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Everything posted by connda

  1. Nah. Over my entire life I've been married about 35 years total and 15 years with my current wife. Where I choose to sleep within my own home is a reflection of a health issue (chronic insomnia). It has nothing to do with our relationship.
  2. FYI. Choosing to sleep separately is about maintaining personal space and personal comfort. Those with a social need to be pressed up against a warm body while in bed: Some people are comfortable sleeping together and prefer it. Fine and dandy. Those without a social need to be pressed up against a warm body while in bed: Some people are comfortable sleeping separately in separate beds and prefer it. Fine and dandy. Some people are comfortable sleeping separately in separate rooms and prefer. Find and dandy.
  3. "Experts" don't know diddly. "Experts" don't have a clue as to what I like and what I don't like Things I Don't like about sleeping together: Hot-body in bed with you when your hot and you can't get cool Blanket hogs Smelly-breath Smelly-farts Snoring Wakes you up every time they get up Someone else tossing and turning and keeping you awake Your partner wants to watch TV/listen to radio - you want to sleep and vice-versa Yeah - sleeping together is just a charm. "Ppppppffftttt ZZzzz Zzzzz Zzzzzz Zzzzz
  4. Like you, I would have had the price corrected.
  5. The Decarboxylation cycle graph below seems to be the "go-to" authority on decarbing cannabis. Does anyone use a different method to maximize THC content? Care to share? I think the limitation to this chart is the potential content of THC in each batch of cannabis. Now, we have vendors claiming their product produces "nnn" milligrams of THC or "nn" % THC. But what is that based on. Do we really know the amount of THC-A and CBD-A that a batch of cannabis we purchase really has? Then - if we decarb and infuse (with coconut oil) what will be the potenacy of the oil we produce?
  6. Ahhhh, the old "Got Killed By The Car Running The Red-Light" trick. Ya gotta look before you book.
  7. You do see what this elitist are doing right? Demonize the little people and ignore those injecting millions of metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere via private jets. My proposal? All government officials must fly economy class. Ban private airplanes completely. Don't look at the primary CO2 pollutors. Focus on Somchai the Moo-chin seller. Little people Bad. They'll kill us all
  8. If it created the conditions for 80% of the expats to pack up and leave Thailand? I'd be all for it. I have to admit, the government lockdown of Thailand actually appealed to me. I liked it. Nobody around. Easy to drive. No pediatricians. It was great. So I think in would be great if Thailand hammers all expats who bring foreign currencies into Thailand. Honestly - if fun to watch them whack-off there own willies with a sharp instrument of financial terror. Yeah - taxes aimed right out foreigners. Cheap-Charlie Expats aren't worth a hill of beans. Excellent - Let's kick as many out of the country as possible and see how life goes from those whom they support?
  9. Opinion on Christmas music. I try to ignore it. Unless I go to a mall in a medium to large city? I never hear Christmas Music. Wish IMHO is just fine.
  10. What do you think the impact of tax on foreign income will be on Pattaya? Guess we will find out post-Jan-1st-2024. Until then? It's just needless worry. Wait until there is something to worry about.
  11. God-damn. These "Tiger Farms" exist because the Thai government allows them to exist. First in a "Tiger Farm." Then in a "Tiger NGO." Fools. Everyone. All of these animals belong in a preserve. Fat chance. Then - some corporate head decides he is above the law and decides to go hunting. <slap slap slap> <--- The sound to wet bamii noodle slapping the back of the billionaire's hand.
  12. Can I marry my dog? Cat? How about my bird. Oh come on. Let's really loosen the laws regarding marriage in Thailand. Why worry about sexes. Lets indulge in different species too. Why not? I wish to have a polygamous marriage. I want to marry my wife, my missuses, my pets, and anyone else that the current leaders wish me to marry when we rip all of the institutions apart and make society a fooooking free-for-all. If we are going to rip down the institution of marriage? Let's rip it down completely 'eh. Let's not **** around about it. How long will it take before the Thai government concedes to marrying off 10 year olds? 5 year olds? 12 year olds? Once you breech morality? There is nothing left. So why not open up marriage to the most obtuse and evil mofos whom exist on this planet. Open the gate and watch the results................................
  13. What is 'rardna?" I do better if a Thai food is written in Thai or in transliterated Thai as English translation of Thai word suck. ราดหน้า doesn't have an English equivalent. The best I can ascertain is "topping." "Topping" for what? What is it?
  14. Yeah baby - break out the swings!!! LET'S GET FREAKY!!!
  15. Well this sucks. This recent research infers that the Statins people take for high cholesterol may in fact be responsible for creating the conditions for coronary artery calcification. The bad news: Statins stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure: pharmacological mechanisms In contrast to the current belief that cholesterol reduction with statins decreases atherosclerosis, we present a perspective that statins may be causative in coronary artery calcification and can function as mitochondrial toxins that impair muscle function in the heart and blood vessels through the depletion of coenzyme Q10 and ‘heme A’, and thereby ATP generation. Statins inhibit the synthesis of vitamin K2, the cofactor for matrix Gla-protein activation, which in turn protects arteries from calcification. Statins inhibit the biosynthesis of selenium containing proteins, one of which is glutathione peroxidase serving to suppress peroxidative stress. An impairment of selenoprotein biosynthesis may be a factor in congestive heart failure, reminiscent of the dilated cardiomyopathies seen with selenium deficiency. Thus, the epidemic of heart failure and atherosclerosis that plagues the modern world may paradoxically be aggravated by the pervasive use of statin drugs. We propose that current statin treatment guidelines be critically reevaluated https://cardiacos.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2015-Statins-stimulate-atherosclerosis-and-heart-failure-pharmacological-mechanisms.pdf The good news? There are ways to mitigate the damage. Happy reading.
  16. Everyone in Thailand will die from the horrific plague of Covid Unless you get your shots. Safe and Effective. So get your mRNA shots as soon as you can and as often as you can. It's the only thing that will keep you from dying a horrible death from the Covid Plague. Get the shots and you'll live. Fail to take the shots and you'll die for sure.
  17. Yeah. I had a NDE when I was in my teens. It probably explains why my bull<deleted>ometer is calibrated so sensitively. Try dying! It's a trip. Then? Life's "realities" become something you explore as opposed to accept (like in "everyone must accept what "experts" say). Honestly. Unless the 'expert' has been where I went? They don't have a clue.
  18. A mask that filters 100% of PM 2.5. Ok. A piece of cloth?
  19. It seems so. I keep wanting to grab them by the collar and yelling at them, "WHY ARE YOU AFRAID?" Instead? I just shake my head at the lunacy.
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