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Everything posted by connda

  1. I just don't use my home country credit card here. 1 to 3% foreigner transaction fee right off the top. Then fraud. I live here. If I need something I pay cash, order COD, and make a bank transfer. The only use my credit card sees in purchases in the US. Where I'm protected by the Fair Credit Billing Act.
  2. Flatten the curve? We heard that two years ago. Look where we are at now. Testing fattens the revenue streams of Big Pharma - it doesn't flatten the curve. Really - why not "Flu Tests" or "Cold Tests". Why not make every male foreigner take an HIV test every week? We've transgressed"stupid" and have moved into the realm of totally irrational. Although highly profitable.
  3. Actually "No." They simply don't care if you hit them for not yielding the right-of-way because they understand that, 1) you'd rather your own car not be damaged, and 2) they don't have any insurance and even if a court claims against them for damages they'll never pay. So? They'll push you off the road before yielding. Defensive driving is the only rational choice as Thai drivers have zero rational thinking or safety consciousness. They literally don't care. Just look at motorcyclists driving right onto the main road from a side road and never even glancing to see if anything is coming. And Thai fatalities? 80% motorcyclists. Surprise surprise. This country is a horrid place to drive.
  4. Actually the line straddle can be done up to 2 to 3 kilometers before the turn. Then let's not talk about merging from the left: Roll onto the highway at walking speed, after 1 km straddle the white curb lane line and drive another 1 kilometer reaching a speed of perhaps 50 kph, and then as soon as someone approaches to pass, pull the vehicle in front of the approaching vehicle quickly, pushing the approaching vehicle into the cars in the middle lane and far lanes. After the wreck in the middle and outside lanes, keep driving like nothing ever happened.
  5. It must be fake news for sure. Have you had this fact checked? Perhaps the Trump supporters at Bloomberg are revolting? Omg! <what to believe, what to believe?> We'll all die if the pandemic emergency isn't kept in place!!!
  6. No no no. It's best to stay at home fully masked with the latest shots and boosters (maybe even more) and to never venture away from home unless it's to go to a nice safe Mall or Big Box Store like Big-C or Marko. All small businesses and family business should be force to close permanently to save mankind and Thais specifically, and alcohol should be outlawed as the amoral sin drug that it is! And keep your TV on 24/7 so you never miss out on the next variant horror that will kill you for sure if you let up your guard. Best to triple mask! N95, KV95, and a cloth mask! And just close the border for the next two, three, five, ten years! Well all die for sure of Covid, unless we die of something else, like old age. Nope - This needs to be a Forever Pandemic and everyone needs to "Do The Right Thing" or be thrown in jail forever!!! I'm so afraid! It's the government and society's obligation to protect me from dirty Covid spreader.
  7. Anyone have suggestions for indigestion? A doctor.
  8. What Cha Eatin' Now? Come on man! We all love to post pictures of what we're eating on Social Media. So this thread is dedicated to posting pictures of the wonderfully tasty food (Thai or otherwise) which you are just about to eat right now! So let me start it off with: Pat Pak Ruam Gaeng Daeng Gap Tuna Sot from the Kitchen of Connda! Mixed veggies with Fresh Tuna and Red Curry! Arroy Arroy. Delicious. And steaming fresh right off my own stove! So! How about you? What-Cha-Eatin' Now?
  9. That's complete tosh. If you qualify, you can obtain CBD at a Thai cannabis clinic for medical ganja.
  10. Yep. You go to a restaurant and there you order a coffee with a marijuana leaf in it, and a lunch entree with marijuana leaves adorning it, and then order a cup of cannabis tea and cookies topped with marijuana leaves. And later that night you buy and smoke a spiff with a friend - then the cops show up lights ablazing, make you pee in a bottle ("purple!!! - you bad person, smoke ganja"), get arrested, thrown in jail and eventually deported. It's a Pandora's Box with the government itself advertising how wonderful it all is and how wonderfully liberal Thailand is too. "Look!!! Cannabis Leaf Salad!!!" But it ain't! Those mixed message will get good people thrown into Thai jail on drug charges - I guarantee, unless Thailand decriminalized ganja use.
