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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Stuck in the Middle Ages more like. I've been here 20 years and have seen Zero progress in most area's that matter !
  2. Funny; i've always thought Infidelity and Corruption were the main parts of a Cops Duties in Thailand ! Stuff like this is rampant in our area.
  3. What Leadership ? The Country has become Rudderless and is floating in a Sea of Sharks; and that incudes Trump who is only interested in himself being the all powerful Messiah. He couldn't care less about the American People or anyone else unless they want to contrubute to the Trump Fund !
  4. They just never 'get it'. What would bring in a lot more money is lowering the dumb high taxes on Foreign booze, especially Wine, as that is what most of us want. As things are i never buy Foreign Wine or Spirits in Thailand and pick it up in other Countries i visit twice or three times a year on holidays. Wife doesn't drink so that gives me double Duty-Free on the way back in and also visitors coming in bring me more, so always a full Drinks Cabinet. The Thai's are always on about 'Free Trade Deals' with other Countries but what they really mean is a deal where they pay no Import Taxes on their goods going into other Countries but charge high amounts of Tax on goods coming in. This is the one area i agree with Trump on; you put hight Taxes on our goods and we will do the same to you, let's have a level playing field.
  5. Shame Makro didn't use the space to build a Multi-Storey Car Park which would have been much more useful. Now parking area much reduced with most of what's left out in the glare of the sun and too far to walk to the store. Still; this is Thailand where Customers inconvenience don't matter eh !
  6. Spot on. There should be seperarte Tills for Scanners and make them queue up behind each other !
  7. Just a thought. If you've been here for 15 years you should have had a Pink Card and House Yellow Book for many years already. Amazing how many Farang can't seem to get their affairs in order !
  8. Don't you know that these places employ the blind ? They must do as the amount of junk that gets through wouldn't pass !
  9. Mind how you go out there as violence is only ever just under the surface in La La Land. Must be about 40% of them running around with Guns on board.
  10. There always has to be something else that caused it as Thai drivers are perfect in every way !
  11. I bought a new Car 12 years ago; it still has less than 30000 Klicks on the clock and lives mainly under cover. I check the Tyres regularly and last year i started finding cracks on the top curves of the outer walls even though the Tyres are less than half worn, so i had new Tyres fitted minus the spare which is unused and perfect. Funny thing was the Tyre Shop Manager told me they would be selling my old Tyres as part -worns with no guarantee. Apparently there are plenty of Thai takers for such Tyres.
  12. Been getting my 4 packs at Big C recently !
  13. They just love praise don't they but can't take criticism or accept blame for anything !
  14. Yes; having had dealings with them in the past i found them quite arrogant and some had chips on their shoulders as big as The Rock of Gibralter !
  15. Now let me see; how many 'Hubs' is that they have opened since Jan 1st and how can i find them.....Lol !
  16. Most have never wanted to integrate, just take everything they can get whilst slagging off the British way of living. As for being at 'A Crossroads', it passed that point more than 20 years ago and since then Britain is going down a Blind Alley thanks to tranches of gutless Politicians in all the major Political Parties.
  17. You missed something last week when he said 'His Team' will bring and end to the War within 100 Days ! Watch this space.
  18. As 48% of the US Population are already of the 'Coloured' variety they can hardly be called a 'Minority' and within 20 years the Whiteman will become the 'Minority' !
  19. RIP those lost. This sort of thing will never be eradicated from Thai roads as the majority of drivers, particularly the Men, are 'Me First' very selfish types where their own importance outweighs all other safety considerations. I wonder how many of these people were wearing Seat Belts ? However; with that force of impact even Belts won't save everyone.
  20. Always makes me laugh when a Thai Citizen is 'surprised' by Corruption in any Government Institution in this Country when i've never met a Thai who believes there is any honesty in any of them !
  21. They think that if they stand still long enough they have a better chance of being a 'Hub', or they may even get painted !
  22. ''Happen very quickly'' ? They would have to grow Brains first !!
  23. Of all the problems they have the main one is 'Attitude'.
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