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Everything posted by connda

  1. I would highly recommend that foreign tourist completely avoid charter fishing in Thailand.
  2. I'm setting a Windows computer up for someone who is not computer savvy. I'm just trying to make it easy for them.. I personally run Linux and GnuPG encrypt my password file and don't use a PW manager.
  3. Poll shows more lax social distancing among general public Because the Covid fear campaign is getting old and people are getting tired of it. Most people I know are fully vaxxed. Most people I know wear masks. Most people I know have had Covid. No one I know have died or have been seriously sick. Move this to the category of an infectious disease like the flu and get back to normal. Not 'new normal' - normal.
  4. Can someone make a recommendation for a Windows-based Password Application manager application - that they themselves use? I'm looking for application security and simplicity of operation.
  5. Go travel the rest of the world. Thailand isn't the "end all" especially for young guys. Unless you have a spare $30 to $60K dollars to burn on a visa. There are other places in the world to settle into with much easier visa requirements. This ain't one of them. Best of luck.
  6. That's rather jingoistic. Well - then don't leave your own country because if you do? There is always the chance you'll die while traveling.
  7. Nor I. Served eight years in the US military during the Cold War. Cold War vets are non-entities to organizations like the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Even the VA from my perspective. AN should try to accommodate the average, long-stay US ex-pat, like those of us who have been here 5, 10, 15, or 20+ years with the intentions of living here until we die - either married to a Thai or retired instead of focusing the process for a US 'combat vet.' That's a niche into which a lot of us don't fit. Try outlining the process for "most US expats." Whatever.
  8. And if the frame is bent it's salvage. She needs to file a complain to the corporate head office.
  9. But the Thai charter boat Captain who took him there??? You know, the charter boat Captain who should know were fishing is legal and where it is not. Xenophobia at it's finest. Based on this report I'd suggest foreign tourist steer clear of charter fishing in Thailand. The charter boat Captain takes you out fishing and you get arrested. Think about that? ????
  10. Men are motivated by T & A. Women are motivated by ATM.
  11. Actually, learn to do disk or partition images. If you're hacked, you can overwrite the disk or partition with a known good copy. Macrium Reflect has a good imagine product that is free. https://www.macrium.com/reflectfree
  12. What is a good alternative to Kaspersky? Linux.
  13. That is call - Human Trafficking. It has no place here.
  14. Good for you. I've been married close to 15 year to my Thai wife. Having been married to 3 other women, all of which ended our marriages by taking on other boyfriends, I have a rather stilted view of "fidelity" in a marriage. And having lived in Thailand in Thai communities (as opposed to living with other farangs) I've found that average Thais also have a rather loose sense of fidelity in their marriages as well - both men and women. Our marriage works, and honestly, I live a quiet life in a village now. And out here in the village - everybody knows who is bonking whom <laughs>. My "Boom-Boom" days are a rather pleasant memory of the past.
  15. What utter jingoistic tosh. I live in a rural Thai village in Northern Thailand and I can assure you that the majority of the villagers are not "eating, and even sharing the same bedroom." Now 50 years ago? That may have been true. But Thailand is fueled by debt. Most villagers where I live have land and a modest to rather lavish homes. Are these like Western homes? No, most are not. And they are just in hock to the local bank up to their eyeballs. There are some very poor people here living in one bedroom teak or cement houses, but they are a minority in this day and age. And my own stepson lives in Chiang Mai in a gate community and has a home that rivals anything built in the West. Debt! It drives the economy.
  16. And that 25 year old knockout probably has a Thai boyfriend as well as other farang that she services. I've know too many girls in this business as just friends back when I use to live in cities. If you can take your eye's off the eye candy and see how the game is actually played here? Most guys don't have a clue and are only fooling themselves. Imho most guys in a November-January relationship think with the wrong head. A few may be able to make it work, but I believe they are a minority. My wife is 8 years younger than me which makes her 62. I prefer living with a woman close to my own age as we have more in common. If I wanted to bonk a 20 year old? I know where to find them. Ok for a couple of hours of carnal fun, but beyond that? No thanks. But? Whatever trips your trigger.
  17. In this case I commend them although I'm not sure 'safety inspection" is the job of a cop. They should have qualified fire and engineering safety inspectors. That's a little outside the qualifications of the average BIB.
  18. In this world, like unelected EU parliament members, this is now called - "Democracy."
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