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Everything posted by connda

  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33194810/
  2. I've had Dengue and I've researched the vaccines. And I try to keep current with Dengue vaccine development. From the CDC. Read and heed: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/dengue/public/index.html Bottom line: If you haven't have Dengue before the vaccine, you may be setting yourself up for Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) that can be fatal. That is the problem with Dengue as well as Dengue vaccination research and development. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33194810/
  3. You won't be happy. As the last poster stated, buy reputable hardware from a reputable dealer.
  4. Any recommendations? I'd be interested if you could vouch for a particular vendor and produce. Appreciated!
  5. The US military is beginning to see the effects of radical far-left DEI. It pretty much guarantees that if you are a military aged male of European ancestry, that you are going to blamed for every evil under the sun including things that are not. You're white and you will be told that white people are bad. You're male and you will be told that males are bad. You're white and male so you will be handicapped in billets and promotions in order to guarantee "equity" for those who can not perform at your level of expertise and strength. You will always be assumed to be a racist and a white supremacist, and you'll be blamed for slavery to boot (even though your own grand-parents didn't move to the United States until decades after slavery was abolished). You're conservative and you are told that conservatives are violent insurrectionists and racists. Like the OP stated, language is being inverted and subverted. As a veteran, I would not join nor would I suggest any other male of European descendant to join. I personally will not work for an organization or individuals who literally hate me and are quite open about it. And the vibes coming out of the DEI-embracing Pentagon is that you simply will not advance based on merit In my lifetime we have come almost full circle to a point where it will be socially acceptable to discriminate against white males...in the name of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” of course, and reverse racism will become an institution supported by the government whom wishes for you to be cannon-fodder for US and G-7 foreign policy goals. How will the progressive-left get around this when they light a match that sets a new world war on fire as the US has taken on the moniker of Team America: World Police and will need a couple of million warm-bodies to fight a multi-front war against the Axis Of Evil (any country or world leader who refuses to bend a knee to Western hegemony. Men of European ancestry are not welcome. And they know it. And as such? They are shunning military service. I don't blame them. The only way the Pentagon is going to get the cannon-fodder it needs to to conscript. And I'm pretty sure that a lot of Gen-Zer of all skin colors, sexes, and genders will choose to pack up and leave. Personally I'll be surprised if the Earth is still an inhabitable place to live by Jan 1, 2026. Let see, I'll be mid-70s? Fine by me.
  6. They broke the mold after Hendrix's birth.
  7. Look at Geo-political events that will likely blow up within the next two years and invest based on the understanding of what a financial effect that will have on global shipping. Invest accordingly.
  8. I'm a Beginner/Intermediate guitar player. Solo practice only take you so far. I'd like to get involve with people who occasionally get together to jam. Just wondering if there are any amateur jamming sessions going on in CM.
  9. How much cash do you have? Right now. 5260.25 THB. Oh. And some pocket lint, a receipt, and a button.
  10. Back in the day I actually got high smoking 1960s pot. Fast forward to 2024 and I never get the same 'high' that I got when I was younger. I get a mild buzz smoking these new strains with supposedly 20+% THC. Good for sleep, but I just don't get "high."
  11. I am not even a little bit worried about "The Surge" which I'm sure will be surging regularly... The immune systems of animals in nature is simple an amazingly wonderful thing. Eat right, exercise, and don't live in a sterile bubble as evolution has provided us with this magnificent biological wonder that needs to be challenged in order to work optimally. I trust the one real expert - Mother Nature! "Thank you Mother Nature for this wondrous gift!" And remember - "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!"
  12. Before you start, is you house wired with a ground?. Most homes and apartments I've lived in here in Thailand are not. I had an electrician rewire the outlets in my study in order to plug in a guitar amp as well as my computers and accessories. Interestingly enough, the amp did not come with a grounded cable. It shipped that way. However, I'm not a fan of shocks. And I could feel current through the strings. I wrote the company (I won't name them but they are a major music company) and they assured me that the amp didn't need a ground. Right??? All I asked the company to do was to send me a compatible cable with a ground. They refused! <expletive> Whatever. So much for <expletive> customer service and future purchases of their equipment which is not cheap stuff. They insisted I take the amp back to where I bought it and have it shipped for examination and repair. I dwelled on that for a few seconds before rejecting it outright - yeah, go to the store where they don't speak English and explain to them why that amp needs a grounded cable or else they need to ship the unit back to the manufacturer for inspection and repair. How many weeks would that take. I bought a three-prong, grounded computer power cable which works perfectly. Thank you Lazada. No more shocks. Such a simple solution and yet the hubris of the un-named company seemed to Ok with losing my future business. The rest of my house? Pretty much un-grounded although we have had the main house and guest house completely rewired with the cabling placed in PVC conduit and attached to a new power distribution system (The original house had nothing but bare cable run though the roof and to a distribution box that had freaking fuses. Scary, old, and dangerous). That whole setup got replaced.
  13. Reactionary: "Put on a mask, take the shots, live in fear, don't ask questions. And comply." Analytical: "10,000 deaths a month" out of a population of 8,100,000,000. So you have a 0.0001234567901% chance of dying of Covid. Or by comparison: According to the CDC1 "3,700 people are killed globally in crashes involving cars, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, trucks, or pedestrians" on a daily basis. So that would be 111,000 road deaths a months if you do the math. Now there is something to worry about. I'm more worried about traffic fatalities, especially considering that Thailand has the lion's share of road deaths per-capita globally. Again, for the sake of comparison, traffic fatalities in the UK (with a population similar to Thailand's) are about 1/10th that of Thailand's annual road cull (1800 vs 20000 road deaths) 2 Which sorta goes to show that the phenomenon we are witnessing may actually resolved down to the fact that more people in the world suffer from Mysophobia (irrational fear of germs and pathogens) then they are from Amaxophobia (fear of driving). Of course the world was pelted with an unending stream of news about how "Covid is gonna getcha," for the last 4 years so we now have a large percentage of the population who now have been psychologically damaged and who should probably be consulting psychological services regarding their debilitating Covid-based Mysophobia and attempting to resolve the deep-seated fear of SARS-Cov-2 that has literally destroyed the manner in which many of these members of society live. "Fear is the mind-killer." --Frank Herbert, Dune It also makes it easier to control the population. Citations: 1. https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/global-road-safety/index.html 2 https://news.sky.com/story/killer-roads-why-thailand-has-one-of-the-worst-death-rates-from-driving-in-the-world-12051841
  14. My guess is that the clinical cure for Thaksin's heart valve disease is a pardon. After the pardon, the valve will miraculously repair itself after which Mr. Thaksin will be able to resume seeing family, friends, acquaintances, and power-brokers. He should be good as new by this time next year.
  15. Does anyone know if Chiang Rai will have the 2024 Singha Balloon Festival this year? I have people coming from the US who are interested. Any details would be appreciated.
  16. Why Are Readers Here...So...INTERESTED in...God-Related Topics??? Because GammaGobulin keeps posting them?
  17. Gold goes from 18K to almost 34K since Spring 2020. Then today. OMG!!! LOOK!!! GOLD HAS GONE UP-Down-Sideways 50 THB. Big whoop.
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