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Everything posted by connda

  1. ICE vs EV, the debate thread Hybrid. I'm going more and more for the hybrid bandwagon.
  2. I may disagree with her, but I'd fight for her right to express her views. Well, that's the difference between living in a Neo-Totalitarian state and living in a country in which Freedom of Speech is enshrined in a constitution. Throwing people into prison for opinions is paving the road to Hell. Personally I wouldn't live in Germany. I don't like totalitarians anymore than I like Nazis. They both suck.
  3. If she was in the US she could voice her opinion regarding the Holocaust without fear of being thrown into prison. I find that countries who don't hold the tenets of Freedom of Speech to be more of a threat to humanity then the Holocaust-denying elderly woman. So Germany is embracing Totalitarianism by being as intolerant as were the Fascists and the Nazis and the Communists and all the other intolerant "-isms" in the world. Throwing a 95 year old elderly woman in prison for an opinion. That's really needless as well as heartless. That could pretty much end up being a death sentence for her. Will throwing her in prison change her mind? No. It just attempts to shut her up.
  4. They have four full months to go into "Damage Control." It should be interesting, or at least entertaining. Now I wasn't going to vote for either Trump or Biden, but it the DNC can put up a decent Gen-X or Millennial candidate, maybe I'd change my mind. They actually have an opportunity here, well, unless they decide to run another Boomer geriatric basket-case.
  5. "Hi cupcake. I'm a farang millionaire and I want to marry you! But first we need to have sex. Are you ready?"
  6. With Joe Biden crashing and burning at last night's Trump/Biden Presidential Debate it seems all die-hard Biden supporters including those in the Main-Stream Media are acknowledging that Joe needs to retire and let someone else run in his place. Will he go gracefully into the night or be pushed out at the Democratic Convention in Chicago? Or will he stand his ground and bumble on until November? So I'm curious. A question for you Biden supporters and those who watch US Presidential politics. What say you? Will Joe bow out gracefully or be pushed out or bumble on until November? If Joe bows out or is pushed out - who will be his replacement? Newsom? M. Obama? Harris? Clinton? Whitmer? Sanders? Warren? Pelosi? Schumer? Someone else? Now that the obvious regarding Joe Biden's mental acumen is clear to the world including his own supporters - who is gonna take his place on November 5th 2024?
  7. I agree. You should have already been to see a doctor.
  8. Which makes a whole lot more sense. Thailand should provide economic incentives to those using hybrids and cars like mine which get in excess of 50 miles per gallon. Incentivize reduced gas usage. EVs are not "greener." They just have a different pollution matrix. Personally in my view, if you really believe that CO2 causes mad-made global warming (which I don't although I do believe that human-kind should strive for less and less pollution from all sources) then what we need to do is use less "fossil-fuels" and conserve until the time that fusion energy becomes an economic reality. We're a couple of decades away, but it will be a reality. Then the world can ditch the coal (100%) and the gas (for the most part) and rely on cheap, clean fusion generated energy. And during that time build-out the electric infrastructure needed to distribute an electricity-based economy. We are not even close to that being a reality yet.
  9. I'd say pre-2019 was Ok. 2020 and beyond have seen the beginning of the end for Thailand. Small and medium businesses decimated by their own government. Factories closing. Inflation making life hard for everyone except the uber-wealthy. Government promising to raise taxes and seek more things to tax as well. The rich get richer and the poor (and middle-class and even the upper middle-class) get poorer. In the meantime, in between time, Thais ain't got fun. Not! 🙄 So gotta agree with ya on this one bob smith, yeah I've noticed as well. Just on a slightly different timeline.
  10. The MSM is in total panic! They have made excuse after excuse for this senile old fart for years, and now he melts down at the end of the 'debate' and they all freak-out. What did they expect - that the drugs would work? Sorry - Biden is beyond chemical enhancement now. If you don't lie to yourself and the American people, they could have run a better candidate in 2020, or just accepted the truth regarding Biden's advanced age and nominated a new (younger) candidate for 2024. Now they have to embarrass themselves as this dog-and-pony show on CNN showed the world what the current POTUS is made of. What an embarrassment for America.
  11. The MSM is melting down over Biden's excellent performance. Let's Go Brandon! (Let's go to the pasture and let a younger candidate take the nomination). What say you Bidenites? Do you really want to see your guy bumble along for another 4 years?
  12. Ouch! Now maybe Biden will do the DNC a favor and drop out. After this disaster there is no way he'll be the DNC nominee after the convention. Source: Polymarket(dot)com
  13. I agree with you there. Imho geriatrics like Biden and Trump (and myself for that matter) should not be running for the Presidency of the United States. We seriously need younger blood in that office. A Gen-X or a Millennial. I am personally tired of Boomers with dementia running our country - that goes for Congress as well. I wish the American electorate would wake up.
  14. Presidential debate is over, have your opinions changed ? What was your take? I've voting for Taylor Swift for sure now! Taylor Swift For President 2024!
  15. I've been looking but haven't got mine either. If it doesn't show up by the first week of July I'll send out a copy I made last year. I keep copies of my previous year's SSA Form 7162 they sent me just for this eventuality. All filled out with my SSN and a barcode. But I'll give it another week.
  16. As is evident right here 👆 👆 👆 Even ardent Asean Now Biden supporters are tossing in the towel. Thank you Jingthing for clearing that up for us.
  17. Better drugs, more coaching on how to use the cochlea implant for maximum effect. They need one more shot at resurrecting "Dark Brandon" for an hour.
  18. Yeah - I don't like Biden either. But thanks for clearing that up for us.
  19. Less than 48 hours from the time you mail the letter/package until it leaves Suvarnabhumi Airport. The rest of the time it's transit time internationally and in the UK. I have tracked many posts from Thailand to the US using the Thai Post as well as packages send from overseas to my address. The Thai Post is highly efficient compared to USPS in the US. Two days max to transit from Chiang Mai/Lamphun to Suvarnabhumi Airport and clear customs and vice-versa when things are send to me from overseas - often less. If you feel like bashing Thai Post - don't. They are not the problem. Send a few EMS letters, track them, and find out yourself.
  20. Learn Thai and learn assertiveness. I haven't had a Thai successfully walk in front of me in a line since I first arrived here. Because I call them and the service staff out in the Thai language: "Excuse me but I was here first, I've been waiting and you can take my order now." Don't complain if you haven't made steps to learn Thai and to integrate into Thai society. The last thing a Thai person want is to lose face in front of a Thai-speaking farang. I'd step in front of you too.
  21. My guess is Biden just lost his base. This from an X post: "This is more painful than watching a Saw movie. Biden is beyond incoherent. He looks old and weak. I loathe Trump with every cell in my body, but people that don’t follow politics closely are not going to vote for a candidate that seems this gone." That's not a good sign for the Dems. My guess? Biden will be replaced at the Democratic convention (in a most un-Democratic manner).
  22. The Babylon Bee rocks. https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-indicted-for-murdering-elderly-man-on-cnn
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