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Everything posted by connda

  1. In the West protecting your country and culture would get you label as a far-right-wing racist, a supremacist, as well as possibly getting you imprisoned for racial hatred, bigotry, and extremism. In SE Asian Thailand? It's 'protecting your country and culture.' The globally accepted norm for Thailand!
  2. Ditto. I know my place in Thai Society - A walking, talking ATM. And as long as I can spit out cash in the correct denominations, I'll be free to remain in Thailand to "Visit My Wife" in one year incrementes - well - until they decide to change the rules. Then would I 'go back home?' No. I'd pick my Plan B country and still remain an expat. I'm sort of fond of rural third-world myself.
  3. Realistically, they will flood the courts with cases, and then the courts will give up and signal to the parliament and administration to enter the 21st century and allow cannabis and hemp to be grown as cash crops for domestic use and export, as well as to at least decriminalize the use of 0.2+THC because once the public starts growing it - like Thai roads - there aren't enough cops to enforce the law to the letter. Smoking a spiff - ฿400 fine. Hopefully that's the future. Then they can let another 30% of the prison population out of incarceration and back into the society to use their skills to farm cannabis.
  4. Well he's got my backing now: Anutin For PM!!! Of course, this isn't New York so as a foreigner I can't vote. I like the theme: "A chicken in every pot, and six pots of pot in every home." I'll convince my family that he's our man!!!
  5. The book is about 'generational theory'. "According to the Strauss-Howe generational theory, many nations undergo decisive changes every four generations. They calculate that to be about 80 to 90 years. They argue that, when this period is over, a radical transformation in the social and political structure occurs." - ExploreYourMind, Psychology, Theories It's about change that tends to manifest quite violently in relatively consistent waves of time. Literally earth-shaking periods of history. Like a tsunami, it's easy to dismiss an ultra low-tide as an anomaly without understanding what is about to crest the horizon. As stated by Samuel Clements, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes." And I've lived long enough to hear the four-part harmony starting to kick in. When this comes (and it will) most people will be standing flat-footed on the beach watching the fish flop.
  6. You mean the insurance companies screaming to the government for help because they have to pay out on the Covid policies they sold last year? Those insurance companies? Hit us all with the shocker. Let's hear what the premiums will be as well well as the policy payouts limits. Here we are now, entertain us.
  7. “Try to unlearn the obsessive fear of death (and the anxious quest for death avoidance) that pervades linear thinking in nearly every modern society. The ancients knew that, without periodic decay and death, nature cannot complete its full round of biological and social change. Without plant death, weeds would strangle the forest. Without human death, memories would never die, and unbroken habits and customs would strangle civilization. Social institutions require no less. Just as floods replenish soil and fires rejuvenate forests, a Fourth Turning clears out society’s exhausted elements and creates an opportunity.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
  8. Reskilling and upskilling for businesses is crucial amid pandemics Are then perhaps the pundits in charge of media and "right-think" projecting to the unwashed masses that there will be more - Much much more - "Be afriad!". This first "pandemic worked so well at destroying society as we knew it, so why not usher in a narrative of Mysophobia now so that the average commoner is scared to death of anyone who coughs or sneezes or farts or breathes or touches a surface with a hand not slathered in alcohol-gel? Goodness, Westerners wade in the waters of Mysophobia as it is. Listen to what I've heard among 'clean farang' for years: "Have you ever eaten at a Thai street food vendor? OMG! They are filthy! Rats and cockroaches everywhere. Nobody washes their hands. The food is bacteria ridden! Eat that filth and you'll end up in a hospital with food poisoning for sure!!! <fear fear fear fear fear> Of course, after 14 years living in The Land Of (Bacterial) Slime, Somtom, and Plaa-Laa - I've contracted 'food poisoning' twice within perhaps the first two years of living here: Once at a popular international fast food joint, and second at a popular international fast food joint which is in direct competition with the first international fast food joint that made me as sick as a freaking dog. I made it vague enough that I can't be sued for defamation as that's how criticism is dealt with in The Land Of (Bacterial) Slime, Somtom, and Plaa-Laa, don't ya know? But Thai street food? Or mom and pop restaurants, which of course most "CLEAN" farangs equate with disease, and filth, rats and rodents, cockroaches, and projectile diarrhea if not projectile vomiting? I've never had a problem anywhere in Thailand. Ever. So - pandemics. Of course. Covid germs everywhere. "Beware. Mask up. Social Distance. Get the shots. Get the boosters. It's the only way to keep from getting the plague - or else? You'll die for sure!!!" And of course - if you are a "non-essential" business (smaller than a mall, Big C, Tesco, etc) then you need to close to keep the public "safe." And if you're are a bar, pub, night-time entertainment venue, and restaurant serving a glass of wine with a meal - you need to be put out of business for the sake of public health! - Well, unless your restaurant is franchised, International, and resided within a clean mall. Then it's perfectly safe, especially if you've paid to have a three-letter acronym placed after the name of your establishment to virtue-signal your safety and cleanliness to the Mysophobic masses surging across the borders in the billions, millions, hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, thousands (hundreds). Hundreds of millionaires! Clean millionaires unlike <gasp> unclean commoners. So yeah - now we have all these plebs, and commoners, and low-classed nobodies who have been put out of work because - well - their type of work is "Non-Essential." Poor = "Non-Essential." Low-class = "Non-Essential." Middle-class = "Non-Essential." Entrepreneurs = "Non-Essential." You know - scum. So? Let's "Re-Train them all." Accept 'right-think' and make enough money to feed your family (maybe) and pay your bank bills (after we loan you more to pay off your previous balance). So now - the government will - Build Back Better! Globally! It's a concept that is completely organic in every country now. No doubt. Re-skill! Retool. Train people from Myanmar to do the jobs "Thais Don't Want To Do!" Pour public funds into corporations who promise to raise the Thai standard of living two fold, and their stockholders ROI by 20, 50, or 100 fold. Get those amoral Bar Girls off the street, dress them in factory cloths, and give them a job making slave wages! Buddha Rejoice. A Moral Society!!! Yeah. I get it. In fact, a lot of people are starting to 'get it.' Well - thank Buddha for rubber bullets and flash-bang grenades! @BritManToo <laughs>
  9. Just saying, I've personally never experienced side-effects from Anthelmintics if taken at the correct dosages. Zero. Nada.
