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Everything posted by connda

  1. I've been caned in both in both UK and US schools. Rite of Passage in many ways, but it seems Thais go overboard on the corporal punishment. "Fighting" is only a 500 THB fine, so if my own grandkids came home black and blue, I'd consider decking the person responsible as there doesn't seem a be a legal recourse. My father threaten that approach in England and I was never hit again (leave the Yank kid alone). I was in High School in the US and simply laughed it off - I don't ever remember telling the parents as we got "The Paddle" for a reason. <laughs> It seems it is not 'illegal' in Thailand and seems to be implicitly condoned by school admins. Very young kids getting caned. Yeah - I'd put an end to that with if it was my own family members affected.
  2. It makes me wonder if Thai immigration will get with the program if the Thai government implements travel restrictions. Knowing Thailand (TIT), they probably would insist you travel 100km to your "nearest" Immigration office, and then issue you a fine for traveling outside of your "zone." ???? Hummm.
  3. Just curious. Is a TM7 required to be in your passport now? Mine is over 14 years old and getting rather ratty. If only needed for my annual visa extension (I do 90 day reports online ) then I may take it out of my passport, put it in an envelop, and file it with my immigration paperwork in my file box.
  4. And suddenly there are bank runs! In this particular day and age banks are going to do what they need to do to stay solvent and liquid.
  5. My suggestion is to wear one and then get back to the forum in a month and let us all know how it worked out for you.
  6. Go to this link and click on "Apply" then come back to this page to log in. If it doesn't work, try a difference browser. https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login
  7. Nor I, and like you? I'd discuss the endemic safety issues associated with these 'thrill parks' with anyone in my party or family who were interested. If you get hurt because of a Thai business's negligence? You are not going to be compensated. You'll probably be writing home for someone to start a Go-Fund-Me page for you as even your insurance company will probably deny your claim as well. A fruit basket and flowers aren't covering your million THB hospital bill or multi-million THB air-evac. As for the guy who was bungee jumping. He should thank God there was water under him.
  8. There is a lesson to learn here. This is a third-world where you get third-world safety.
  9. Find a different pool. Otherwise, you're stuck with the discriminatory pricing as even the Thai justice system has ruled that price discrimination is perfectly Ok. What con you do other than boycott. The more 'foreigners' you can get to boycott, the more leverage you'll have. Discrimination is amoral and unjust. Welcome to Thailand.
  10. They should have drop-down gates like at railroad crossing. Paint, I'm afraid, isn't going to make anything safer. The problem is with Thai drivers and Thai driving culture in general. No paint in the world is going to change that unfortunately.
  11. Monkeys are like kangaroos. Best to give them a wide berth as you're more than likely are going to lose the fight, if not killed or severely injured.
  12. My personal solution to monkeys would be a .223 varmint rifle. But being in Thailand that's not an option unfortunately plus I stopped hunting over two decades ago. At best monkeys are pests. People should not feed them. It's like feeding bears in National Parks in the US. It's just a bad idea which leads to bad consequences.
  13. What's with the picture of Greta Thunberg? Did she save the man and his sons from the monkeys? She's a very versatile young lady is so. Sorta like superwoman.
  14. To whomever posted the "Laughing emoticon" to the question - what is funny about this? It's a serious question and a very serious topic from multiple angles and reasons. Changes are coming and we should civilly discuss them in an open and honest manner.
  15. Let's rule out network problems. Open up a terminal window (Command Prompt, PowerShell) and type in: ping -t account.bbc.com If you get a return like in the screen shot, then your DNS and network are working and your problems lies outside of network issues. You can break out of the "ping" command by using Control-C. If you get something that looks like the returns below, you have network issues on your end. Post what you see and we can go from there. To me it sounds as though you have intermittent network issues.
  16. Will you support laws and regulations that will limit your personal movement to no more than a 15 minute drive from your place of residence in order to save the planet from man-made global warming? Do you believe laws such as these that restrict personal movement are too strict or not strict enough. Please feel free to elaborate on your decision and how it will effect you living here in Thailand.
  17. Thais will pull into the right-hand lane and drive 45 kph to make a right-hand turn at a "U-Turn Of Death" that is 5 kilometers up the road.
  18. Maybe she won't "hog the right-hand lane now." Mission accomplished.
  19. Caveat - I like solar at home. It really is useful and helps cut down the electric bills. Now reality: Solar is not "Clean Energy." It gives the illusion of being 'clean' as long as you only stare at those nice 'clean' solar panels. Now look around. The mining, the manufacturing process, and the eventual disposal of all those millions and millions of panels which have an unsustainable life-cycle of use - all of which create pollution. They are far from being "clean energy." Personally I consider them as "convenient energy" at best.
  20. Exercise and keep your heart and circulatory system healthy and you don't need it. If your "putter" has a problem, you may have problems that will require a stent as apposed to a pill. Morning Wood is a sign that your circulatory system is still A-OK!
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