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Everything posted by connda

  1. Don't worry, most of the "Thai children" are ingesting dirt-cheap methamphetamines and have little or no interest in expensive ganja that they can't afford anyway. That should be a boon for the Yaba market which is on a roll.
  2. My online 90 day report got rejected probably due to being in an "Under Consideration" period. My guess is that the online system puked on the fact I don't have a valid "End-Of-Visa-Extension" date, but only the "Come-Back-And-Get-Your-Stamp-For-The-Umteenth-Time" (not that you need that information on a TM47 - you don't). Unfortunately my 90 day reporting 'grace period' doesn't extend to the date of the date I need to return at the end of the "Under Consideration" period to get my visa extension stamp. Really. After a decade and a half, this gets old. So off to dance in front of and IO to get a 90 Day receipt next week. So, haven't done this for awhile. As the title says, "What paperwork is needed to do a 90 day report in person?" God/Buddha/Indra/Shiva/Whomever-only-knows they have probably changed what they want from the last time I did this. I've got a 1) TM47, 2) first page of passport, 3) visa stamp page showing stamps from old passport, 4) current pages showing my last extension as well as my "Under Consideration" stamp & date to return, and 5) a 17 year old departure card. What else do ya'll think I'll need to make the Thai Immigration Gods happy? What a PITA.
  3. Or? Just get out of the way and allow free markets to rein.
  4. Dinner included! Signed, Hannibal L. 🍲 😉
  5. ...also know as surge-greed. I'm pretty sure this must have been developed by some poor schmuck from a silver-spoon fed background who attended an Ivy-League university and flunked economics. "How can we screw the commoners out of more and more of their money." Next up? Bonuses for the executives, cut-back on the working hours and benefits from the working-class plebs.
  6. Try Ajahn Thanissaro' guided meditation. The 12 minute "short" meditation is a good place to start. if you go to the 40 minute meditation, one round of breathing as you move around the body, relaxing each part, takes about 25 minutes. You can stop after that, or stay with the breath as you're laying in bed. Thoughts happen, you'll experience them, but you purposefully drop them and return to the breathing. You are training the mind to stay with the breath. It does work, but it takes persistence and patience. "Training an untrained mind is like training a wild elephant," as the forest monks would say. But they both can be trained. Persistence. Patience. Best of luck.
  7. Meditations - look up Anapanasati (breath) meditation online. CharlieH suggestion on yogic breathing also works. Some references. Pa-Auk is a bit esoteric. Ajahn Thanissaro's guided meditations are based on the teachings of Ajahn Lee of the Dhammayut Forest Tradition. It also works in the sense that you can train your mind to become quiet. Personally, it's often the inner dialogue that keeps me awake - grinding away like a dog chewing on a bone. Practice this technique and you can quiet the mind as you meditate in a laying posture. If I can't sleep, I will meditate laying down until I fall asleep again. That usually happens in less than 20 minutes instead to the hours that it use to take. https://www.dhammatalks.org/mp3_guidedMed_index.html https://dhammatalks.net/Books9/Pa_Auk_Sayadaw_Anapanassati.htm
  8. Make sure you're sleeping is a room that is as dark as you can get it.
  9. Benadryl and other similar anti-histamines are are highly cholinergic and recent studies ⬅️ (link or just search for antihistamines/cholinergic/dementia) have show that they contribute to dementia. As such, I personally limited my use of them (I used them for a couple of years for sleep, but I was having memory issues. Since I stop my memory has significantly improved). I used to use Aterax (Hydroxyzine) for sleep which is also highly cholinergic. So, what to do, what to do? I use diazepam on rare occasions (you need a prescription from a clinic). Note - you don't want to get strung out on diazepam or any other benzodiazapine, but they have their used when used in extreme moderation. Other than that, I get up at the same time every morning (8:30), make sure to exercise during the day, and take melatonin (which you're doing). I find sublingual to be the best. I get mine from iHerb. I go to bed around midnight, get up 8 1/2 hours later, and Bob's your uncle. Your mileage may vary. Going to bed at the same time and getting up at the same time really does synch up your circadian rhythm. Best of luck.
