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Everything posted by blazes

  1. I just hope that this banter about passport colours is part of a satirical wind-up, an oblique way to condemn this thin-end-of-the-wedge tripe about re-entering the Brussels bo££ocks.
  2. Michael Connolly (the Hieronymous Bosch novels). Excellent policiers. Too bad he turned woke and pensioned off Bosch and replaced him with a woman. *metoo and all that.... The paintings (of the real Bosch) are utterly fascinating and scary.
  3. An ex-gf of mine (from Roi Et) cared for her father (55) as he died of liver cancer from this deadly parasite. As a teacher of Biology at high school, maybe she is helping to reduce the incidence of this particular cancer.
  4. Good-bye, Clarice: I'm having a friend for dinner.....
  5. What have the Singaporeans ever done for us?....
  6. Hope you survive your "abated" breath....
  7. The red mist of a Liverpool F.C. supporter....that obscures the truth reflected from the mirror.
  8. Sad to read this attempted self-justification of chronic stinginess.
  9. If you receive good service and you expect to return to that restaurant soon, a good tip will ALWAYS guarantee even better service next time.
  10. If you're American, she thinks you are powerful and have access to Mr Joe "Big Guy" Biden.
  11. Dumb as sticks. But brilliant way to deter tourism...
  12. Agree with yr second sentence. But it's unlikely that, given the conditions of life under Chinese communism, Chinese tourists would be much deterred by the problems of "democracy" in another country.
  13. Spurs are too cheap a club to consider refunding the cost of tickets.
  14. You mean Kegel surely???
  15. I read recently (forget where) that 62% of German men pee sitting down. No idea why. But I tried it out myself and, mirabile dictu, I found that I felt somehow "better" after performing that (normally) feminine feat. I will be seeing my urologist in September and will ask him about this. It occurs to me (though it sounds like a conspiracy theory) that this method of urinating may be good for your general health. Maybe why, statistically, women live longer than men?!!!
  16. Hope springs eternal. Revolutions of the past (France, Russia) began at a low profile level. Then proceeded to revolution "proper". Kerensky of the Mensheviks in Russia (Feb-Oct 1917), followed by Lenin and the Bolsheviks (November 1917 to 1989). This guy is the Thai Kerensky: solid member of the bourgeoisie, been to America and spika de English, and is a social democrat who will not upset the apple cart and (therefore) the real people who rule Thailand. He will be approved by the State Department. (Say no more.) Of course, his foes are not the Bolsheviks, but rather those who will watch carefully to ensure that their economic interests are not threatened. They will let him rule until he attempts to do something "democratic". Rinse and repeat.
  17. Love all those decimal points. They lend an an air of ....authenticity to all those spinning numbers.
  18. Why? You looking for some frilly frock action, blazes? ???? Which night (or even day) is good for you?
  19. Is it possible that some of the guys in this forum wear frilly frocks....
  20. Kind of depends WHERE you live in a particular country. In Thailand: Chiang Mai: 4 months of cancerous smog. Bangkok: immobile traffic. Phuket: ruinous prices for everything that a falang needs or wants. Hua Hin: Crossing the road is bad for your health. Pattaya: Lo-so. Find a nice quiet village in Issan....but then you are bored pretty well to death in less than a week. So, maybe not retire, but just visit for six months or so of every year...
  21. Maybe switch to a Mac?
  22. In Ukraine, an outsider force is attempting to subjugate the country. In Thailand an insider force, representing a minuscule part of the population, is attempting to subjugate its own citizens. Does anyone in the outside world care about this silent coup?
  23. In 2008, the Yellow Shirts showed how to close the country down. Just turn up at Suavarnaphumi and (in effect) close it down. Looking back at history, I see patterns similar to the Russian situation in 1917, when the minority party (the Menshevicks) ruled from February to November, at which time Lenin and the Bolsheviks took over in a bloodless coup. Thailand stands out in Asia as one of the few places where revolution has not yet occurred. Perhaps that time has come....
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