  10. And off we go. Anutin: It's not like 2021!!! Give it some time. Ya'll repeated Songkran 2021 during New Years 2021-2022. The definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
  11. Any of us who have hung out in the CM Santitham area and speak a modicum of Thai should understand how the game works.
  12. Without the glasses on you were accurately reading between the lines methinks! Snap @BritManToo
  13. My guess is that the Singha beer girl gives her exposure to men who can then be enticed to financially support a uni 'dek puuying' as a Thai sugar-daddy. That's a pretty common practice here. She ain't making that money from tips. And when not serving beer or at uni, she's more than likely serving something sweeter.
  14. I've warned my friends back home and nobody is interested in dealing with Thailand until these scams to drain as much money as possible from foreigner who pop positive for Covid but are asymptomatic. Feed foreigners to expensive hospitals while allowing Thai to quarantine in field hospitals or at home. Why not. The Thai Supreme court said bleeding foreigners is OK because we all are rich. Not discriminatory - Farangs!
  15. Of course they do. Each Covid positive asymptomatic tourist rakes into hundreds of thousand baht for private hospitals and quarantine hotels. More money can probably be made from a Covid positive tourist than a tourist just touring.
  16. You can worry about long-Dengue too. I've had it. Lasted almost two years. And a second bout of Dengue has the potential to kill you. However? Do I obsess about catching Dengue, or long Dengue? No I don't. That sort of obsessive thinking should be referred to a mental health care professional as it is as sign of pathology. Fearful obsessions about diseases are not normal behavior. Nor do I obsess about catching Covid, the flu, common cold or a host of other aliments with the potential to wreak your life. Why? That sort of obsession is hypochondria. That will wreak your life too. Those who are obsessing about long Covid or Covid in general. Make an appointment with a mental health care professional. You probably need professional assistance to deal with your fear.
  17. I take Ivermectin. Great dewormer and it kills two birds with one stone. Or take albendazole. OTC. 30 THB per dosage. Before Ivermectin I took that twice a year. Search for albendazole online for dosage and conditions it treat. You usually need to take a dose with kills adult worms, wait a period, and then take another dose as most of these dewormers only kill adult worms. Or If you're not into reading medical literature (you should for correct usage and dosages) then - Visit a doctor.
  18. None of this nonsense is needed any more. Bangkok Bank at one time had the market on SSA direct deposits. They do not any longer. You use to have to open a special account and then come in person to draw out the money. It was ridiculous. You should check the terms of whatever you signed up for with BKK Bank. SSA will now send you deposit to any established bank in Thailand via International Direct Deposit (IDD). I dropped BKK bank as soon as that change occurred. I got tired of their customer service depending on an employee's mood at the moment, especially after having to physically show up every month to withdrawn my funds just to redeposit them. Open up an account at any bank that will accept US customers (I use SCB), and contact Manila by email and ask for directions for setting up a direct deposit to your bank account. The fact your having issues should be a warning.
  19. I love the heartfelt compassion and love we all enjoy here on AN! It's a joy. And keep thinking happy thoughts about 3x full vaccine immunity. "The SAR in household contacts exposed to the delta variant was 25% (95% CI 18–33) for fully vaccinated individuals compared with 38% (24–53) in unvaccinated individuals." The devil's in the details. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00648-4/fulltext#seccestitle160
  20. Everybody here is pretty much commenting about behavior in cities and tourism spots. You get out in the sticks where I live and who wears masks and where is a lot different. Most people in the fields and on the back roads aren't masked. Most people in village markets don't mask unless a customer comes along. None of the construction workers mask. Family groups don't mask - and in a village? It's one big family group. There have been an isolated case here and there - everyone here knows who they are. Other than that? Life goes on, some wearing masks, some not.
  21. He did everything that the Red Bull kid did not do. This guy will probably be languishing in jail as Red Bull kid comes waltzing home after the authority allow the statues of limitations to expire. Moral of the story - corruption is rewarded.
  22. Pre-Smart-Phone there may have been a few Thais who read books. Nowadays everyone, Thais and Farang included, have their snouts embedded in their 'smart phone' devices. Personally I hate the things. I used to like to spend time in a pub or cafe reading a paperback or one of the English language newspapers. Now virtually all the used books stores are gone in Chiang Mai, finding a English language newspaper is close to impossible, and the pubs and cafe I use to frequent are out of business. So I stay at home and read ebooks on my computer.
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