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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. "Start car and have to pump brake pedal to get any brakes", you can believe me if you wish but that means take the car to a workshop and get the brakes fixed asap.
  2. I would say bring proof of UK name change, maybe a confirmation letter from UK embassy. Get Thai translations and photocopies, get new Thai driving licences and change name at the bank.
  3. Yes as i have said that's why a UK photocard driving licence doesn't need an IDP all information on the UK DL is in English. A copy of the UK DL and a copy of your passport and passport entry stamp page is all you need to drive around Thailand. Even then my 3 sons and 1 of my daughters have never needed to show the copies to anyone when they come holiday here and drive everywhere over some 17 years.
  4. Exactly hence the question and why the UK photocard Driving licence let's you drive in Thailand legally without an IDP. Not know of any other countries DL's that are able to do the same. Also in Sukhothai DLT you can get a Thai DL without an IDP.
  5. Not really, you can pay the fine for sure easy done and get on your way but if you don't mind the hold up and tell the policeman his wrong and you want go to the police station and see the chief constable all will be ok. Has anyone got a western home country IDP that has Thai writing printed in the IDP.
  6. Never seen an IDP translated to Thai script. Can't get a Thai DL in Sukhothai DLT with a Oz DL without having an IDP with it, don't know about other DLT province officies.
  7. No, a Thai wife is sufficiate.
  8. You know full well I did not mean that if divorce is carried out in UK. I do know from experience.
  9. 2017 Isuzu 1•9 smartcab. Yes 10 monthly payments @ 864 baht. Handly and easy to manage. I forgot to mention that it's business insurance we had to have to cover items carried in the truck Utes rear back tray. It doesn't cover people in the back tray or animals.
  10. Depends on the couple a mutual seperation and the marriage dissolved is not a great cost.
  11. Most bikes are set up for 60 kilo people, the preload is always best with it taken to its highest height when your 2 up on your scoot. Even an APS Honda bike dealer can sort it for you.
  12. It's not that clear, 400 baht which you can sometimes negotiate down to 200 baht is available when you haven't got a DL.
  13. I have renewed with them for the 3rd year not experienced any claim my wife dealt with them initially as the trucks in her name. Hope I don't have a claim only insure in case i do. ???? I pay 864 over 10months which includes CTPL.
  14. Another old story.
  15. Go and get it checked out if you cannot do it yourself.
  16. 6 months is not necessary. 15,000k or 1 year is OK. Cockpit is who I use say 10,000 or 1 year, I go 15,000k or 1 year and couple months to sometimes.
  17. Thai government Compulsory Third Party Liabilities. Which you have to have to get the Road tax disc.
  18. That's where the govt CTPL comes in and why it's composory.
  19. You are twisting some, there were only about 3 posters who considered my rating without comment was unjustified, I don't agree with them it was just something done on the spur of the moment. As I have said I have removed the rating. To be fair there are other ways to approach me than doing so in front of other people and offering me out to fight while I'm sitting in someone else's restaurant in the village.
  20. And not being able to give people 1 star and upset them. ????????????
  21. When I came 1999 there were flip mobile phones that you email on.
  22. Well if you gave a 1 star rating and wrote nothing you will get vilified by a few nutters on here. ????
  23. ???? Which 7-11 there's two. What's wear a wife beater.?
  24. You are funny I give you 1 star for that post. ????
  25. You can't get out of your ignorance with that post I really can't be bothered to explain to you the situation. You obviously have no idea about Thai friend relationships.
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