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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. I did a thicker slab because we put 2m high fill in and although we le:t it for a year and got heavy bulldozer running up and down on it we still put a grid of beams and the slab was poured on top of them. If the the ground had not been infilled I wouldn't of bothered with the beams.
  2. We have a list which I stick to every year but will always find something, I will say something if they change things from the last year. e.g. I put 2 postcard pix of us on one A4 photo paper the first year the new immi office was open, the officer said no we want 1 pix on 1 A4 photo paper but ok we will except this time. The following year I put 1 pix on A4 photo paper and the same officer said Oh no you shouod put 2 pix on 1 A4 copy paper and I am expected not to say anything well I certainly will. A week before we went to immi office last year my mrs rang up and asked how many pix shall we put on the A4 copy paper, she left out saying this year. ????
  3. Google have concrete calculation sites usually 15 cm is adequate. Ours was OTT and a hand constructed rebar reinforced framework with a 20 cm thick slap on consolidated ground.
  4. The V12 E-type I was given a ride in was like motorbike 1000c G force hard acelaration. ????
  5. Your right about electrics on the Jag E-type V12 and cooling problems in hot weather apart from that they were a reliable V12 of there day.
  6. Never seen the Sukhothai immigration busy yet, I think that's why they keep us a long time talking to my Mrs for something to do. There's lots of papers for marriage extension, I always put them in proper order but I always say leave the date off of one of the forms so they can find something it works and makes them happy. ????
  7. Costs in Thailand are problem of course you need deep pockets to buy one of the V8 Mercs model which have proven reliability and the latest V12. Whenever people mention V8 makes me think straight away of V8 Chevi lumps as a swap out.
  8. That's how I understand it because I believe the US Citibank UK branches in the UK have the same holidays as the UK banks.
  9. The easiest way it to use an agent if you don't want to bother with it yourself, Key Visa is who I have used.
  10. I believe they do. Tell me otherwise if you know.
  11. Out of interest I don't want to find out but is the write off value on a vehicle given by the insurance company the payment they will make. Has anyone surviving a write off crash experienced payments.
  12. Yes a US company which has branches in UK where a UK branch I presume is the London branch which pays UK pensions abroad.
  13. You can't change where your UK pension gets paid into straight away it can only be done on an annual basis.
  14. Neither has mine in 9 years but if your pension is suspended like mine was because I never received a life form they allegedly sent to me, when you telephone them that day and ID for them to send your pension it take 7 or 8 days for it to be in the Thai bank.
  15. CM immigration is who Sukhothai phone if there not sure what to do about someone's situation. So BKk and CM have equal authority I guess within Thailand.
  16. There's insurance company you insure the vehicle with can give a valuation.
  17. I never had a problem with Maesot immigration now some of the staff where we go now deserve comments made as I see it as there practices are unprofessional and intimidating as we see it. The last visit we found a rivalry amongst the new head person in charge and the regular staff, the staff were saying an item was acceptable as it was the presented the same as years before and it was being over-ruled which is unacceptable.
  18. On the news just now the Queen has very mild symptoms and is still carrying out light duties. May her God bless her. Xxx
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