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Everything posted by connda

  1. You are vaccinated and yet you are afraid of contracting Covid? Why? You're safe. Most the the world leaders said if you get the vaccines you won't get Covid. Only the unvaccinated spread Covid. Are you unvaccinated? No? So you have nothing to worry about. Test and quarantines should be a thing of the past for clean, vaccinated people! I hate it when people spread conspiracy theories that the fully vaccinated get Covid no less spread it. It's an "epidemic of the unvaccinated." All vaccinated citizens are "Safe!" Stop spreading lies and rumors. You'll create a panic. Vaccinated = Completely Safe!
  2. I was thinking more along the lines of Anutin dressed as superman wielding a Fauci-Ray-Blaster and blowing Omicron into oblivious after which arresing Lex Xi-Ping Luther for crimes against humanity and sending him to a penal colony in North Hollywood to live out his days as a minimum wage 'extra.'
  3. Yesterday they talk about legalizing it; today they are out busting everyone who isn't connected somebody. "It's immoral!" So's graft, lying, fraud, abuse of power.....blah blah blah.
  4. Home isolation for your Thai wife, community isolation for the kiddies sans parents, and high-end highly expensive private hospitals albeit forcefully incarcerated milking institutions for their "rich farangs" husbands and fathers.
  5. Said so. Open up the entire country to travel for New Years and then lock it down for the next 3 months. Songkran 2021 redux. It' almost looks planned or these people at the top are complete idiots.
  6. Because when you can charge $15 bucks for a 30 THB plate of food - Come On Big Money!!!
  7. I'd say a massive outbreak of Omicron is pretty much a given after New Years. And for the same reasons as a massive outbreak of Delta occurred after Sonkran.
  8. So the scheme is to get 'rich, well-heeled' Thais to travel and spend lots of money. As for the commoners? Well, just stay home. Somebody has to work the menial **** jobs while the rich Thais enjoy their vacations.
  9. I've got close to a Rai of land. Most of that belongs to the pack of dogs (7). But I've got a nice space for digging up dirt, planting seeds, water, and viola! Produce. Other than elbow grease it's free. Don't use chemicals. The bugs get a bit, we get most of it.
  10. It depends where you go to shop. Here in the village, a bowl of noodles that cost you 20 THB last year costs you - 20 THB today. Produce costs haven't budged. Where I can see price increased is at Big C who jacks up prices for things that I never buy from them anyway - like produce. The other items getting jacked up in price are imported items. Meat prices have increased marginally but often you can find sales. The only thing I miss is Salmon which I use to buy at Big C but the price about doubled. So I'll just eat locally bred fish now. A few items have marginally increased in the local fresh markets but it's supply and demand. When there is a large supply they can't jack the prices up. This ain't the West.
  11. Picking up the Grand-daughter tomorrow and was considering San Kamphaeng Hot Springs for a picnic and possibly a dip. Is it open?
  12. Has anyone had a lawyer draw up a Living Will in Thai and English here in Chiang Mai? I'm aware of the template at Lanna Care Network, but I'd like a Living Will that is written in Thai and English and tailored to my own EOL wants and desires.
  13. Am I afraid to die? That's sort of a "yes" and "no" question. From a purely physical sense, the body and mind are wired for survival. That's just the nature of it. When the body and mind face an extinction level threat - it goes into high-gear. Think of situations where you almost died. How did your body and mind react? Then comes the rational and metaphysical sense for those who have cultured it. Especially as a Buddhist practitioner who has done a whole lot of mediation in my life-time. Now note - I didn't say a "follower of Buddhist religion." I said I'm a practitioner. There's a difference. So I don't necessarily buy the Buddhist cosmology hook, line, and sinker. Buddhism is not my 'religion.' Christianity is my religion. That should confuse a lot of people <laughs>. If you dive deeply into your inner being, then you understand a lot of the sign-posts that someone like the man Siddhārtha Gautama hung out for us to see and practice. Just like the man, Jesus of Nazareth. My feeling is that if you have done a significant amount of deep introspection, you arrive at a gnosis - an understanding - and therein - fear of death dissolves. But at the moment of death - those inner instinct may take over. There are people who can see through that fear and beyond. I'm not there yet. Few are. But I have enough experience to understand the gross nature of the 'fear of death' and how/why it arise. Not being a Buddhist arahant (people who can actually see through the fabric of what appears to be 'reality' but is not). From that perspective? I don't fear death. In the throes of death? Well I hope I can apply insight as I release this mortal form. But rationally - I don't fear death. It's part and parcel of birth and life.
  14. I use to buy greeting cards from a small shop on Thapae Road close to SCB but that shop has recently closed. I'd like to buy some cards to send to family for the holiday. Any ideas where to buy greeting cards with a Thai flair locally in Chiang Mai?
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