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Everything posted by connda

  1. It's not Lazada. They are just a clearinghouse for independent vendors. I doubt there is anyway that Lazada themselves can independently verify that every product sold by a vendor is real or fake. They have to rely on feedback from customer. And then chose to act or not. Actually it boils down to Caveat Emptor, buyer beware.
  2. Here ya go...... Fyi - Harifin-5 (fisnasteride 5mg) is ฿600 vs ฿1500 for Avodart and ฿1200 for Uroka. I don't buy my Doxizosin at Peera. It's cheaper across the street next to McDonalds (it doesn't show on Google map). I don't have the exact price. I've been buying Pencor 4 (Doxizosin 4mg) there for quite awhile. I buy it by the box. Also, Peera can ship to you EMS.
  3. ....for you. Like CBD oil, some people swear by it, for me personally it doesn't work and is a waste of money. Melatonin? It is effective for me. Obviously others as well. Everyone's physiology is different.
  4. Nope. Only iHerb. A lot of the supplements are probably made in China, but imho I think they ship higher quality stuff to the US. I'm a little leery of buying directly for Chinese distributors.
  5. I sent her a Line but she is closed Sundays. I'll post the prices when she responds.
  6. Just curious. What was your experience with St Peters. If you don't want to publish criticism (consider the defamation laws) please just PM me. Thanks!
  7. Maharaj is essentially the same facilities and the same doctors (CMU Professors albeit with medical students in tow). Cheaper prices. At an inguinal hernia fixed in 2010. 18K THB. Top-notch care.
  8. I went through pre-op for surgery at Maharaj. Mono-focal lens with correction started at 30K. Not sure of the price now. At Maharaj you are trading discounted prices for time. If you go in the morning you are usually out by lunch.
  9. FYI for those taking an alpha-blocker for prostate issues like Doxizosin. You have to stop for two weeks prior to surgery or you risk complications. Alpha-blockers are also used for high blood pressure so consult your doctor pre-op about meds.
  10. There seems to be two kinds of opinions here: Firstly - those who believe genocide in any form is a crime against humanity and that all who commit genocide need to be brought to justice. Secondly - those who believe in an Eye For An Eye and believe that one side or the other is in the right and should be allow to continue their slaughter. I am staunchly in the first category. Globally, I don't believe I'm in the minority. In this forum, I am in the minority. Just saying. I find the Eye For An Eye position to be savage, uncivilized, and unconscionably position to hold. That's probably the latent Christian that still resides within me. Color me a Buddhist-tinted Christian.
  11. Shopping tips? Bed sheets, sandals, flipflops Usually it's ED meds and condoms. (laughs)
  12. I really doubt anyone takes glaucoma meds unless they are diagnosed with glaucoma. Why would anyone want to buy a ฿600+ THB bottle of drops just for the heck of it. Unless you are already going blind, most people don't know they have it unless they are tested. I wasn't diagnosed until this year during a regular examination.
  13. I tried CBD oil. Here in Thailand? Expensive and did not do diddly-squat for my insomnia. Melatonin helps. I buy it from iHerb. Moderate priced. I use the 5mg tabs. And inexpensive. If you buy $40 worth of product, shipping is free. But you need to keep the total cost under $46 dollars to avoid Customs.
  14. Just as an FYI, Ophthalmologists are doctors. Optometrists are not. However with that said, I have had refractions performed by Ophthalmologists. However, most optical shops use Optometrists. Don't have to pay them doctor's wages.
  15. Just curious. What is "Medconsult." I've never heard of it.
  16. I know my province well, from Mueng out to the various Amphurs and Tambons. It's a good place to live.
  17. And no. I'm not callous. In the US in a state with Good Samaritan laws, I'd stop and render assistance. Here in Thailand? Not a chance.
  18. I have a code: Don't get involved. In the US, Good Samaritan laws had to be passed to keep average citizens who help injured crash victims from being sued in civil court or charged in criminal court. If there are such laws here, they don't apply to foreigner. It is not worth the risk. The limit to my assistance would be to call the cops. And probably not even that. It too easy to be accused of something your didn't do - "a rich farang." Why don't I get involved at all - because people lie and this is a nationalistic nation with xenophobic undertones.
  19. Two dosage of Albendazole (Anthelmintics) cost about the equivalent of $1.00. The same medicine, which is prescription only, cost between $200 to $800 (easily verified with an Internet search).
  20. Inflation. You'd have to had been living under a rock not to notice. Every couple of months when I'm out shopping I end up having a WTH moment when looking at prices of thing I buy regularly. Well, pork prices went down. I guess there is a silver lining in some cases.
  21. Agreed. If the parents are too cowed to act then perhaps this society deserves what it gets. Chaos and rogue teachers in there educational system who are held unaccountable because the children's parents refuse to act. You get what you deserve if you fail to act.
  22. It has to stop. It's child-abuse in the extreme. The teachers will probably be suspended and then given a cookie and told to behave in the future. And we will probably never here the end to this story.
  23. I just checked with Khun Jum at Peera Pharmacy and she carries Dutasteride (Avodart) and Tamsulosin (Harnal OCS).
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