  10. I wonder when Chaichana will be arrested and sentenced to prison for defaming the DoC or < >? Isn't that how it works here? Asking for a friend. Anyway, the whole affair will be placed in the circular-file labelled "Shut up commoners," then buried as deep at they can bury it.
  11. Come on. All so-called 'scientific research' that doesn't support Pfizer's, Moderna's, the CDC, and the US FDA's own research are all charlatans and liars. All research not funded and supported by "the experts" at Pfizer, Moderna, CDC, and FDA (and the NIH biolabs) are all flawed and should be ignored and the scientists fired from their jobs and their licenses and tenure revoked. It's all conspiracy theory. Don't fall for it. Just your mRNA shots.
  12. If you have long covid, make sure to get all your shots and get your boosters as soon as they come out. Mix and match experts say. Get them as often as you can. Safe and effective. Don't listen to conspiracy theory. Keep your mRNA spiked protein levels titrated on the high side or the deadly covid mutations will get you for sure. Keep the faith. Get the shots. And mask up.
  13. Tip of the iceberg. The Thai government and central bank keep sweeping this under the rug, but the average Thai is in hock up to their eyeballs - it isn't just police.
  14. It's all conspiracy theory. Get your shots. Safe and effective.
  15. Thais wishing to enter the US without a visa need only enter at Eagle Pass park, TX. Bob's your uncle.
  16. I can't wait to see the first "test case" of the actual 'inclusivity' of the new laws recognizing LGBTQ+ rights as applied to marriage and inclusive equality as applied foreign biological males who identify as females and then marry a Thai male, and then wish to obtain a visa/extension as a foreign woman married to a Thai man, or for that matter, a foreign male married to a Thai male. Why - because my guess is that the laws seeking to protect inclusivity and equality will end up being openly discriminatory towards foreigners. It will force the issue of gender identification equality. Regarding those biological foreign males who identify as females and are protected under the law - as a female - then they should be able to enjoy the same benefits of a foreign woman married to a Thai male, i.e., there are no financial requirements for a visa / extension based on married. If the Thai government than states that the inclusivity laws don't apply to foreigners, or in the case of married, are not extended to foreign transvestites identifying as females and married to Thai males? The only way the new laws will fly is if the new laws explicitly do not apply to any foreigners. But then - well, then the new laws will be an exercise in hypocrisy which will draw international ire. I see a can of worms about to be opened. Let the fun begin. "Game on!"
  17. Instant Karma's gonna get ya, Gonna paint ya shades of bloody red, Go ahead and raise Pit Bulls, Don't complain when you are ripped to shreds.
  18. I don't care. Some Thais are racist. You can't do anything about racists other than to ignore them.
  19. Captain Obvious is wondering. If Thaksin had to be hospitalized for six months because he is in such serious condition, then why was he released to his home instead of being released to the care of another hospital specializing in heart care? 😁 "Because he'll receive extra-special care with the finest of doctors right at home. Don't ya know?" Of course. Yep. Uh-huh. 🙄
  20. Billionaires aren't quite made like average common-folk?
  21. Thaksin sparks online debates for being released on parole Well, just throw all those disgruntled commoners in prison for pointing out that there seems to be one set of rules for the billionaire-class and another for commoners and little-people, and its too obvious to ignore regardless of how it is spun.
  22. Same reason for burning mountains of corn stubble out in Mae Hong Song. Billionaires are winners; everyone else are losers.
  23. There is a thread running for U.K. SIM cards of OTP overseas. I'm interested in the same for U.S. SIM cards for OTP overseas for the same reasons.
  24. I've got the information I need. @Sheryl You can close this. Thanks.
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