In certain areas of the country and certain family situations some have to make do.
Going away from their home or trying to change their situation isn't always in the options.
There are others who will and can play the system.
Depends on people and there perception of how they view 2 wheel machines.
My scoot and Wave are for pottering around locally.
My big bike is for bike trips so pretty simple for me.
Thanks for that Info my bad I just jumped to conclusions long ago without investigating.
Also just to go on the difference between Harry and his brother.
Megan seems to be getting most of the blame.
Just to add I don't like Piers Morgan.
Don't understand the riding 55years and not have a motorbike DL.
Anyway those answers can be found on the internet, maybe someone else here can help.
I think neally all of the questions are obvious or just a simple remember once known.
My Oz friend had help at the DLT office by staff when he took the computer test.
I remember the question about the military Tank. ????
All your see is picket lines I reckon.
UK don't need the post office.
Railways only need drivers.
NHS management has got to get it's act together to stop wasting money so it can be paid to others.
Firemen, teachers etc etc etc will have to except what's offered if anything.
Well businesses should adjust and managed their business differently now and not be so lazy, there's more work and more paperwork, less profit yes that's tough but instead of moaning get on with and work harder or close down.