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Posts posted by DaamNaam

  1. I wish they would put as much effort into finishing the Kad Farang branch as they did their flashy new website.

    Last time i spoke with RP management they said "open April 2014". Looking like maybe April 2015 now, a big maybe.

  2. Do the free Promenada songthaews go to and from the tourist areas or do you have to pay one way? Those sandwiches at Rago sound like they might actually be worth the trip.

    To and from both ways free. The big problem is they are two hours apart. So figure on spending some time there.

    to be honest I thought they had one around the collage area. (Go on their web site and see if they have a stop close to you). Like here where I live requires a little walking and not advisable if you are planning on a lot of items. But great for a movie and a good meal. Besides I see Promenada is starting to show a little more life there. In my opinion it is the nicest mall in Town just doesn't have all the stores the others do. But then again do they really need 40 shops selling the same electronics?


    Does Maya have free songthaew or don't they want are business. Same with KSG. I know Promenada , The Airport and Central festival do. I think that living in an area where there is such a large population that malls don't need to provide transportation has it's draw backs.

    I noticed that a cab is only 180 baht while twice I have gone in a tuck tuck and had to pay 200 baht. The second time there was a songthaew there and he charged 200 baht coming back. The other time as you say they called me a cab.

    If you can afford to shop in malls you can afford the 5-6 dollar taxi ride, sheesh. Or drive / ride there, its not that far out of town.

  3. do you mean "Landlady"?

    Of course he does, what else could it be?

    If draught Heineken is 190b for 500ml, that's the same price as some places in town charge for draught Guinness or an imported good quality German beer, which is a bit much for an out-of-town bar.

    Haha, yes "land lady" from hell.

    Real shame The Dukes never worked out there, would have been a smash hit.

  4. Shame, I was looking forward to visiting this place when I read about it last week.

    Beer - Draught CHang at 150B a pint won't sell quickly, will go off, they'll try to sell the end of the barrel anyway, it'll stink of egg, and you'll sit there looking glum thinking 'wish I was in the UN Irish'.

    Most expensive burgers in town, best be top notch. Though from a review above, not so.

    Sports bar, can't get a satellite dish? No EPL, Bundesliga, La Liga? What sport do they have?

    All this and with the Dog and Bone up the road showing all that, with beer at half the price and top nosh.

    One can only hope Dave Duke sees the opportunity to snap it up at a bargain price and try something a bit different in 6 months time. Go on Dave, that would interest me.

    Dave actually fitted out this place and opened for business as "The Dukes" a few years back, think he said it was open 36 hours, could be wrong, it may have been 48 hours.

    Lady lady from hell stuffed him around.

    She then opened it as Rosewood, terrible food, service lousy....

    Back on topic, if they don't get their s@#t together it wont last long at all.

  5. One of my concerns, despite desperately hoping it will succeed, is that the staff there upto manager dont give me the impression of a pro active approach to finding the stuff most of us will want to see. At the UN Irish Pub, Greg and Sandy are not only well aware of all the major sporting events taking place, whether its Tour De France, Test Cricket, Rugby, AFL, NFL etc etc etc, they go out of their way to find it and show it!

    Sunday evening in "The Game" there was literally nothing on any screen that any real sports fan would want to see, unless you want to watch cars in the USA bumping into each other, or some nondescript boxing match in a small auditorium between fighters I ve never heard of!

    This, by the way, was at the same time as Manchester City were playing and there were at least two fairly important golf tournaments actually being televised on True ( I checked when I got home!)

    Currently, the staff seem mesmerised by the glitziness of the place, and give me the impression that it might fill up with people coming to admire how flashy it is!

    PostmanPat, this is a very constructive observation and I hope the managers at The Game take it to heart. Ultimately, people come to a sports bar because of SPORTS -- sure, beer specials, good looking waitresses, nice decor, that all is good, but you've got to get the fundamentals right and that means having a sports geek calling the shots about what's on the TVs.

    It's early days and I think the managers will listen and get it right.

    If they listen that is, if not i give it 6-12 months.

    Its as dead as a door nail at the moment.

  6. Their sign out the front says "All the sports, all the time", it should read.."some sports, some of the time".

    I don't really see how sports bars work in Thailand. Most US sports are too early in the morning and most European sports are too late if they're midweek. That leaves showing European sport on Saturday and Sunday, so you'd have to have other options for Monday to Friday to compete with everywhere else. I rarely watch sport if it's not Live, and certainly wouldn't go out to watch recorded games and I'm assuming that most people are like me.

    The most popular Live sport in bars is almost certainly The Premier League, but even then, other than Man. Utd and Liverpool you'd be surprised how little interest there is in say, Chelsea, Man. City and even Arsenal, never mind the lower teams such as Newcastle. I've often seen a bar more or less empty out after a game with either of those two top teams, even when the next game was the likes of Chelsea v Spurs!

    I wonder whether he'll be showing the likes of cricket and rugby? Cricket attracts the guys that will sit there for hours on end nursing a beer, as does Formula 1. Rugby will have him checking if he has enough pint glasses and a spare barrel or two.

    At a guess, I,d say that the UN Irish is the most popular expats bar for sport, but as well as they may do from sport at the weekend, he still has to have the likes of Live music nights and a quiz night to get people in on other nights. People will certainly gaze at his reruns, but I doubt if anyone has gone there just for that.

