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Everything posted by connda

  1. Ok - I'm fascinated - you've been in a coma for 20 years and just heard about "chem-trails." I'm sympathetic. Now go get those "chem-trail" conspiracy theorist bro'. I'm sure you'll get a lot of traction from all of the other folks on AN who have been asleep for two or more decades. 👍✈️☁️ Amazing.
  2. Absolutely. And get your Covid boosters as well. Safe and Effective. Mask up. Stay 2 meters away from other human beings. Stay safe. It's a dangerous world out there.
  3. Nothing gets hits faster than an OP that begins with assertions like: "Look at what these crazy, right-wing, nutjob, Qanon, MAGA, conspiracy-theorist, misinformation-spreading, anti-vaxxer, whackjob are spreading now -- Ha Ha Ha -- idiots! Fake-news!!! Ban it all." Then you have to ask yourself - "What's in it for the OP to suddenly have some revelation -- out of the blue -- about something or the other that has been talked about for over a decade or more as though the OP is Rip Van Winkle and just woke up after a 10 or 20 year nap?" 🤔 I guess the OP can show us all that he/she/its is a MSM, cable-news watching normie who only believes "100% proven authoritative facts" that are "provided by "100% proven authoritative sources of information" and never, ever ever ever engages their brain long enough to consider that his/her/its government or corporate entities would dare to - <gasp> - LIE to the public about anything - ever! Ok! Have fun. "Chem-trails?" <laughs> Where have you been for the last 15 or 20 years OP? This has been beat to death on social media.
  4. Yep - but then the question becomes, cui bono? Who exactly benefits from re-criminalization?
  5. You can watch them coming here: https://weather.tmd.go.th/skmLoop.php
  6. Compare cannabis to alcohol and tobacco? Translated: Re-criminalize cannabis because new studies by "health authorities" find it is as "unhealthy" as alcohol and tobacco. Then give a nod to the alcohol and tobacco monopolies that their cartels are safe from any further competition from the nascent cannabis industry.
  7. Translated: Thailand has access to affordable Chinese EVs as well as affordable after-market services. The EU imposes tariffs to make Chinese EVs unaffordable and have inflated after-market services making them expensive. The US plans to impose tariffs the quadruple the price of Chinese EVs. So - Thais can enjoy the benefits of Chinese EV and EV battery technology that will make EVs affordable for average citizens unlike in the EU and US.
  8. He played his cards as openly racist back when he was handing out masks as the Health Minister and spewed the racist expletive toward foreigners who refused his "gift": "Ai farang," which roughly translates to "**** foreigners of European descent." And followed that with the comment that foreigners of European descent are dirty and don't shower. Imagine the Secretary of Health in the US saying that about Thais? Outrage! Thailand is a nationalistic country, and unlike Western countries which almost uniformly equate nationalism with racism and bigotry toward those who are not indigenous citizens of the country and encourage their citizenry to welcome foreigners as both guests and as migrants - Thai leadership revels and encourages nationalism with all of its warts and intolerance. As for foreigners? Of course foreigners are pretty much uniformly considered to be "bad" and "potential criminals" who must be constantly watched, surveilled, and monitored. And as one can see in articles published in Thai/Eng news outlets, Anutin is always on the forefront of battling foreign criminality and the threat that farangs pose to Thailand - real or imagined. By comparison - just imagine if the US Secretary of the Interior made a comment that the US needs to target "illegal" shops run by Thais in California who may not have work permits? There would be uniform outrage in the US media. And yet what Anutin just said is the equivalent here in Thailand and its the norm and perfectly accepted at all levels of society. Oh well - dirty, unwashed farang selling ganja in shops must be jailed and deported. "Ai farang!"
  9. See - they made you change. Mission accomplished! That's how it's done ppls! Personally I'd get an agent to make the appointment and submit the paperwork. I don't want my funds tied up in a bank. I'd rather keep the marriage extension. If you ever decide to change back? Good luck.
  10. Better topic title: Thai Citizens FLiRT with Death By Covid - Covid Czar Yong Cautions Public Not To Panic
  11. Make sure to lock-down your computer, place a mask on its intake fan, keep it at least 2 meters from other computers, and make sure to give it at least two EUA Pfizer shots and all will be well. 😷 💉
  12. If you're using Linux with a VPN using WireGuard: WireGuard routing technology closes the side channel the Tunnelvision exploits with Linux OS's
  13. If your worried about it then set you VPN to run data via TCP over port 443. Bob's your uncle.
  14. The NSA can already do that. Mai bpen rai.
  15. Legal cannabis Impact the profits of the alcohol monopoly so all other "feel good" products must be made illegal.
  16. Which is why I prefer living in the slow-lane of rural village life. Less drama.
  17. Not a problem. I run Windows in a Virtual Machine. The Virtual Machine connects to the network via NAT. The host Linux OS runs the VPN. So there is no connection between Windows and the VPN which is running on a Linux host. Which is why I run Windows in a Virtual Machine in the first place. To keep in sandboxed so it doesn't break things.
  18. This is Thailand? I know - that doesn't excuse abysmal service, but live here long enough and you just understand that it's part-and-parcel part of Thai society and culture.
  19. Yep. Agreed. And for all the reasons that Dr Gerrard outlines. It's good to see that he will be presenting finding to the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Barcelona next month. As I've stated before, over the long-term as more and more independent1 data and studies are published we will eventually begin to see a larger more comprehensive picture of Covid, the Covid Pandemic, the responses to the Covid Pandemic, and the vaccines and pharmaceuticals used for Sars-Cov-2 infections as well as those which were banned. On a long enough time-line scientific facts eventually reach escape velocity and punch through marketing, propaganda, and scientific bias. It's just a matter of time. 1 Independent from major pharmaceutical corporation funding as well as funding from government and quasi-governmental agencies which themselves receive funding from pharmaceutical corporation as it biases the research in favor of the status-quo.
  20. If I was a Gen-Z university student studying Life Sciences, that question would make an excellent topic for a study and a thesis. Personally I'd like to know the number of "doctor diagnosed cases" of "Long Covid" between "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" groups preferably broken down by the number of shots/boosters and the type(s) of Covid "vaccinations" that the "vaccinated" patients received. It would be an interesting study as I often wonder if the horse is in front of the cart, or the cart is in front of the horse. I'm just saying that in the group of unvaccinated people whom I know in the US (which is most of my family and friends), anecdotally, I personally don't know anyone who is complaining of "Long Covid" after they contracted Covid. And I know very few people, "vaccinated" or "unvaccinated" for Sars-Cov-2, who did not eventually contract Covid. Most people I know did get Covid.
  21. No. You made a statement that 10% of people who contract Covid get "long Covid." The link you supplied links to a large number of Covid studies, but not to a study supporting your comment. Please provide a link to the study that supports your assertion. It's only fair that we all play by the same forum rules. Per the forum's rules: "In factual areas such as news forums and current affairs topics member content that is claimed or portrayed as a fact should be supported by a link to a relevant reputable source." If I make an assertion, I have to back my assertion with the link to a study that supports my assertion or else the post is taken down. Fairness is a level playing field. What I believe is irrelevant - I just want us all playing by the same rules. So - please supply a link to your assertion that "At least 10% percent of infections leads to long covid." Thanks!
  22. Please provide a source for your assertion as per forum rules. Thanks!
  23. And a few hundred billion Thai Baht in business development is wiped out - just like that! "Happiness To The People."
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