagree with you. They'd ticket M/C drivers not driving on the shoulder. I've driven highways myself on my Honda 125. Self-preservation! Most of my driving was on the shoulder. I racked up about 35k kilometers in the first 5 years living here. I've seen it all.
  5. When I lived in Chiang Mai my Honda Dream was my primary transportation. It's the best way to get around in the city imho. But I also always realized that a two ton car always wins an accident an drove accordingly. Motorcyclists now? Well, fatality rates pretty much spell it out here in Thailand with 80% of the fatalities being M/C riders.
  6. There use to be a guy who trained GS for home protection up here in Northern Thailand, but I can't find him now via a search (search engines are getting worse by the year). You may want to try contacting a Thai kennel club and perhaps they can point you in the right direction.
  7. Yeah, people dump dogs at our temple. We work with the abbot to care for them and find them homes. We also pay to get the bitches spayed if they are approachable. We've spayed quite a few over the last 10 years out of own pocket. It sorts itself out and we try to help where we can. The biggest problem is unspayed females.
  8. In our village, shots are free and given out to all houses with dogs and cats annually.
  9. Yep. 100% absolutely. And they need to shut up when you tell them to quiet down. All 8 of my will.
  10. I remember cops coming by twice. Once must have been for the immigration extension based on marriage, and the other time was after the Erawan bombing in Bangkok when is was assumed that every farang in Thailand was a potential terrorist and needed to be vetted. My wife (and dogs) handled both. They never came inside the fence (Arf Arf Grrrr). I never talked to any of them.
  11. They are coming to visit in order to establish that you are qualified for a marriage extension. Their report goes back to wherever they process the extension approvals. They could very well report that you are not qualified if you don't give them a B-R-I-B-E to guarantee a result.
  12. Out of stock but they have them Price is in my ball-park. https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1061466?lang=en
  13. I think I want to start making my own bread. I've noticed that shrink-flation has hit the brands of bread I buy. They are shrinking the loaves and then cutting the slices thinner. I was making french toast yesterday and the bread was just falling apart it was so thin. I'd rather make my own. I'm looking at one of two approaches: a bread making machine or a convection oven. I've made bread in the past but it is time intensive which is making be gravitate to an all-in-one bread making machine. Does anyone have a good bread making machine and if so, what brand do you recommend that can be purchased in Thailand?
  14. He could have done his two years a long time ago and it would have been over. Really - how many politicians have served time here in Thailand. It's almost a rite of passage. He'll probably want house arrest. This should be interesting. Stay tuned.
  15. My sister in law ran for Village Head. She lost (not by much). The person who won, according to my wife, was handing out free food, beer, and gratuities - openly. Welcome to Thai "democracy." It is what it is.
  16. The line broke. So lack of safety measures is "up to standard?" This Is (Amazing) Thailand - TIT.
  17. In the last decade I've notice motorcycle drivers around Lamphun and Chiang Mai becoming more and more aggressive. Gone are the days of driving over on the shoulder on highways as they are suppose to. More and more often I'm encountering low powered M/C driving in the middle and far right lanes. They put everyone in danger. If you have a 400cc or larger bike - of course - drive it anywhere on the road as you can maintain speed and acceleration. But these small bike thinking they own in the entire road. There is a reason for them to be in the far left lane and shoulders.
  18. Anyone who blows by me on a posted 90 kph highway is imho a d**k. You become a danger to those around you as too many Thai drive erratically and at 120 you don't have time to react to the utter stupidity. You get in a wreak and take out others driving the speed limit - its your fault.
  19. A fully trained German Shepard is an excellent choice. The dog you experience was not trained. And untrained German Shepard is a disaster waiting to happen.
  20. A trained German Shepard - or - 8 run-of-the-mill Thai, yapping, snarling, growling Thai mutts...some who will bite (We have the latter and they work just dandy).
  21. They are government officials visiting you on government business. They are asking for a B-R-I-B-E. Don't!
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