    Already asked them about Aussie rules, answer was it's not on true visions. Cricket isn't either.

    Apart from the opening party with free buffet the place looks dead.

    Can't see it working out. But for the investors sake i hope it does.

  7. Ricardo,

    I think that is good advice about education is a top decision-maker in a move. That is why I will be taking my three-year old to the West to start off with a solid educational/western background and then bring her back into the international school environment here. I just don't know if that will be 5 or 10 years from now..I want her to have the best opportunity to have the choice of going to an excellent western university.

    I know of 4 farang/Thai couples who have recently returned home (Aus, Eng USA USA) solely based on what's best for their kids' educational needs..


    That is frightening if someone has taken their kids to the USA for education. The system there is shocking unless you are Ivy League. The country is becoming illiterate.

    Ten years ago I was looking at Uruguay as a possible place to retire to. I was shocked when I saw that the literacy rate there was better than the states. The education system is not what it used to be. I do agree that there are other countries with a better education system than Thailand but the States is not one of them.

    Thailands education system is better than the US? Thats one bold statement.

  8. There's a Northern Supermarket called Vanasnan on the Super Highway, on the opposit side between Thepanya Hospital and Central Festival. Among many things, they sell Incense. Not Indian, but various kinds of scented incense that are close enough.

    Large shop with plenty of parking.


    Since they are looking for "Indian" incence this wont help much.

    If you ever make the 25 km trip south (through Hang Dong) to the Ganesha Museum there is enough Indian incence for sale to last you a lifetime. Lovely place to visit too.

  9. you lucky devil..! i'd give anything to have one of those in my garden.

    Can see the "sent from Suan Prung hospital" on your message.

    laugh.png ..but seriously, no need to . . . cos' in terms of human threat & compared to the dangerous (at times) nature around us, these gorgeous spiders on steroids rank as lumbering docile puzzys.

    Sadly very true.

  10. Ricardo,

    I think that is good advice about education is a top decision-maker in a move. That is why I will be taking my three-year old to the West to start off with a solid educational/western background and then bring her back into the international school environment here. I just don't know if that will be 5 or 10 years from now..I want her to have the best opportunity to have the choice of going to an excellent western university.

    I know of 4 farang/Thai couples who have recently returned home (Aus, Eng USA USA) solely based on what's best for their kids' educational needs..


    That is frightening if someone has taken their kids to the USA for education. The system there is shocking unless you are Ivy League. The country is becoming illiterate.

    The Chinese don't seem to think so:


    And apparently, neither do the Brits:


    He did say "unless you are Ivy League". Which all of the listed schools are.

  11. Ricardo,

    I think that is good advice about education is a top decision-maker in a move. That is why I will be taking my three-year old to the West to start off with a solid educational/western background and then bring her back into the international school environment here. I just don't know if that will be 5 or 10 years from now..I want her to have the best opportunity to have the choice of going to an excellent western university.

    I know of 4 farang/Thai couples who have recently returned home (Aus, Eng USA USA) solely based on what's best for their kids' educational needs..


    That is frightening if someone has taken their kids to the USA for education. The system there is shocking unless you are Ivy League. The country is becoming illiterate.

    And Thai schools are better?

  12. Another thumbs up for Dee's Fish and Chips only tried it last week had double Fish and Chips for 90 baht MASSIVE VALUE and tasted great and its enough to fill even UG )

    A definate "God send" to CM.

    Thai missus and tin lids love them too.

    Does homemade pickled onions from time to time, also delish.

  13. Most of the Thai "Buddhist supply shops" selling Thai / Chinese incence, candles and what not stock "Indian incence". There are literally hundreds of shops around town.

    Ask "Mee Toop India Mai Krap" (do you have Indian incence), should do it.

  14. another thread decimated,from the opening post, which was placed to be  to be helpful , as beerlao at times, is difficult to buy


    but in come the bully boys,   posts #15 and# 16  ( and one post removed), so be itbiggrin.png


    a nice high noon to allsmile.png

    You posted it.

    And you expect no answers / opinions?

    Or did you post it to troll for reactions?



    Hope to find at Makro in Hang Dong (near Big C) - anyone confirm?

    Sometimes in stock, sometimes not.

    Last time i seen it available it was 890-ish for pale ale and 1050 for dark. Very nice drops...



    Last time must be about 6 months ago then, because that is when it went above 1100 Baht for a box.


    Possibly, not 100 % sure. Off the smokes 8 months so not really interested in beer either for now. So at least 8 months ago, lol.

  16. Hope to find at Makro in Hang Dong (near Big C) - anyone confirm?

    Sometimes in stock, sometimes not.

    Last time i seen it available it was 890-ish for pale ale and 1050 for dark. Very nice drops...

    • Like 1
  17. jagi, that is one big spider! We have a hole that size in our yard and have been trying to figure out what lives in it. Might be giving that hole a wider berth now!

    Just squirt in some bug spray and stand well back.......

    I was thinking more like gasoline and a match!

    Blowtorch or rocket launcher even.

    If that fails a napalm strike is in order.

    I would sh#t bricks if i seen that.

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