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Everything posted by connda

  1. Ditto - he's French so he's irrelevant.
  2. People are drawn to Buddhism because it offers the path to the ending of suffering. Nibbana is not annihilation. It's non-dualistic, stateless, formless, immeasurable, indescribable. You can approximate it in very deep meditation - i.e., Jhanas. Touch those subtle states and you get a glimpse. Few take the time to make mediation a priority so, they don't validate the experiences subjectively, so they are left with naught but questions. Buddha's teaching are sign-posts. You can validate the teachings through personal experience. You can talk about it forever and never gain any understanding. Buddhism isn't a philosophical discussion - Sila, Samadhi, Panna (Morality and meditation leads to understanding). No one can validate the truths of the Path but you.
  3. Good. The war ends when the Ukrainians are incapable of continuing. The sooner the better.
  4. I, and many other critical thinkers on AN who were openly disparaged, were saying in the face of the Covid hysteria, that given time the facts would eventually come to light and the Covid narrative of Fauci et.al. would collapse and be proven to be fabricated. Now we are here even though some publications still promulgate the 2020 "killer Covid" narrative and will still paint eminent scientists such as Dr Bhattacharya as everything under the sun except a scientist. True science took a major blow between 2020 and 2024 as pseudoscience bordering on religious fanaticism replaced the scientific method of open discussion and debate of opposing views among peers: any view other than the proper Covid Narrative was quite literally censored and banned during that time. I expect with the ascension of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya to the position of the head of the NIH, that within two years the majority of the facts regarding the so-called Covid pandemic will be on the table and in the purview of main-stream science and main-stream media, as will the actual safety and efficacy of the mRNA and adenoviral vector shots. It's probably a good thing that Fauci received his preemptive pardon from Joe Biden because he and others are about to be slid under a microscope and dissected to ascertain their roles in creating the "one and only one excepted narrative regarding Covid" during the pandemic years. The COVID-Era Smearing – and Resurrection – of Trump NIH Appointee Dr. Jay Bhattacharya "Jay Bhattacharya was in pretty terrible shape five years ago. He was losing sleep and weight, not because of the COVID-19 virus but in response to the efforts of his colleagues at Stanford University and the larger medical community to shut down his research, which questioned much of the government’s response to the pandemic. Some of his Stanford colleagues leaked false and damaging information to reporters. The university’s head of medicine ordered him to stop speaking to the press. Top leaders at the National Institutes of Health, Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, dialed up the attacks, dismissing him and his colleagues as what Collins termed “fringe epidemiologists” while their acolytes threw mud from a slew of publications, including the Washington Post, The Nation, and the prestigious medical journal BMJ. In the years since, many of Bhattacharya’s scientific concerns about the efficacy of lockdowns and mask mandates have been corroborated. Fauci, meanwhile, accepted a pardon from President Biden, protecting him from COVID-related offenses dating back to 2014, the year he started funding research at a Wuhan, China, lab that U.S. intelligence agencies now believe probably started the pandemic. And this week, Bhattacharya looks set to achieve surprising vindication as the Senate holds a hearing on his nomination to head the NIH, in a Department of Health and Human Services run by science nonconformist Robert F. Kennedy Jr." Article continued here: https://realclearwire.com/articles/2025/03/04/the_covid-era_smearing_and_resurrection_of_trump_nih_appointee_dr_jay_bhattacharya_1095151.html
  5. Might not want to fly Zee. Just saying...
  6. It still just seems strange. You have an 90 something husband with Alzheimer's and other health issues, you're in your mid-60s, you get sick, and you neither seek out medical attention or call anyone to let them know you're sick and probably unable to care for your husband. In this day and age of computers, mobile phones, and family but you don't reach out. And worse, nobody checked in. And no medical care for what should otherwise be a wealthy film actor who should be able to afford live-in assistance. Just very, very odd.
  7. Canada and Europe have been screwing the US for decades. Now we're just finding out as Trump levels the playing field and imposes quid pro quo. Hear that? Yeah - screams!
  8. Gonna be a much smaller country pretty soon. Didn't need to be that way had Zelensky signed the April 2022 Istanbul Accord, he would have kept all but Crimea. But Boris Johnson talked him out of it and it was "War On!" Now? Reality on the ground is the loss of significant territory and very soon, the loss of the entire regions of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia. And as Rubio recently noted, this has been a proxy-war between the US/West and Russia with the West's intent to strategically defeat Russia. Probably a good idea to sign a Peace Accord before Russia reaches the Dnieper River. Up next? Odessa.
  9. Those in power have been gunning for Big Joke for years. "Over the target? 🎯 You get flack." Is he clean? He's a Thai with power. 🤔
  10. Antisemitic Thai transsexuals strike again.
  11. Provide a Russian-haters (generally Leftie neo-cons, but also neo-con Russian-haters in general) with factual information. https://unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com/p/the-ghost-of-polands-past In return you get ad-hominid attacks and snide commentary: "Does your ignorance on everything drops out of your ears or nose?" Go figure...