  11. The game plays like this. The Thai government demands that foreigners have $nnn,nnn amount of insurance. If a foreigner has a positive Covid test, then forcefully incarcerate the foreigner and hand them a bill for $nnn,nnn amount of money that matches the insurance requirements. It's a scam. The insurance should be there for people who get sick and actually need health care. Not for gouging foreigners because they are perceived as an easily available supply of large amounts of revenue created in a scheme that targets deliberately targets them, like the completely asymptomatic.
  12. But that doesn't generate the income for hotels, hospitals, and insurance companies that this private-public partnership of government and corporate interests wishes to create. Problem - reaction - solution. They have created a high-priced "solution" that they want because it creates large amounts of revenue by raping the public, foreigners in particular. Yes - people should be allow to recover and quarantine at home. Even though I have land and a guest house on our property and the supplies and resources at any given moment to stay put for two weeks or more, I guarantee I'd be forced into an expensive hospital simply because I am a "Cha-Ching" foreigner. So what do I do? I don't record my movement at stores like 'good citizens', the phone stays in a Faraday bag, and I stay away from public testing like it's the plague. If they want my cooperation - then stop treating foreigners like milk-cows and extend the same rights to foreigners as they do Thais without the racist, rent-seeking discrimination. Here where I live in a village, Thais have been allowed to quarantine at home when Covid positive. The medical infrastructure is available already. But they'd force me into a hospital and hand me a $100K bill on the way out. When the Thai courts say that gouging foreigners at hospitals isn't discrimination because foreigners are 'rich' - well, then the racist, rent-seeking discrimination becomes institutionalized. Watch for future schemes targeting foreigners in order to transfer their wealth to Thai corporate entities now that the precedence is set and codified. But right now, forcing foreigners into hospitals for a hefty price is the current iteration of this scheme. It's a lose-lose situation as I won't willing play their game of "Milk-The-Foreigner-For-Money-In-The-Name-Of-Covid" as doing so takes money away from supporting the interests of my Thai family.
  13. Perhaps Thailand officials need to explain to the IQ-impaired segment of Thai society exactly what the purpose of national parks are and their role in protecting endangered species - which cows are not.
  14. For how many underground pubs that they bust, how many are not busted. This forced prohibition is incredibly unpopular. But then comes the fearful trembling, "You'll get Covid!" Yeah. Maybe so. It's time to learn to live with it and get back to normalcy, and I don't mean 'new normal' which is an ugly form of social control.
  15. Anutin needs to hire me onto his campaign for PM as I have the winning strategy for him. I ❤️ Science! Legalize Cannabis for Everyone To Stop SARS-Cov-2!!! Anutin will be declared a savior and national hero. He'll win as PM by a landslide. Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants "In follow-up virus neutralization assays, cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid prevented infection of human epithelial cells by a pseudovirus expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and prevented entry of live SARS-CoV-2 into cells. Importantly, cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid were equally effective against the SARS-CoV-2 alpha variant B.1.1.7 and the beta variant B.1.351. Orally bioavailable and with a long history of safe human use, these cannabinoids, isolated or in hemp extracts, have the potential to prevent as well as treat infection by SARS-CoV-2. " https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35007072/
  16. It's another sub-unit vaccine similar to Novavax as it supplies spiked protein in an adjuvant and as such probably has less adverse reactions.
  17. Freeze chicken prices because pork prices are skyrocketing. ????
  18. The OP is no doubt double or triple vaxxed so he's perfectly safe as the Covid vaccines are 'effective.' Don't worry, be happy! Modern science will keep you perfectly safe. But for those who worry - wear a N95 or N99 mask. You'll be fine. Don't worry about the other guys. They'll all die for sure!
  19. I can just imagine. "Welcome to Thailand. You have Covid insurance but not good enough. Must buy good Thai Covid insurance from Thai company. You 70 years old. Ok. ฿10,000 or get back on plane and go home." Or something like that. I wonder how long before we start to here the horror stories.
  20. How ironic. Every women in the village wants to have the same color skin as if have. And they just can't grasp why the crazy farang lays out in the sun a few minutes each day (Vitamin D Booster). Or course, I find it equally ironic that most Westerners come to Thailand and lay in the sun in order to attain a brown that is a birthright to the same Thais who spends billions on skin whitening cream. Freakin' Crazy world, 'eh?
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