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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Our farmland has border ucalytus trees they grow like wildfire, we have a number cut down about every 5 years but not great money, from memory price per tree ranges from 500 to 800 baht from memory.
  2. If I was in the market for another truck I go for the V6 Ranger.
  3. At application time 400,000 for a 2 months period required. They advise keeping the money while waiting for approvement from immigration head office in case you need to re-apply for any reason.
  4. Your Passport is stamped for 30 days the day you apply for your 1 year marriage extension. We us immigration then call us when they want me to get my passport stamped for 1 year usually it's 2 or 3 weeks. Immigration did not always insisted on so much paperwork when we were under Maesot immigration and only 18 A4 papers of information was needed for marriage. Since the opening of more province immigration centres they started asking for dates the same day you go, a day a couple of days before was always OK.
  5. We don't keep pets, family next door has a dog and neighbours have cats, there are some wild ones too so mice and rats never seem to be a problem.
  6. They take care of themselves around our way.
  7. Yes some immigration officers can be always finding something to pull you up on amongst the papers depleting rain forests, this year I have my 72 A4 papers ready to go. We have always done a photo of us in the bedroom with the wardrobe doors open showing my clothes hung up along side my wife's. ???? The last change they insisted on is that the date we go to apply is on the letter from the bank. Also the bank book has to be updated on the day we go. Our Sukhothai branch is OK but they have to follow orders of what's wanted as directed from their Chiang Mai head office. My wife was told they find a lot of scam married arrangements.
  8. well as I said an inverter will not save you much..
  9. Not really I have liquorice tea, green tea of many flavours, mint tea, liptons tea, water, soda, soy milk, coconut milk and Chang beer. ????
  10. Well at least you realise not everyone the same.
  11. Why he sounds like lightweight to me. ????
  12. Yes there is a number of reasons for immigration giving OP's friends 3 months. The marriage visa is used a lot in corruption.
  13. Obviously because the couple have not forfilled all requirements needed to be stamped for a 1 year stay for married. Going to renew our marriage visa of stay 6th July will be our 17th time.
  14. I just enjoy beer most of the time eating as well, I don't drink enough to get drunk I know cut off point when socialising.
  15. Costs savings depend on the insulation efficiency of the house build. I found no difference in savings electric use from buying a cold blow air-con unit or a air-con inverter unit only that the inverters are more expensive and we're difficult to find anyone to fix em.
  16. On holiday for about 2 years at first retiring and driving around Thailand. Get out and about on motorbike trips all over Thailand still now. Take the Mrs in the truck to places she likes to go sometimes. I don't get bored I have my hobbies and farmland to go to.
  17. 500 kilos travel in Thailand whow !!
  18. My step son built a a house just over a year ago in Isaan on wife family owed land 1,200,000,l 3 bedroom, big kitchen, T shaped living area, 2 bathroom on on suite, small rear garden, driveway it's great. Costs are extra obviously for aircon etc when required and some furniture and fixings.
  19. Chinese tyres now just as good as Pirelli anyway who cares.
  20. Having dealt with people in UK doing psychiatric social work I keep my compassion in the right box.
  21. How can anyone have compassion for a person who didn't just kill one person but then when on to kill others come on.
  22. Forget thinking UK is your first step.
  23. Yeah I just strong opinion as to what is done in the UK which is getting to be a joke. Pitchfork was out one time before so the parole couldn't of taken any notice of victims obviously saying no to release. As for Bellfield forget legal just common sense will do. Murderers like Bellfield shouldn't have rights to marry also will they be letting him out sometime to.
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