  12. Many of us have been saying this since 2020: The main-stream media lies. But we are told by the gate-keepers of social media that outlets like CNN are "Trusted News Sources." Over the next four years I expect we are going to see just how far down the rabbit-hole the trope that the MSM are "The only purveyors of 'trusted news'." And then I expect we will also see who the "Media Fact Checkers" are funded by and associated with in order to perpetuate the lies. What a scam.
  13. Most Western women I know seem to gravitate toward the men who will treat them the worse. They seem to love the "strong man who will show me my place" types of guys, and then if you read their social media posts, they spend the rest of their lives complaining about the sh*tty relationships they in and men in general. "Ha ha ha - Western women don't want you." Ditto - I have absolutely no interest in those perpetually angst ridden chicks who find their "knight in shining armor" bad-boys then spend the rest of their lives - or until the divorce - b*tching about it. Actually, they continue b*tching about men for the rest of their miserable lives. They just do it as single men-hating spinsters. I left that nonsense and will never look back - ever.
  14. That is correct. I don't agree with Jing on a lot of stuff, but here? He's 100% correct. That is Trump's stated policy in order to balance the trade deficits. A weakened dollar promotes exports. If you don't understand, study economics. Or ask your favorite AI to explain it too you.
  15. NEW: Bill O’Reilly says Donald Trump is bringing the Democratic Party “on the verge of COLLAPSE.” He says it could take 20 years — an entire generation — for Democrats to recover. It turns out, when your entire platform revolves around hating and opposing Trump, you no longer have a platform worth running on. O’Reilly explains: “I think the Democratic Party is on the verge of collapse. And I liken it to 1931, when Herbert Hoover and the Republican Party basically said to the very suffering American people in the Depression, ‘We’re not helping you. You got to do it on your own. It’s all about self-reliance. We’re not going to give you any safety nets.’ That led to five consecutive Democratic wins. Five. Not until Dwight Eisenhower, 20 years later, did the Republicans recover. I see the same scenario for the Democrats.” “What happened [to the Democratic Party]? What happened was Trump hatred. And that’s what the headline is of the speech [Tuesday] night. When you are hating someone, you lose all perspective, you lose all feeling, you’re consumed. And I wrote a book, it’s going to be out in September, called Confronting Evil. And these people who did all these terrible things, they all had one thing in common. They hated. They were just haters across the board. That’s what you saw in that chamber last night.” Personally I'm not a fan of Bill O'Reilly, I don't even like him. He's an arrogant jack-ass. But he does have a point. I can clearly see it right here on AseanNow in the reaction of Democrat and progressive liberal AN members. We're right back to Trump's first term where these people literally spent four years spewing hatred for Trump at every chance possible on social media. And they are right back at it for Trump's second term. They are irrational. As O'Reilly rightfully points out, "When you are hating someone, you lose all perspective, you lose all feeling, you’re consumed." These people are consumed which leads them to completely over-the-top antics like this unending expression of Trump-hatred on social media. The antics drives rational people around them to reject what they claim they stand for. The antics of the entire Democrat collective in Congress during the Trump speech last Tuesday exemplifies just how far out of touch these people are. In my own opinion it would be a good thing if the Democrat Party self-destructs and then rises again out of the ashes in the form that I personally remember: An organization which supported rational liberalism and social policies, and who were collectively anti-war. Well, I can wish.
  16. Think he figured out he had a problem after the popper wore off?
  17. Better than having a dildo removed from his nether regions. But about as funny really. But hope he hasn't done any permanent damage.
  18. Well, imho every pro-war "leader" and politician should be given a rifle and immediately sent to the front to lead the troops from the front lines. "Leading from the rear?" That's called cowardice. Those screaming for war the loudest are by far the most craven. If "leaders" were forced to the front, war would end in a hurry.
  19. Hatred is such a vile human condition, regardless of who is the instigator and who is the object. And yet that is the reality that we live in, sad as it may be.
  20. And the "Jews" I've met here are most likely practicing Buddhists. My original Theravada Buddhist teacher, Steven Levine, was Jewish as were a whole lot of teachers within the Theravada, Tibetan, and other Buddhist (and Hindu) traditions: Allen Ginsberg, Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Sylvia Boorstein, Lama Surya Das, Pema Chödrön, and Ram Dass.
  21. Thailand Eyes Banana Farming to Support Struggling Rice Farmers That's like growing weeds. Actually growing weed (Cannabis) was a good idea but it was made into a system where essentially only connected people could participate. Bananas? <laughs> Durians has more bang for the buck and if sold at the markets as opposed to selling to a middleman, farmers can make pretty decent money.
  22. I'll be brutally honest. I've had many "Jewish" friends, and the only way I knew they were "Jewish" is because they informed me so. Jewish people hail from across ethnic lines. Most that I've known look very European with a handful looking Eastern Mediterranean. So honestly, I'd be extremely hard pressed to identify someone as being "Jewish" by looks alone outside of Ultra-othodox Jews who, like Christians Mennonites and Amish, have a very identifiable cultural look.
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