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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. From my sources. 2016 the T60/70 and the 2•0 Ltr engine was developed with GM.
  2. The MG plant in UK has nothing to do with Morris other than name. Although the first new MG for 16 years in UK was put together in UK, all its parts come from China.
  3. Track record on my 1•9 Isuzu engine is short too.
  4. I think they are much of a muchness. Why don't you go and test drive one.
  5. Kwasaki

    Will Advice

    Yeah thanks, we have already discussed the importance of emptying my account. Changing the account from a bank book only investment account to a ATM card account was the reason for my Mrs to be able to do that.
  6. People in the video say it all. Too much too soon. Any teacher that is happy with teaching 3 year old that should be put on a pedophile watch list.
  7. Kwasaki

    Will Advice

    From what I can gather is my wife takes all the money and empties the account, and just leave it empty. The joint account once empty can just do the same. There is nothing else with my name on it, all motors and bikes are in her name. My uk daughter will sort the UK bank stuff and empty that to.
  8. Kwasaki

    Will Advice

    Mrs spoke to bank manager and she said you have the Will and named in the Will as the sole beneficiary and it has been approved by local govt. The joint account you can withdraw from and if you have the pin and ATM card of your husbands account you can withdraw and empty that, we don't need to know whether he has died. As for UK on-line account they no need to know either my daughter in UK has all the details to access that to transfer any funds to her step Ma in Thailand. So all set.
  9. When I contacted Kawasaki head office they were very helpful with my problems concerning my Versys 650. Hence my suggestion and I'm pleased Kawasaki is helping you out.
  10. Kwasaki

    Will Advice

    I'm beginning to think what's the point of a Will. ???? My Mrs knows the manager of the bank so as I said I report bank what she says. It was immigration that mess things up wanted the visa money in my name only some many years back instead of in our joint account.
  11. Kwasaki

    Will Advice

    My Mrs hasn't approached the bank yet as the Will and the translation of the Will has only just recently be approved by the local Anfur. What happens in UK as we all know is not necessarily the same as in Thailand. Will be going main bank branch next week sometime I will report back their response.
  12. Kwasaki

    Will Advice

    A lady in our village who's husband was from Norway didn't have to go go court when he died, he left a Will with his wife and she got access to all his money as he requested. Nothing to do with translation as long as the main points of the Wil written in English are understood in the written translated Thai.
  13. No 1200 from memory for road tax for my 1.9 Isuzu.
  14. My truck is a smart cab maybe 2 door road tax is paid on it but it has 4 doors, I put 3 aftermarket seat belts in the rear cab section and recently the police didn't fine at any police stops, there were people in back too which I would of thought a fine would be given, but nowt, waved on.
  15. Install Loft hatch and put foil wrapped fibreglass rolled out over the entire area the thicker the better.
  16. Any rear fixtures to the rear tray area of a truck needs to be reported to the DLT office and you get papers to show the police if they pull you up to ask.
  17. Kwasaki

    Will Advice

    Well yeah the Thai language is very complicated and my translation which I did myself was laugh at by my Thai friend, he translated it for me so as in his words was as near as you can get as to what a Thai speaking in Thai saying what you wrote in English. The translation was understood by my Mrs and the local govt Anfur office and stamped accordingly.
  18. Kwasaki

    Will Advice

    Seeing as you are Experto Crede on Wills, is what my wife and I did OK. Thanks. I have written my Will for Thai assets to go to my wife. Had 2 signed witnesses. My Mrs had it translated into Thai and then took it to local govt office and they stamped and approved it.
  19. Yes thanks I am aware of changes. My laptop computer I only use for online UK bank, Wise and Netflix, get most other things from Internet. I Google when I want to wipe history and run a check on virus etc dunno if that's any good but it looks good. ????
  20. My copy windows 7 has been fine a notice from Google has appeared saying I must get windows 10 to continue to get protection updates.
  21. Listening LBC London talk radio station Boris says hand em over so maybe the present govt mob are trying to hide something.
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