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Everything posted by connda

  1. The elites know that if they kill a plod or commoner they can simply pay the family some minuscule amount of money like the equivalent of $1500 to $3000 to compensate for the lifetime of earning potential of the decrease - and - if they doesn't work? Jump on their private jet and head somewhere where they have dual citizenship and the host country will protect the wealthy.
  2. I'd say he's the government poster boy for the coming campaign to return kratom to a Cat 5 status. Anyway, Kratom is a nothing-burger. The same weight of cannabis bud would be a different story. So watch for the MOT to start their anti-kratom campaign in 3, 2, 1 ..................
  3. It ends when the government chooses to end it. The UK ended it. Ireland ended it except for masks. The Netherlands ended it. Most US states have ended it. It's not about a virus; it's about the form of government that individual countries have under this so-called 'emergeny', ie, totalitarianism vs liberal democracy. Totalitarianism dressed up liberal democracies (Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Germany, et.al.) are simply wolves covering themselves with sheepskins and ravaging the flock. So - this goes on for as long as individual governments choose to keep the fear and society killing rules in place. If they want old normal, individual states will have old normal. If they want new normal, individual states will have new normal. If they want a totalitarian panopticon, then individual states will look like Cold War East Germany or Soviet Union - or - 1984 come to life.
  4. I remember back in June 2020 when people all over our amphur, tambon, and villages were experiencing upper respiratory issues - sniffles, sore throats, and coughs that lasted anywhere from a week to a month or longer. During that time the local hospital refused to test and just kept telling patients, "Go home, just a cold." So the rest of the world has tens of thousands of cases a day and Thailand just a few thousand. Humm. ???? Ok.
  5. Pump up the Fear-O-Meter baby. 2022 - the year of Variant-Fear Mongering. They can keep this up until at least 2025.
  6. My wife was almost sympathetic. "Wife do no good for ex-husband. Them bad people rips off man's mum. Bad man sell broken gun. Man no pay back debt. This guy have many stories in his head and "BOOM."" Tragedy. It will make a great plot for a Thai soap opera.
  7. Here kitty kitty kitty. I need one of those from my menagerie.
  8. You can find Orphenadrine over the counter as a muscle relaxer for back issue. Ultracet (325mg Para/37.5 Tramadol) is widely available. You just need to sign a form for it. Easy to buy a couple of boxes without any drama.
  9. All the Chinese temples in Chiang Mai don't output just one arson fire set on the slopes of Doi Suthep. Now, multiply that by about 10,000+ arson fires per year here in the North. The government, like usual, is focusing on the straw-man while ignoring the arsonists who are the real problem.
  10. And all America needs is a fully functional democracy to replace the current kleptocratic plutocracy.
  11. To keep it in perspective, the average salary for a great many Thais, especially young people just starting off, is 10,000 THB per month. Yet, here's Thailand forcing foreigners to cough up 10,000+ THB per person to get through the door. Then heaven help you if you pop positive on a PCR test. Really, again. Unless you live here - why bother coming here at all just to be ripped off?
  12. Dreams of the return of tourism with Test-and-Go in one hand and ox-poo in the other. I wonder which hand will fill up the fastest? ????
  13. So 15.5% of Thai children have upwards of 7 serious illnesses or diseases? Wow! ????
  14. Yes, as soon as the statute of limitations runs out on Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya and he comes waltzing back to Thailand. Then of course Thailand will host Formula 1 racing.
  15. That's how you turn a "pandemic" into a highly profitable money-making operation by ripping off potential tourists in the name of "safety." This never ends because it creates too much money for a subset of the politically connected, even though it's destroyed the actual tourism industry. Wealthy well-heeled tourist paying upscale prices for accommodations and tests is the only model Thailand now wants. The lower and middle class Thais who benefited from pre-2019 tourism will never recover - they're not meant to recover. The new normal model is Wealthy Supporting The Wealthy. **** everyone else. However, this short-sight approach guarantees that the Thai tourism industry never recovers and in the process they lose their market share of tourism to other countries.
  16. The Chinese land border is about 200 km from where I live. Now - who is more relevant? The country 200 km away, or the country which is 14,000 miles away? If the US and its allies get involved in a hot war with China over Taiwan and the South China Sea, Thailand will snap right back into China's sphere of geopolitical influence regardless of the toys that Uncle Sam gives Uncle Tu. It would be a short suicide to back the West over China with China a stone's throw away. Thailand will flirt and bat its eyelashes at the US and accept all of its gifts. But when the real fight starts you'll find out Thailand's first and true lover.
  17. When the US puts a Gen-X or Millennial in the Oval Office instead of these over-the-hill, Boomer geriatric basket cases, then the US may actually develop relevant foreign policy objectives.
  18. Thailand's geopolitics are similar to a Thai bar-girl. She'll express her undying love and affection as you send her monthly bank deposits, however once you leave town she'll be expressing undying love and affection to the next farang that comes along.
  19. I had a Living Will/Advance Directive drawn up by CM Legal & Business Co, LTD here in Chiang Mai. It's been written and reviewed by the lawyer who owns the firm and meets the requirements of Thai law and is written in both English and Thai. The entire document is 8 pages long including discussing the conditions under which I no longer wish health care, the type of health care I am refusing, a section stating that I only want care at a government hospital, and a section requesting palliative care if needed, and a section indemnifying doctors and healthcare providers for honoring my wishes. Short examples of the documents below: We received two original copies which we signed and were witnesses. I'll give initialed copies to my son, close friends in the village, and the head doctor at our local amphur hospital. I'm very happy with the document. Both my wife and I have identical documents which provides a lever as the health care representative for each other and I have the document Thai (unlike the document from Lanna Care Net) so there is no misinterpretation of either of our wishes for end-of-life care. I think it's important to have a Living Will in place so that you are not turned into unconscious zombie who is good for pumping unending funds into a private hospital. Most people who have health insurance don't have long-term care riders on that insurance - so long term care of someone in a vegetative state can be a financial drain even for them. There comes a point that you accept a life well lived and pull the plug. This isn't for everyone. Some people want to live regardless of the condition of their deteriorating body. But for those of us who accept that part of life in the eventuality of sickness and then death, it's good to have your end-of-life care plan documented in a Living Will.
  20. Covid has lobotomized these people. They can no longer see the obvious. Money rolling in for the logistics and the filming; Domestic tourism increases to view the filming; A whole movie worth of free advertising; Follow on effect of tourism after the release of the movie. Mai ow, mai ow. No want." They deserve exactly what they won't get. Tourism.
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