Go to pretty much any hospital's physical therapy clinic. Go a couple of times. Understand the basics and do them at home. You don't need to keep throwing money at it. You can find a lot of information to contribute to your Physical Therapist's recommendations. Once you have the therapy movements, be religious about doing them regularly.
Combination of ice and heat. And better get used to the idea that your weight training with that shoulder is going to have to be minimized if not stopped.
Mine healed in three year (yeah, that long, plus muscle atrophy, but refused surgery). Do cardio and resistance training that targets muscles not involving the rotator cuff. If it hurt? Stop! Don't do it.
If you have excessive amounts of disposable wealth? Then you're in luck. Look into stem cell treatments. From my own research and from anecdotal testimony from people who had it done (Joe Rogan for instance) it works. If you're average Joe Expat, well, it's just gonna take time.
And stay away for cortisone as it can do more damage than good.
Ironically I damaged my rotator cuff doing daily yoga. See - I didn't follow my own advice that "If it hurts? Stop! Don't do it." I pushed through the pain - that was stupid. Live and learn.
Best of luck.