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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. From memory a membrane Preparation was laid then a floor slab. Concrete beams that the wall was built on had a water proofing mix, no pvc was used on our house.
  2. I would say so because it's registered in Thailand. After 3 or 5 years whatever you would have to re-register the bike when or if it makes it back to Thailand.
  3. Dunno about you but I would need go to the finance bank with the seller to pay bike off and get the the green book in my hand.
  4. FYI the ECU (electronic control unit) is the heart of cars these days, plug it into a computer and will do a diagnosis of the cars fuel system etc etc.
  5. Fair call but where you choose to live you have to except the extra costs. I think today newbies builds here are lucky, 20 years ago was a nightmare but I'm happy with my aspectos cement roof cover in the blue that the local govt told us what we had to have. ????????
  6. It may well be galv metal sheeting what you miss with respect is the thickness of the covers sheet profile thickness which again can make other manufacturers turned out a cheaper sq metres price. Example in simple terms sheet thickness •3mm, •4mm, •5mm, •7mm. Top or bottom in construction. Foam quaility.
  7. I think OP knows that but it's an external bubble part of a house that needs insulation as well as floor area and external outside surrounding wall areas.
  8. That's what it was put in production to do. The thicker the better and vent the roof space.
  9. I got dumped at 72 from private health insurance wish I'd never bothered in the first place. Accident sometimes can't be avoided and if in Truck/car/bike you hope insurance covers that. I get checked up every 4 months at my local govt hospital I'm registered with and the young doc there take care and keeps an eye on me at costs of 700 to 1000 each visit. I always try to take good care of myself on coming Thailand just the same as i did in UK. If I thought was at risk of serious illness or in frail condition and had health problems i probably wouldn't of considered retirement here in the first place.
  10. Same just different companies, always worth checking alternatives of price delivery and whether can recommend a competent roof fixer.
  11. Try checking plugs plugs first then should get an idea when you see what condition there in.
  12. Just another architecture design technic.
  13. Fair call still have my cold storage unit head on even after 20 years.????
  14. If a suitable underlining foil is in place of a galv steel underlining it will serve just as well and bring costs down. I guess it could be a choice as to the design of the build to whether the underside would be used as a finished ceiling.
  15. If that composite roof panel section has the galve steel underlining sheet I would use it but use 75mm thick insulation instead of what looks in the image as 25mm. Personally I would put slate tiles on top in addition if it were my house. A lining sheet can be placed on roof purlins, then 75mm thick foam board then a roof steel that looks like tiles would be my other option.
  16. On UK projects we used foam spray to fill in cavity places in akward details of roof design that is only knowledge I am familiar with about foam use, apart from reading some reports on foam used on roof. To put a single skin roof on and spray foam or use underside products to insulate is not something I would do in Thailand.
  17. In my experience In would disgree a one lump of completed composite roof panel placed and fixed on a roof is better half dozen different components to make up a roof. The fixing is simple enough by a competent fixer and as I said before the insulation level the panels return make them very useful in the building of cold storage units.
  18. Initially first reports from memory it deteriates and cracks up and falls off in some cases not all. It is used quite a bit on already installed roof property and I would say improvements of foams used and the technology will get better.
  19. Why don't you like this composite roof panel system. In UK I saved on site time labour costs on every project so there's the only difference I can see Thailand wise. The Thai Labour of installing would be my concern not price.
  20. Maybe OP will post his findings I hope so it will be interesting.
  21. No to translate without payment is not my thing. OP is getting a good product, my only concern is the workmanship with installing the panels using a competent Thai roofing contractor.
  22. Nothing is wrong with suggestion but always there's a but and not wanting browny points myself having been in the industrial roofing construction business for over 30 years which is where this product design came from and has been made to be adaptable for domestic house constructions OP is choosing an excellent product.
  23. If it is not a composite roof panel then for a new roof project the OP should stay with what he chosen.
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