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Posts posted by DaamNaam

  1. For those of you who don't frequent the Bangkok local forum, TV member frankwhite - who is on this thread recommending The Game - is almost certainly the manager and/or owner of The Game in Bangkok. Whenever there's a thread on the Bangkok forum asking "what's the best (pub/breakfast/hamburger/place to watch sports/etc.) in Bangkok", frankwhite invariably recommends The Game. Now he's here...recommending The Game.

    I called him on it in this thread but he never responded: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/715340-best-full-english-breakfast-in-bangkok/page-8

    My favorite english breakfast in Bkk

    Sent from my iPhone

    "Coupla things:

    1. Looks like a pretty substantial breakfast. Most posters are listing the cost for the meal in their posts....what's the price?

    2. Many of us have determined that you're the manager of The Game. While I don't necessarily have a problem with that - many businesses post on TV and push their products - the majority admit that in their posts. Full disclosure as a rule will generate more goodwill than concealing what could be considered as a partisan opinion. I've been to The Game several times and I like it...except for the prices. Your location and the rent that it commands is undoubtedly a contributing factor so why not just be up front about it? 'Sell' your quality, service, whatever."

    Wow i guess i must be your obsession if you need to review my past posts and try to be sherlock holmes. I am not affiliated with the game,however i an friends with the gm/chef and i am supporting what they do. Against the law??

    I guess u think its still Thailand 1980 before they taxed imported beer. Also do u know the thai govt. put a 14% sin tax on alcohol last yr??? So you can not make a profit selling $2 beers. You want items from outside thailand you pay for it.

    Stop being old ladies with your gossip and enjoy life

    It's called "constructive criticism" Frank, not gossip. If you or "the game" had of answered the questions on price it wouldn't have gone so far.

    The real sin tax will be an empty establishment with an attitude like that.

    Though i hope it does well.


  2. Just a few thoughts on what people have written:

    I think restricting sales of alcohol to certain hours in the day is a good thing, the hours are not unduly onerous and it does provide for some amount of control and enforced self restraint. Anyway, there's loads of small places in the markets where alcohol can be purchased at any time of day, for those who truly can't wait.

    as u have posted there are other alternative avenues, where one can get a drink etc etc

    so why have a absoulately dumb law in the first place,

    have seen many hissy fits in my world travels (and have done it myself)your o/p is just a storm in a tea cup,in fact I.MO. very boring to say the least

    It's only an "absolutely dumb law" if your an alcoholic, otherwise plan around the times given and respect the local laws.

    been doing the above for the last 8 yrs or so, and its been no skin off my nose

    but that does nt stop me from saying its a dumb law ....,who is it helping,???when one can purchased alcohol during the banned hours , and anywhere i might add

    But only wholesale amounts, 10 litres or whatever it is.

    It was put in place to stop young kids being able to get their hands on it.

    Dumb or not, it's here to stay. Get over it, hahaha...You know the song..

  3. My favorite english breakfast in Bkkattachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1402838142.318853.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone

    Coupla things:

    1. Looks like a pretty substantial breakfast. Most posters are listing the cost for the meal in their posts....what's the price?

    2. Many of us have determined that you're the manager of The Game. While I don't necessarily have a problem with that - many businesses post on TV and push their products - the majority admit that in their posts. Full disclosure as a rule will generate more goodwill than concealing what could be considered as a partisan opinion. I've been to The Game several times and I like it...except for the prices. Your location and the rent that it commands is undoubtedly a contributing factor so why not just be up front about it? 'Sell' your quality, service, whatever.

    I would be interested to know the price too, please. If it's not too much to ask.

  4. Thanks for the heads up UG.

    You can never have too many threads on Pizza parlours.

    Would you say there would be somewhere to park a car? Looks tight on trip advisor photos.

    I only go there at night and the whole street is pretty empty then, but it is very close to a Wat and also on the less busy part of the street, so I'm guessing that parking would not be a big problem at other times.

    I found out about this place from Joe Cummings, of Lonely Planet fame, and he has turned me on to other really good pizza places in the past, so I trust his judgment.

    I trust both Joe's and your judgement. Both Chiang Mai icons.

    The pizza looks great.


    • Like 1
  5. They could build a tram system like Sheffield, UK


    They run on city roads & there are also dedicated tracks.

    CM traffic would have to be more disciplined & motorbikes might slip on wet rails, but hopefully people would use the comfortable aircon trams rather than scooters.

    The chaos this would cause would be mind dumbing.

    You would have to completely ban motorised transport anywhere near these trams.

    Melbourne and San Francisco yes, Chiang Mai, not in a million years.

  6. My kids school is trying to organise one for teachers and parents.

    As far as i know there are none for individuals.

    In the past I have had to go to Singapore to get my "first aid at work" certificate.

    Anything regarding first aid or safety is not a high priority here, sadly. Though that is changing slowly.

    Perhaps try asking the Red Cross.


  7. Just a few thoughts on what people have written:

    I think restricting sales of alcohol to certain hours in the day is a good thing, the hours are not unduly onerous and it does provide for some amount of control and enforced self restraint. Anyway, there's loads of small places in the markets where alcohol can be purchased at any time of day, for those who truly can't wait.

    as u have posted there are other alternative avenues, where one can get a drink etc etc

    so why have a absoulately dumb law in the first place,

    have seen many hissy fits in my world travels (and have done it myself)your o/p is just a storm in a tea cup,in fact I.MO. very boring to say the least

    It's only an "absolutely dumb law" if your an alcoholic, otherwise plan around the times given and respect the local laws.

