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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. No unless you fill the book out can you read.
  2. Basically don't drive after dark. Don't go out of you provincial area, if you do you have to fill out the book they give to write down where you go and where you stay.
  3. Pretty obvious the NHS needs to be managed better from what I hear from my UK family 2 of who, who works for them.
  4. The showroom will tell you.
  5. Well by all accounts to rejoin the EU is never going to happen and my opinion has always been UK should never of joined in the first place. Pointless to discuss brexit anymore, what's needed is peace in the world.
  6. Maybe and I would hope so for the population of UK. My bias i guess living and working most of my life UK the only time i did well for myself was always under a conservative govt.
  7. What else can Rishi do other than what he is doing, there's not much of a uk money tree. I fail to see what Labour could do other than make things worse.
  8. Well the losses were predicted also said after Labour didn't get that good of a result as many just voted Lib-dem, Green, Independent and others so I saw it as a protest vote. Poor turn out too I thought I heard reported.
  9. Pattaya not my thing or a place I like thats all but ok thanks.
  10. OK thanks maybe a Pattaya thing which I wouldn't trust, I get the Mrs to call them. Sending the Rottweiler in. ????
  11. Have tried many for extra cover but they say bike too old it's a 30 year old classic which something you can insure in many countries except it seems Thailand. I give them a try if you can get me the name thanks.
  12. I'm going for a beer God save the King.
  13. Cannot blame me for history but I believe it made things better for many people in other countries on on have ever they developed. Dunno who you are but I can take it you read and write English.
  14. Separate UK govt issues but understand why you do not understand it I have children of my own.
  15. So you you show yourself what a hypocrite you are.
  16. Very true in UK that's why none of my sons want get married in uk. From what I have witnessed it has worked out OK in Thailand with divorce. The thing is I guess you always get your nutters.
  17. No one upsets me on a forum but let's go come on it's well known of the ignorance of American people knowing of the history of the UK royal family or would onemanfarang disput that.
  18. Yeah in contact with ordinary people so a bit different from mum a sign of a different approach to a younger populated UK.
  19. Hold up mush how would you understand or are you English and been brought up in a time when Kings Charles was born. I'm proud of Englands history what do you have.
  20. There's no point in telling how ignorant the Anti-royalists are there brain hasn't got the capacity.
  21. What an Ignorance post but usually.
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