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Everything posted by connda

  1. Asked the wife tonight - "Well sweetie. Considering we now can not get a vaccine (no less being fully vaccinated) which will in turn turn us into societal lepers who will not be allowed to shop in Big C, Tesco, or Marko in the Big City - then what do we do? Wife: "Shop somewhere else." She is a pragmatic gal.
  2. Governments who are no longer in the Morality Policing business.
  3. I'm pretty sure the PMs have been saying that since Thailand became a Parliamentary Democracy (of sorts).
  4. When media organizations and governments disagree: Which one is the true conspiracy theorist? Hummm. I wonder? ????
  5. Buy a Laser Printer. Bob's your uncle. I get about 5x the copies and it doesn't dry out. Buy laser cartridges online at Lazada. "OMG, it will void my warranty!!!" The printers are throw-aways. On a printer that costs about as much as their retail ink or cartridges? Throw your ink jet out the window. Get a Laser printer. Buy your cartridges online. Don't play their game.
  6. Here's the future: Machiavellian lock-downs and restrictions. Ease up in the name of the economy. New variant. Machiavellian lock-downs and restrictions. Ease up in the name of the economy. New variant. Ad-infinitum............................ Actually Orwell had it correct: "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." It's being served up right now. As I write. There's our future kids. Read 'em and weep.
  7. 10% of the population is vaccinated - no fault of their own - the snail pace rollout of vaccines is totally on the government. We've all watched it as it has unfolded. Now? The government states that 90% of the population will be banned form Thai businesses because they are unvaccinated?. There's nothing like pulling the trigger on the "The Unvaccinated Will Kill Us All" canard when most people who want a shot, can't get a shot. But that's ok Plebs - No Big-C, Tesco, or Marko for you! <laughs>. Welcome to Clown World. ???? Utterly amazing. Well, TIT. You'd think that they'd at least wait until the vaccinated rate is over 50% and vaccines widely available. Either that or they'll roll this back a couple of months. "Kor tote, kor tote, big mistake!" Until October or November when they have the numbers. Before then? They will shoot themselves in the foot in their glee to show the minions who is boss.
  8. To my "homies" who live in Lamphun Province and @ubonjoe Lamphun Immigration is moving as of Monday August 30th from it's Doi Tii location. The new location is behind the Lamphun Provincial Transportation Office. I get my licenses from the Transport Office so I know where it is at, but I don't know exactly where the new Lamphun Immigration Office building is. From the map posted by Immigration it seems to be a separate building to the left of the Transportation building.. Although I haven't been there yet, based on their map this should be the location. 18.566, 99.040 That should get you to the parking lot. Maps taped to their building are posted below.
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