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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. I think they eat everything not just grass. Geese are supposed to be OK. ????
  2. Yeah I'm an English builder, good at Maths but English spelling I apologise. Would like spell check on my mobile but not good with them either.????
  3. We will only know that if he buys it. ????
  4. If I really wanted to bother buying a bike from the said dealer if it were me I'd want a copy of the green book after checking the frame number and engine number also the signed transfer DLT paperwork by the previous owner then take the copies to the DLT to check, if they say it's OK I would say it's OK to buy. Once the transfer paperwork has been completed at the DLT office and the green book is in your name the previous owner can do nothing. The money lender shops or pawn shops that give money against a bike will keep the green book if the bike owner doesn't pay then the lender takes possession of the bike and then get their money back buy selling to a secondhand dealer, hence cheap. Whether the process was done properly of getting the owner to sign the bike off on the DLT paperwork is fake or not, the fact is in the possession of the green book.
  5. What about the otherside finish look of the fence once you infill the ground.
  6. Kwasaki

    Will Advice

    There is another thread on Wills you can do a Will for Thailand assets and you can do a Will for UK assets. So simple what's all the fuss here.
  7. At the DLT office all would be reviled.
  8. Thailand is happy with your 800,000 for 3 months whatever and your 400,000 in the bank all year or 65,000 every month coming in good on you falangie.
  9. Most local ordinances include "quiet times." A typical ordinance prohibits loud noises between 11 p.m. and 7 or 8 a.m. on weekdays and 11 p.m. or midnight until 8 to 10 a.m. on Sundays and holidays. It is worthwhile to check your local ordinance before making formal complaint so that you can cite the law.
  10. Yeah I've been living here full time 18years I know there are many way to to stay here when you not have the dosh. I hope those who want to stay continue to be OK. Myself I have my marriage visa dosh in the bank all the time.
  11. For sure more like Billion and the title says if money wasn't an issue.
  12. I'd like say 3 places 1 being a ranch place in US, 2 on some remote island somewhere and 3 during retirement no problem Thailand being one of them with access to my helicopters and Learjet.
  13. We extended our with channel steel from Global.
  14. That would be of no interest to me what all these different genders do as long as they don't bother me.
  15. Agree travel insurance for tourists yes, no matter whose in charge of governing Thailand. For those living here health insurance at usually 70 + many cannot get. Taking care of your health as best you can is what's needed. My local government hospital where I pay for regular check ups is excellent.
  16. I have had 4 life forms in 10 years. The y send out by snail mail and because of that they extended the 12 week return to 16 weeks.
  17. Had my UK pension stopped twice because never received a life form from them. Never had trouble sending a life form back by medium Thai post recorded Air mail. Maybe it got held up because EMS needs a signature and there was no one there to sign it.
  18. There are mentally challenged people in our village, in Thailand they are released after being put on drugs and sent back to their family to take care. People need to know this and it was reported loud music cause the confrontation. The situation was handled badly and tragedy ensured.
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