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Posts posted by DaamNaam

  1. Well after a family dinner at Ragu all we have to say is "7 stars" all the way.

    Plates were as clean as a whistle at the end.

    Every dish superb. Quality, taste, service, friendliness, price, atmosphere. For us this place has it all.

    The mushroom ravioli was on the specials board tonight, it was mind blowing.

    I've only ever eaten Italian this good at Lygon St, Melbourne, and Rome, lol.

    Very glad this place has opened.

    Cheers Dave and Co...Well done yet again.wai.gif


    • Like 2
  2. There are a number of iPhone apps that can help you quit smoking which is the best cure for lung cancer so far...

    Yes indeed.... This app helped 3 mates stop... https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/allen-carrs-easy-way-to-stop/id585624864?mt=8

    Try carrying around a TV and DVD player everywhere you go when you get those cravings.

    Smart phones are just what they say they are. To stay with Noah and his Ark is just pride, join the 21st century, all are welcome.

  3. I would also go with Albert's Alti Gutters:

    1. These are better looking than the cheapo zinc things

    2. They have large capacity to deal with monsson water

    3. We've had ours 4 years and no problem.

    4. Albert's a nice guy. He rides a bicycle.

    And he roasts some of Northern Thailand's best coffee beans.. http://www.alti-coffee.com

  4. 44 THB small Changs at John's Place if you have a card. Otherwise 55 and Leo 59. Likely still one of the better values if your Thai isn't good enough to order a promotion at a more Thai place.

    Mee promotion na krap? How hard is that? 555

    Good ole Johns place huh, still going after all these years.

    I used to call in for a coffee after a night on it around 5-6am, back in the day.

  5. I live literally 3 minutes from the game and I have not visited yet other than multiple times to the Rimping supermarket next door and the reason is the prices and what I have read here to be fair though I don't normally go out drinking around Hang Dong but my family and I eat out multiple times a week and we visited the Rosewood multiple times even though that was also mediocre but the familly liked it there on occasion.

    Now I am not short of money I do very well but I still cannot stomach paying those prices for food or beer, I travel a lot and have no problem paying those prices if I am in Bangkok or even more if I am in LA or NY but we are in Chiang Mai and it would have to be really something special for me to take my family there (5 of us) which means the bill would be at least 2000 baht according to prices stated on this thread and sorry I would not do it even though I can afford it

    A note to the owners if they are reading this

    Take a look at DUKES they have a great reputation and as you can see from the posts above people will travel from far and wide to eat there and while its not as pricey as your place the food is excellent and still on the high side for Chiang mai and if they are making a solid profit then so can you the portions are good size and tastes good according to patrons and that is something that should be taken notice of since it will be imperative to the success of your business.

    As far as Beer I drink Chang (because I like it) and I would never pay more than 120 baht for a large bottle 100 Baht is optimum but 120 would be maximum not because I am cheap but because that is a fair price for surroundings in CM

    I hope this place stays too but its not looking good at the start if they cannot get people like me through the door when I live just a few minutes away.

    Hear, hear.

    The Game management, you hear?

  6. I stopped in and had lunch . I had been for warned , the prices were steep and the food was well lets just say Dukes ahs nothing to worry about . I had a Chili Cheese dog with fries and a coke lite .

    Chili Cheese dog was 160 baht was very small from what I expected . The fries were good . Coke lite 80 baht . That's steep , The staff was nice . But I can assure you that will be my one and only visit . Have talked to may that were at the grand opening and they all said the same ... Two times I have been by there it did not look like they were going to be any lines ta the door ...

    If I want a good meal I ll drive to the Dukes .....

    I live next door to it and I'll drive to The Dukes...

  7. You wouldn't be sued here for trying to save someones life.

    That's a US thing. Starting to be Aus / UK/ Canadian thing.

    I would rather have attempted to help someone out than be worried they would sue me.

    Be the change you want to see and all that jazz.

    The whole point my kids school is running one is a kid nearly lost a finger in a gate and none of the Thai parents knew what to do, they just froze or panicked.

    This is not acceptable to me, they should know first aid, all parents should. In fact everybody should.

    If the locals knew first aid they wouldn't be putting injured souls into the back of pick ups without so much as a neck brace little alone a secured stretcher. A real disgrace to be honest.

    Rant over...

    • Like 2
  8. Looking back at our invoice it was 900 baht per metre.

    The whole price was 120,000 with a 15 year warranty.

    We had a quote for galvanised and it was 45,000 with a 6 month warranty.

  9. <snip>

    What I dislike about these posts (and I do believe the OP's story) is that there is almost no chance of any accurate follow-up. We will most likely never know what happened to this person.

    Still, this is just a message board and not a news service. The OP's post is fine with me.

    Dateline Chiangmai, Aug 19, 2014.

    A young blond female with a British accent was taken into custody by two off-duty detectives. She was agitated and screaming obscenities as she was hauled into Central Chiangmai police station.

    During a routine search, it was discovered she was a he, not blond and not British. The arrestee was a dark-haired albino from Sri Lanka. This was immediately reported back to TVF so that the hitherto somnambulant anti-albino TV contingent could jump into action and use the occasion to condemn all albinos for being foul-mouthed, cross-dressing, misbehaving drunks.

    Carry on, guys.


    Bloody poms..555

    • Like 1
  10. Once our kids school one is up and running i will let you all know, and try and get one off the ground.

    In the meantime i am trying to find out if normal folks (not sure how Thai Visa qualifies there, lol) are able to join the school one.

    Watch this space.

    Thanks DaamNaam, that would be great if we could join the school one.

