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Everything posted by blazes

  1. life as a pedestrian in Thailand is fraught with fatality....
  2. Monty Python sketch.
  3. Maybe Thai women, seeing internet pictures of clearly obese women as the norm in UK and USA, are unaware how much Western men run from fat (Western) women. Someone needs to tell Thai women that frequent visits to KFC will not improve their figures in Western eyes.
  4. This used to be the case 50 years ago when people in England started travelling to Spain. They would applaud on landing cos they believed there was a good chance they wouldn't make it. No doubt Thai travellers are at roughly the same stage of flying experience.
  5. This last winter Air Canada initiated, from Vancouver, the first non-stop flight from the West Coast of N America to BKK since the old days of Thai Air making it to LAX with about 5 ounces of fuel to spare. The AC flight took 15/16 hours westwards and 12/13 hours eastwards. (Normally I would go on Eva Air or Japan Air with the nice break of two or three hours to catch the BKK leg.) I chose to go Biz Class and am sorry to say that it was a huge disappointment. 64 seats in Biz?? Wtf. (Boeing 387) Also, Air Canada, paying lip-service to the wokists who exert such a poisonous influence over Canada, seem to go out of their way to appoint the worst-looking harridans as flight attendants. Straight out of Macbeth. Next time, back to Eva Air or Jal or ANA where the attendants are easy on the eye and where the food is more than tolerable.
  6. RIP, Joe. Always impressed by the sheer depth and range of his contributions, which helped countless readers, including me. Even if you were not at that moment interested in the Visa problem being analysed, Joe's replies were always just interesting to read. Really sorry to see him go so early.
  7. did Granpa avoid the Kaiser's army or Hitler's. Either way, a wise decision...
  8. that's why I wrote "played out in Thailand". Sorry if it's confusing.
  9. Ignorance of how her country "works", how it always seems to work only in favour of the rich and powerful. My wife has a clear insight into this and sees Thanathon as a possible way out of the nightmare of history as it is played out in Thailand....
  10. Those who know nothing about history are doomed to repeat it......
  11. Appalling, absolutely appalling. This thread should stop at these video clips.
  12. Just tell us which city...why the secrecy?????/
  13. Thing that always puzzles me on Asean is why so many people here are reluctant to indicate where they come from and instead refer to "my country" or some such locution. Whereas, if you met someone in a bar they would tell you before your second sip where they come from.... Anybody know why this weird kind of "privacy" exists?
  14. Ah, but it's not the King James version....
  15. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke....he and his missis deserve each other. Good job he doesn't live in Manhattan.....
  16. Amusing to see that the great Brain GPT was unable to spell "vassal". I guess whoever fed the software with the idea that Cambodia is a vassal of the Chinese Communist Party (and why single out only Cambodia for that honour? why not include the USA?) was him or herself unable to spell the word "vassal". There is hope for us all yet....
  17. Must take a lot of Sidegra to keep the boner stiff while bonking some fat hag while her hubby gets off on the performance.
  18. No, they're not top of the heap, cos that position is occupied by the abominable wokists, virtue signallers and soviet-style ideologues who don't know what the word "woman" means and who will "cancel" you at the drop of a wrong pronoun. In the Soviet Union they used to cancel politicians by simply air-brushing them from photos! Today it is enough if you express an opinion that is contrary to the prevailing narrative. Welcome to Stalinka....
  19. Imagine: somewhere in Nakhon Nowhere a policeman is told to visit a local farm where burning is taking place. Go to Farmer Somchai's sugar cane field is the order. Policeman nods and then wonders whether that would be a wise decision. Farmer Somchai's wife's brother has an uncle who is a good friend of the police chief. Leave it till next week.....
  20. "his field"???? Would that be the chief's field (as your sentence says)??
  21. blazes

    Snakes in garden

    Or as Basil Fawlty said when someone suggested that he "ask the waiter [Manuel]": "Might as well ask the cat...."
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