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Everything posted by connda

  1. A picture is worth 1000 words: Wait for the government to forcefully incarcerate the first foreigner who is fully covered for Covid with an 'accepted' policy after which the insurance refuses to pay, the hospital hands the foreigner a hefty hospital bill, the the government holds the foreigner hostage until they pay. I think I'd start thinking that the 'worst case scenario' for tourist arrivals in 2022 is looking more like 2 to 5 million (or less) depending on the direction of the wind, new "variants", bureaucratic flip-flops, utter confusion between ministerial offices, and insurance companies refusing to honor policies. Happy New Year!!! <sound of Whoopie Cushion>
  2. If vehicle deaths were Covid deaths - all Thai roads would be closed and the population forced to walk.
  3. Environmentally friendly. <laughs> It's January so I expect we have another month of clean air up here in Northern Thailand before the heat sets in and the Thais head for the hills with the express intent of burning them down - year, after year, after year. Hell, by that time of year my solar cell probably work at half-capacity as the entire North is shrouded in PM2.5 and PM10 so bad that yearly we have "The Worst Air Quality In The World." Like on the days I can't see the other side of our mountain valley 10 km away. Well you could conversely say that Thailand is Number 1 in The Worse Air Quality in The World to go along with having the Number 1 Most Dangerous Roads in The World.
  4. Have you ever seen how much poop an elephant can make? Now - feel free to draw analogies.
  5. I wonder how many slogans they can come up with in the next year? That would make a good poll!
  6. How are you 'simplifying transfers' as the ACH transfer service is closed? Nowadays it's pretty much SWIFT or Wise.
  7. For Farangs: The nearest, most expensive private hospital. "Farang rich!"
  8. You'd be forced into a hospital with a minimum price tag of 100K THB on the low side for the accommodations - farang. If your GF is Thai - things may be different for her. You? You're a rich man farang. Thai institutions like hospitals need you to feed them.
  9. Just marking time until the statutes of limitations run out and then it's "Welcome Home Big Boss." and flower covered signs "We Love Billionaires!"
  10. You'd need to ride on the back of a Boston-Dynamic's Robot to be able to navigate Chiang Mai "sidewalks." A wheel-chair. Ain't happening. It's dangerous enough if you have two functional legs.
  11. Thailand’s English proficiency plummets: Survey Now that all the backpacking teachers are gone, I'm sure the deficiency in qualified NES teachers will be filled by wealthy, well-heeled tourists, digital nomads and millionaire foreigners.
  12. My goodness. Another veiled suggestion that perhaps the person who holds an opinion different then yourself should just die if they don't embrace your viewpoint. In the meanwhile fluoroquinolone antibiotics given out like candy by 'medical professionals' in Thailand without any conformed consent regarding adverse effects just about destroyed the tendons in my knees. Now I know. There is a US FDA black-box warning on these classes of antibiotics - but never mind that - just trust the experts and shut up! That's pretty much the message nowadays. You really need to take charge of your own health, educate yourself, and ask a lot of uncomfortable questions.
  13. And Mutually Assured Destruction of the entire planet with enough nuclear weapons to destroy the planet 100 times over. Now, there's another simply grand scientific advancement. And when your nuclear reactors get wiped out by a tidal-wave, well just pump the nuclear waste in the ocean. It will dilute, so says 'science.' <laughs> Personally I'm fully a proponent of fusion energy. The Chinese will get there first and they and the fusion energy science will be demonized as soon as the Chinese reactors come online. Back to science as politic I'm afraid.
  14. 1. Overall, has science and it's discoveries been beneficial for humanity? I depends who you look at it. For example, are weaponizing viruses and bacteria in a Biosafety BSL4 lab that have the potential to end life on this planet beneficial for humanity and advanced life forms in general? My vote is "No" but then there are some psychopaths out there who think it's a grand idea and they get continual funding by 469 equally insane individuals to continue that research ad-infinitum - in my own humble opinion, of course.
  15. Al Gore and Barack Obama purchased their beach front property as a public service to mankind. That way they can personally keep an eye on the rising sea levels around their own estates and warn the rest of us when the end is neigh. These are amazingly philanthropists whose multi-million dollar beach-fronts estates will be underwater by 2030 - no doubt - and they sacrifice their beach-front estates as an object lesson to the common folk. These men are truly saints. God bless their souls.
  16. If you wish to see science as religion, then look no further than the self-proclaimed inquisitors who seek out the heretics from among the diverse opinions and counter-questions within a thread such as this, and then excoriates their views with pejoratives, name-calling, and calls for censorship and bans of their heretical thought and counter-arguments.. The Scientific Method does not work that way. However, when there are literally billions if not trillions of dollars in revenue and profits at stake - when there are fortunes to be made - suddenly the Scientific Method gets tossed to the wayside and replaced with a Scientism of Personality and Cult Devotion toward proclaimed 'experts' who have been anointed by the political class: That is the political classes in both government and within corporate and regulatory entities. As I said above: "Science as politic is equally as bad." And this so-called 'science' is based on political manipulation posing as scientific inquiry and research. It's dangerous. Scientism of Personality is the anti-thesis of the Scientific Method.
  17. The nature of human inquiry which leads to advancements which work for the betterment of the human condition are good; The nature of human inquiry which leads to advancements which work for the detriments of the human condition are not good. When science can not be separated from religious fervor and supports a pseudo-advancement which is propagandized as a 'betterment' but is little more than a conduit for greed and predatory exploitation? That's bad too. Science as politic is equally as bad. Science which entertains only one 'accepted' narrative which can not be challenged in scientific debate is no longer science - it's religion.
  18. 1 omicron 2 omicron 3 omicron 4 5 omicron 6 omicron 7 omicron more
  19. I don't know who is "panicking." I've never panicked about Covid in the last 23 months. I'm not starting now. But ya'll? Feel free to panic. What a s****y why to live.
  20. Sure. Take a home ATK test. If you pop positive, shut up and recluse at home until pop negative. Or Run to your nearest private hospital who will forcefully incarcerate you for a price tag between 100K to 1M THB. Remember - you're not a human. You are a rich farang and a walking ATM.
  21. Unfortunately the average Thai is dyslexic and what they perceive is the Government Promoting “Drink And Drive” Campaign for New Year Holiday
  22. Let's see. 1. Have sex with 100 20 year old Thai pretties. Let's see how the works out this year!
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