    I've asked the lady organising it and she hasn't answered me yet, been a few days too, starting to get that feeling when Thai's don't answer you because the answer is no or I don't know, rather than being upfront.

    But that would need to be another course in itself to be able to deal with that. First aid wouldn't cover it..

    Will let you know as soon as i know.

  11. Once our kids school one is up and running i will let you all know, and try and get one off the ground.

    In the meantime i am trying to find out if normal folks (not sure how Thai Visa qualifies there, lol) are able to join the school one.

    Watch this space.

    • Like 1
  12. Just want I needed DaamNaam, thanks a bunch!

    You are most welcome.

    If you want cheap (aka galvanised) you may get 5-7 years out of it, if you're lucky.

    Alti's are guaranteed for 15 years.

    Out of all the things we had done building our new house Albert and Co were at the top of the list. 10/10

  13. Fair comments, Chiengmaijoe, agree with most of what you say, and I also wouldnt want to be embarrassed when out socialising. The fact about Chiang Mai, though, unlike Bangkok is that most of the foreign residents are living here in retirement and generally most people would be living on quite a bit less than pre retirement days, and as a result, budgets do have to be balanced.

    As for The Game, I still want it to succeed despite early teething problems, but in order to do so, the owners will have to take a look at pricing strategies because Chiang Mai is not Bangkok, and what they seem to have done so far is replicated everything from their place on Sukhumvit Road including, crucially, prices. In order to succeed, a place surely has to work around and alongside the competition, and unless theres something totally unique, which in this case there isnt, people will make choices based on value for money, and as many have pointed out, there are loads of places where you can comfortably watch sports, whilst drinking cheaper beer and eating decent but cheaper food!

    I m not a fan of the expression "market forces" but in this case its a direct and crucial issue. The Game is convenient for me because I live less than ten minutes away, but if the place is to attract people to drive from the city centre, or the other side of town, it will have to make people want to go there, and so far none of that is happening. In simple terms, there needs to be a full range of the sports people want to see (they are available, as the UN Irish proves), reasonable priced drinks, not just happy hours which end at 6pm, and right now the food looks OK but is being charged out at Bangkok not Chiang Mai prices.

    The other thing crucial to success is to have a streetwise sports geek who not only knows whats on, but also how to get it (and I dont mean illegal streams which could be dangerous for them with the law). People should be able to walk right in five minutes before a particular event starts, be it The Ryder Cup, or Formula 1, or important football games, confident in the knowledge that it will be onscreen without needing to ask staff to look for stuff!

    Pretty much sums it up.

    First I wish this new venture the best. Over the years business from Bangkok and Pattaya have tried to expand to Chiang Mai and business from Chiang Mai have tried to expand in Bangkok and Pattaya both directions they failed. Demographics of these two regions are polar opposites. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give the success rate a 4.

    Unless drastic price decreases happen i give it a 2.5 % chance.

    • Like 1
  14. Fair comments, Chiengmaijoe, agree with most of what you say, and I also wouldnt want to be embarrassed when out socialising. The fact about Chiang Mai, though, unlike Bangkok is that most of the foreign residents are living here in retirement and generally most people would be living on quite a bit less than pre retirement days, and as a result, budgets do have to be balanced.

    As for The Game, I still want it to succeed despite early teething problems, but in order to do so, the owners will have to take a look at pricing strategies because Chiang Mai is not Bangkok, and what they seem to have done so far is replicated everything from their place on Sukhumvit Road including, crucially, prices. In order to succeed, a place surely has to work around and alongside the competition, and unless theres something totally unique, which in this case there isnt, people will make choices based on value for money, and as many have pointed out, there are loads of places where you can comfortably watch sports, whilst drinking cheaper beer and eating decent but cheaper food!

    I m not a fan of the expression "market forces" but in this case its a direct and crucial issue. The Game is convenient for me because I live less than ten minutes away, but if the place is to attract people to drive from the city centre, or the other side of town, it will have to make people want to go there, and so far none of that is happening. In simple terms, there needs to be a full range of the sports people want to see (they are available, as the UN Irish proves), reasonable priced drinks, not just happy hours which end at 6pm, and right now the food looks OK but is being charged out at Bangkok not Chiang Mai prices.

    The other thing crucial to success is to have a streetwise sports geek who not only knows whats on, but also how to get it (and I dont mean illegal streams which could be dangerous for them with the law). People should be able to walk right in five minutes before a particular event starts, be it The Ryder Cup, or Formula 1, or important football games, confident in the knowledge that it will be onscreen without needing to ask staff to look for stuff!

    Pretty much sums it up.

  15. I've noticed that many people who used to swear by the plain vanilla basic phones often find themselves upgrading to a 'smart phone' as they discover more and more what a smart phone can do to simplify daily chores. Sometimes, for some, it's hard to admit that change can be good.

    How does it simplify daily chores? Frankly, if I had all the capabilities of my computer in my pocket connected to a satellite, I can not imagine how that would significantly assist in my daily chores? Please do let me know what am I missing?

    Alarms, reminders, notes, grocery lists, online recipes, GPS (maps), address book, camera. All these things can aid in our daily chores. Except doing the dishes and taking out the rubbish.

    When the wheel was being invented would you have questioned that?

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  16. I don't get into town very often these days and I have an excellent Italian restaurant near me in Doi Saket but will certainly pay a visit the next time I am in town in the evening. Thanks for the recommendation George.

    By the way what is your other favorite?

    I'll take a wild guess and say it starts with D and ends in S. With a "The" at the front.

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