    The man who requested this law lives on a hill and his name can't be mentioned, nobody will be arguing against it , period. End of story.

  8. You seem to be thinking like a westerner...


    Possibly, but my last post could equally have come from city planners and civil engineers from Singapore, S Korea, Japan, and I am sure many other non western countries.

    Yes, and look how sterile and uninteresting Singapore has become! A poor analogy I'm afraid.

    It's clean and safe, easy to maintain, has rubbish bins every 15 metres, has full wheel chair access for the disabled, cheap well maintained taxis. Yes at a price of course, but at least the tax payers money isn't being pilfered so much there.

    Anyway, Thailand will never be a Singapore, they don't have the discipline nor the drive for it. Hammock under a coconut tree is as far as they want to go...But with 3/4G and iPhones..

    • Like 1
  9. I think I paid 250 Baht (+7%) for a pint of Guinness last Sunday

    If that's the case will stick with The Pub and UN Irish.

    A pity with The Game being a stones throw from my door.

    I have been to UN pub and i will go to The Game any day. cold beer, 14 tvs, air conditioning, nice staff, and the food is delicious.

    So i take it you haven't been to The Game yet? Life isnt about prices my friend. Enjoy life

    Don't assume anything. I've been.

    I won't write it off just yet, but the signs are there, seen them too many times before here.

    Lets see what happens in time.

  10. Thanks for the heads up UG.

    You can never have too many threads on Pizza parlours.

    Would you say there would be somewhere to park a car? Looks tight on trip advisor photos.

  11. Completely impractical, and will never happen. Beautiful map, but where are they going to run these light rail cars? Down the center of the road? You will never be able to get across to them for traffic, plus the roads are not wide enough on the proposed routes. Down the side of the roads? Property acquisition would be prohibitive.

    Cable cars and tunnels to Mae Hong Son spring to mind!

    We seem to be stuck on the idea of ABOVE ground. The BKK system is so slow, and such a small area, with the exception of the train out to the airport.

    Go underground like all the major cities around the world. Fast, efficient, out of sight, no land takeovers apart from stations. The technology is there, but just possibly the money isn't.

    Does anyone have figures on population growth in Chiang Mai in the past 5 years, and projected population? The number of new condos opening up in the past few years is amazing.

    Doesn't seem to be a lot of urban planning, and where are the parks? Can't walk around the footpaths - they've already been invaded by motor bikes.

    Haha, go underground. Have you seen the wiring here, they can't even get that put underground like most places around the world have already done.

    100 years plus or minus a year or two before CM gets a MRT.

  12. re

    What does one normally say, oh yeah, useless without pictures - Dave?

    sorry cannot .... im right out of pizzed off angry blondes

    this is the only angry looking bird ive got smile.png


    Who would want a picture of some pissed up thirty plus UK broad, apart from dart practice, he'll go to the mall and check out some really good looking chicks.

    The malls are great "perving places". Possibly in the worlds top 5. This is why I'm more than happy to go quite often with the family, otherwise wouldn't bother at all.

    Sorry, slightly off topic...

    Yeah ban all pisshead sheilas from makro...haha

  13. any knowledge of 'the Pub', across the road from MAYA? sign says it's the best in CM, or at least was in 2012. LIke beer prices, loud raucous music, sports TV, grub, expat guys/gals or Thai mostly.

    I was there last weekend for the first time and quite liked it. Half dozen or so of us watching ManU/Swansea, Guinness and Kilkenny on tap for the lowest price I've found in CM (199 thb). I liked that it has an outdoor seating area - covered - with fans. Met the owner, seemed nice enough, classic rock playing during the breaks in the games. I'd go again.
    Guinness at 190 in the night bazaar pub. How much at the new sports bar?

    I have asked 3 times now, no response yet. This is over a 3 day period. Not winning many fans.

    news flash: i have just been told i have to go in to see the prices...all i did was ask how much a Guiness pint was...Lost me, before it even began.

  14. Scum are scum wherever they come from.

    Change to "Scum are scum from wherever they come"

    and you have a nice bit of verse in iambic pentameter.

    e.g. A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a Horse!

    <deleted>? This has to be the winner of most "off topic" post for today, if not the week.

  15. No from the post of the Facebook page it says "all of the time".

    I for one am happy to see that price for a beer.

    Agreed, the Facebook page now says draft Leo 95 baht a pint all day.....this has been introduced 15 hours ago according to the post on Facebook, but at the top of the page, it also says happy hour monday to friday until 6pm, as I quoted before.

    If they re responding already to criticisms of high prices, then good......but if they really are going to sell Leo for 95 baht a pint all the time, then I would hazard a guess that they arent going to sell very much draft Tiger, draft Singha, draft Chang......all selling at 150 baht a pint ??!!

    The sign out the front says "all the sports all the time" as well. And that's not true, not yet anyway.

    • Like 1
  16. I asked my Thai neighbor about a light rail system for CM and he said it won't get budget approval as CM doesn't have control over these funds. Decisions are made in bkk..

    Traffic in the near and far future will become the #1 problem on why foreigners start to choose elsewhere to retire and will see significant # of CM ex-pats moving out of the area.

    That's my story and i'm sticking to it...


    . .

    Do you think the Thai government will care when this exodus begins (began)?

    I love the idea of a public transport system for CM, don't get me wrong.

    Just won't see it happen in this eon, or the next most likely.

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