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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Just a note for you I have found the aftermarket arrow vanes that give a good flight the vanes that were put on the carbon arrows initially were not that good. The ones that are plastic but look like real feathers are good, the ones that are one piece plastic shape are smaller and I found didn't give such and good accuracy flight.
  2. It would be regarded as an illegal gun but it never leaves the farm they were ready available to buy in Pattaya a good few year back. Yeah 35 metres I can get rusty when not taking up my archery so I am glad when I get all 10 or 15 arrows on the target board taking wind into account and concentration is quite relaxing.
  3. Thai brother in law has a •22 air-rifle I should of wrote which shoot on my farmland where I set targets up to as far as 90 metres. My archery target board is a permanent set up to, I just move to 3 set out distance positions 35 metres is my favourite distance.
  4. We notice low voltage rarely, it happens in very hot weather which I would expect because of extra air-con usage I guess. It doesn't last too long before maybe PEA cranks up some more power dunno.
  5. Yeah difficult at moment for me taking up my archery as it so hot this time of year and I'm not an early riser these days. My Cartel olympic bow is 80 lb pull and set up with a bow loop so I can trigger shoot same as a compound bow. I have a target stand set up of 25 metre, 35 metres and 50 metres. I enjoy archery and shooting my b.i.l. 2.2 rifle on my small bit of farmland. Motorbike tours around tours is also one of my hobbies.
  6. Not illegal for falangies to own. Compound bows I found boring, an Olympic type bow or traditional English long bow requires skill. Just saying.????
  7. That's a good result by sound of things. ????
  8. I service my truck at Cockpit . They were doing a special on Air-con servicing cleaning and check etc. I just said OK then but it was 1,800 altogether the cabin filter was 450 included. I thought expensive but it was notably colder from immediately starting the engine at lower settings too.
  9. Yes there doesn't seem to be much concern other than the usual media hype, I heard the water used is also recycled until it is too hot, then fresh water is used again.
  10. Whatever unless you want a change of motor the car air-conditioning needed a part after 11 years isn't that bad.
  11. The consensus is with the situation as it is in regards to importing beloved motorbikes into Thailand nowadays is forget it. To find and buy a frame registered in Thailand of the same bike and then get all other parts of the bike in OZ sent over may be possible is where this thread got to so OP would have a frame.
  12. Aircon in motors need servicing too ya know.
  13. As said I got all my carbon arrows, a Cartel Olympic bow and target board material from Chiang Mai archery they have a store in Bangkok to.
  14. You should be ok now, they sent a PDF life form by email to me when I didn't receive a life form they said has been sent to me. They started paying my pension again. I use the email questionnaire to tell them I have return the PDF copy life form to them. A recent life form that I sent they must have received because it's been more than 16 weeks and my pension is being paid.
  15. https://www.ebay.com/itm/175504720957?hash=item28dce5843d:g:jZQAAOSw~WZjgNr9&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8DxMKXVveJbFf7d0gdjYjiwbKvjgW4%2F9%2F7w8pBfvzDGCg4qYdD0l7APql5U44ele%2Fu4iHWMQ6XXBcZj0Pe5K5DSO0ovsHYe1bLGM531akZYQ6PZg%2B81PVNK9cqObhgGQdSPWqPgKfCNEXSwrH9QORAXMxIwNCkRCOftWuKLlWlmGCS03S9%2B4NwbIh9iHzh02edDOlf1%2B6ugtrwEl4N5qvnS1UY8MJi9orcNeFyfg0QiNs1XI2TWGs3RoZKTnjt92BccKBDpXWo4MH%2F00J06E4ofkA9fS7hiB63U0Ir6PMrOoAR3xkzeVis9hkn3SPUDGhg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBM8Pru9pNi
  16. ???? I still dable in roofing helping friends or neighbours with advice. The sheets on my house were profiled in aspectos cement the ones you can get now are fibre cement as far as I know, the fixing of types of steel sheet roofing and tile types are used in the main nowadays. Yes on my house I would over roof it as it would improve aesthetics and insulation and save a great deal on labour costs.
  17. Having been an ex-roofer depending on size and costs either fix the leaks easily done with these type of roof sheets or overroof the area with corrugated steel one length sheets and necessary flashings.
  18. Over 20 years ago those roof sheets were the only locally supplies available. We have had about 5 leaks in all that time and are just fixed easily or you can still replace the sheet.
  19. Hope the kids pull through perish the thought of this happening to any of my grand kids and great grand kids.
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